View Full Version : Rouges are Overpowered - Rouges are killing the Players to much one hit

01-26-2013, 11:19 AM
Hello Everybody,

How we can see we have an CTF(pvp). But also we can see that a Class is not Faire.

The Damage of the Classes Warrior and Soccerer are Propotional.

But the Rouge is Overpowered.
The Damage of the Rouge is much Higher than the Other 2 Classes.

The most of the Soccerer are one hit,

some of the Soccerer have a chance to stay a live about 2 seconds.

Dear Arcane Legends Team, you told that the Soccerer can stun and so its much Fairness in the CTF. But itīs like a Joke!
Warrior and Rouge can also Stun!

How i think u have a Statistic.. and Look how much New Rouges are now in the Game Until the Update.

We can also see in the Leadboard the PVP-Kills.
or wait i also can write it...
The most Kills in the PVP what a Warrior done: 5.000
The most Kills in the PVP what a Soccerer done: 5.000
The most Kills in the PVP what a Rouge done: 12.300!!!

How about a Rename for the Game??
I think Rouge Legens is much better then ArcaneLegends

Thank you.

01-26-2013, 11:29 AM

01-26-2013, 12:01 PM
Well, u should also see how many flags warriors do, and how mages play with other classes like toys with all those stuns.

01-26-2013, 12:23 PM
Rant, u also obviously havnt played PvP for long and have no idea how to beat a rouge. Also mages have plenty of stuns.

01-26-2013, 12:54 PM
Who told you to 1v1 against rouge? They are suppose to be strong against one and even then good mages kill them by perma stun.
And 2 warriors (good warriors) own the map like hell

01-26-2013, 12:58 PM
Who told you to 1v1 against rouge? They are suppose to be strong against one and even then good mages kill them by perma stun.
And 2 warriors (good warriors) own the map like hell


01-26-2013, 01:24 PM
Mages are underpowered, I have 35 deaths, by rogues. Lol.

01-26-2013, 01:46 PM
Rename it Rouge Legends? Remember the time we wanted to call it Warrior Legends?

01-26-2013, 03:08 PM
Rename it Rouge Legends? Remember the time we wanted to call it Warrior Legends?

I do remember, that was the first days. Only warriors. Warriors everywhere. Now, it's rogues. Rogues everywhere!

01-27-2013, 03:26 AM
The most Kills in the PVP what a Warrior done: 5.730
The most Kills in the PVP what a Soccerer done: 5.763
The most Kills in the PVP what a Rouge done: 16,567 !!! lol man. Look please the game!!! Game Master hu huuu..... are you there???

01-27-2013, 03:40 AM
Quit complaining, its a game, if you arent good or just gonna complain all the time th3n leave!

01-27-2013, 04:54 AM
No point in arguing, there are leaderboards and they tell the story. 20+ of the top 25 in kills are rogues, 20+ of the top 25 in flags are warriors, sorcerers are total failure and not able to compete in either of those categories.

Just remember that all those kills mean someone is dying a bunch too. Total kills = total deaths. When you get a kill, someone gets a death. I bet if STS was to produce total kill and death stats by class, you would see rogues would be well over 50% (many more deaths than kills), warriors would be around 50% (similar number of kills as deaths), and sorcerers would be way below 50% (meaning much more deaths than kills). Just looking at the leaderboards makes this quite obvious.

It's not just the top few rogues that are so good. If you walk around town and look at everyone's inspect pages, rarely do I see a rogue that has more deaths than kills. On the other hand, rarely do I see a sorcerer that has more kills than deaths. I saw a sorcerer today that was 3-126 LOL. Find me a rogue with that percentage.

01-27-2013, 12:27 PM
I'll just give my opinion again. Get better. Sounds harsh, but it's true. I don't think sts should nerf things for one class just to make it easier for another class. Obviously, it's possible to be successful, you just haven't figured it out yet. I've seen several sorcerers that are awesome.

Also, I get one shot too as a rogue.

01-27-2013, 06:29 PM
I'll just give my opinion again. Get better. Sounds harsh, but it's true. I don't think sts should nerf things for one class just to make it easier for another class. Obviously, it's possible to be successful, you just haven't figured it out yet. I've seen several sorcerers that are awesome.

Also, I get one shot too as a rogue.

My suggestion that I posted in a few other threads is that INT points should also count towards Crit just like Dex does, but perhaps slightly less (the same way you get health points from DEX or INT, but not as much as from STR). The main imbalance between rogues and sorcerers are that rogues get critical hits quite often which boosts their damage by 200-250%. Without pets, sorcerers rarely get a critical hit as most of us have Crit % stat below 5%. If they were to make this change, then sorcerers would get critical hits more often and this would even things out. It would also give us a chance to kill warriors which right now is almost impossible 1-on-1 unless the warrior is a bumbling fool and doesn't manage to hit us even once.

01-27-2013, 06:37 PM

01-27-2013, 07:52 PM
Mages are not underpowered at all u guys who rage just dont know how to play them... no offense. I have gotten owned by 1 sorc multiple times u just need shield and a fast killing build... and wars own rogues usually with that shield. So honestly I dont know what the problem is. Stop raging

01-28-2013, 03:39 AM

01-28-2013, 05:19 AM
Yup, sorcerers are the worst in both leaderboard categories.

01-28-2013, 05:34 AM


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02-01-2013, 06:11 AM
lol WHAT a discussion. Sure, rogues rock at PvP, but that don't mean you can't own 'em (speaking as a sorcerer) with one fireball, a well-placed clock and of course a few Gale Forces. 'Course, it would be cool if u had a gun, cuz you can run and shoot. WHAT AN IDEA, STS!!! Running and shooting, the story of my life lol

02-01-2013, 11:05 AM
While we may do high dmg we have no shield or heal buff and die quickly.

02-01-2013, 11:33 AM
Also, keep in mind that Rogues often steal kills. While Warriors and Sorcerers inflict damage and stuns, a Rogue sneaks in with a couple of Aimed Shots and Shadow Piercers, then boom - two kills, zero deaths, while the Warrior and Sorcerer both get nothing.

Kill sniping probably accounts for 50-60% of all Rogue kills.

It doesn't happen often, but I've gone 1v1 against both Sorcerers and Warriors who were very good and knew how to PvP. Both classes can put just about anyone into a perma-stun status. The problem is that there just aren't that many who are really good using the tools in their arsenal.

In PL, it seemed that most Mages and Birds knew how to kite, it just doesn't seem to be the case in AL. I've seen Sorcerers charge my Rogue and launch Gale Force as the initial attack. WTF are they thinking? Aimed Shot, Shadow Piercer, GF. Sorcerers have to lead with Fireball to stun and unwind charged skills. To do anything else against a Rogue is suicide. Once Stunned, a few autos and uncharged skills, then another charged fireball keeps me in permanent stun - unable to retaliate.

Warriors also seem to just charge right in with a Skyward Smash. Poor tactic if that's all you do. Just last night, I came across a Warrior (forgot the name) who effectively used Axe Throw to reel me back in when I tried to kite. Whenever I charged Aimed Shot, he would charge Invincibility, or Chest Splitter negating my attack. Eventually, I run out of Mana and, not for nothing, auto attacks aren't enough to take down Warriors. Finally, a Windmill would wipe me out.

Complaining that a certain class is OP is akin to saying I am not using the best build, or I am not effectively using the skills available. I have PWNED other classes and been PWNED by them. Good tactics and effective use of stuns and other debuffs are the differentiators between noob players and elite players.

Group tactics play a large part in survivability and KDR. I'm not sure if everyone knows it yet, but whomever leads a charge is auto-targeted by the opponents. If a Sorcerer leads a charge without a shield, that is almost a guaranteed death. If you linger behind a Warrior and let him get the auto-target, then move in front after the first wave of charged attacks, your survival percentage goes up. Same advice for Rogues as well. There is a reason why Warriors have high HP and high Armor - they are the tanks that absorb the initial onslaught. Once the first wave is complete, the damage and DPS classes step in to wipe the floor.

02-01-2013, 06:50 PM
I changed some of my gear and now have over 1800 health and I'm still getting one-hit by rogues. This means in order for me to beat a rogue I must be perfect. I cannot get hit even once. When I do manage to beat a rogue I am always left with full health. There is no actual battle. Either I land 4-5 consecutive hits and they die, or they kill me with one hit. Sometimes I land 2-3 hits and then a stun doesn't work, and they then kill me with one hit. I can beat the rogues who don't have top gear, but the elite rogues I have no chance. Yesterday I went up against the same rogue about 10 times in one game, and every single time resulted in me being one-hit. And I got all top sorcerer gear.

02-01-2013, 08:00 PM
Going into battle without a shield is like a Rogue with no Aimed Shot...

02-01-2013, 08:21 PM
Im just here stating my opinion so dont start flaming me but I have a warrior, a rouge, a mage. And I don't think its very fun going off and killing mages with my aimed shot.

02-01-2013, 08:25 PM
Agreed. I don't purposefully chase down mages to pad my stats, but it is usually the mages that wind up killing me because they are the only class that can perma-stun my Rogue. Warriors can to a point, but I can usually handle Warriors. Mages, especially mages with Watchers gun cannot be kited and they stun A LOT.

02-02-2013, 12:48 AM
Rogues have the highest damage output, but unless I forgot about something they don't have any form of shield and their heal has to be picked up after casting it. That's a fair trade IMO, rogues are the highest on the leader board because its a team game and with their damage output they steal the most kills (not complaining there ik it's just teamwork). I've yet to come across a rogue that can just own my Mage in a fair fight they aren't OP there just easy to use, and mages aren't UP they're just harder to use because you have timing to worry about rather than just running up and spamming skills kamikaze style

Edit:When I say own I mean OWN, obviously ive been killed by rogues in 1v1 but its usually evenly matched assuming I don't out gear hem by a mile.