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01-28-2013, 12:23 AM
I believe most of us would agree that we need a way to relay info quickly and privately with teammates in CTF.

I propose replacing the 'Emotes' button with a comparable button/menu with 'quick messages' these could be player defined maybe with a chatcode? Or could be fixed and basic like:

Return to base
Go for the flag

That's all I got.

01-28-2013, 12:34 AM
Yep it is needed. Hopefully they add loadouts chats soon and team only chat in PvP also.

01-28-2013, 01:00 AM
honestly as it stands right now I don't think anyone would use it. I know if i see "color has the flag" I don't drop what i'm doing and run towards base I just try to cut them off. What I think needs to happen is they take away the damage the flag does to you when holding and have it to where you can't score if the other team is holding your flag. that change in itself would make people actually respond or rather react to the other team taking the flag.

01-28-2013, 01:26 AM
I know this works in PL PvP and CTF, but if you do the /team command and then type your message, only your team will see the message. Not sure if that command exists in AL but I think it should.

Basically you do: /team [message here]

01-28-2013, 02:50 AM
honestly as it stands right now I don't think anyone would use it. I know if i see "color has the flag" I don't drop what i'm doing and run towards base I just try to cut them off. What I think needs to happen is they take away the damage the flag does to you when holding and have it to where you can't score if the other team is holding your flag. that change in itself would make people actually respond or rather react to the other team taking the flag.

that is your opinion/gameplay but me and my guildmates/friends team up and play together for better a team. so we need a fast shout out.

01-28-2013, 10:12 AM
that is your opinion/gameplay but me and my guildmates/friends team up and play together for better a team. so we need a fast shout out.

Same, another way some off my guildies do this is we play over Skype at the same time..... This makes it even faster,but not everyone has Skype.

01-28-2013, 02:23 PM
They should implement a macro system where you can macro these things. So you get an extra screen with customization buttons (/team whatever) at a button press.