View Full Version : Bringing back FFA to PL

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02-06-2013, 07:27 AM
Well, as I went to pvp the other day, I noticed that no one was rushing, or they probably stopped rushing as soon as I entered, I guess the ffa event is over?

nope, cuz I wasn't there, lol. oh you would boot rather.

02-07-2013, 11:56 AM
" I haven't seen anything either. This movement died before it started lol"

Really....the worst comment iv heard. Nice way to describe the efford of your old friends.

People who change the topic to kittens arent any constructive to the tread. Changing the topic doesnt mean FFA its over. The game itself is entirely dying. People is wating for news, do you think ffa is over when new sets are introduced? The same people here that dont like ffa are the first ones rushing with the new sets. As long players like me and many more "rush" FFA will live. Unless devs say so. Get over it.

If any changes are made to the pvp system. We shall adapt. If nothing changes we PLAY ON
Stop pocking the dead horse.

02-07-2013, 03:24 PM
Exactly!!! Nice suggestion will. Why won't the devs just listen! That's all we want! Listen to some of these amazing ideas!

Oh, they listen. It's the same type of strategy we use on our girlfriends.

Example: "Mhm babe, yes, yes, yes" *continues playing Black Ops2* "Yes, I agree, there has to be some changes around here"

Next Morning: Same dull morning. ;)

Aw Parthy, do you need a hug? :(

02-07-2013, 08:04 PM
If you want it to be FFA all the time, ask the devs to add a new pvp feature. Because, from my understanding, "ffa" means Free For All. Not one team versus another. Which is what the current maps are, team deathmatch. If free for all is what is wanted, then it should be just that. Everyone against everyone. No teams, just duke it out. That is what you ffa promoters want isn't it? Or do you honestly only want to turn a team death match into something it isn't designed for. Not saying it's designed for the go system either but it sure isn't designed for a free for all if there are teams.

02-07-2013, 09:28 PM
If you want it to be FFA all the time, ask the devs to add a new pvp feature. Because, from my understanding, "ffa" means Free For All. Not one team versus another. Which is what the current maps are, team deathmatch. If free for all is what is wanted, then it should be just that. Everyone against everyone. No teams, just duke it out. That is what you ffa promoters want isn't it? Or do you honestly only want to turn a team death match into something it isn't designed for. Not saying it's designed for the go system either but it sure isn't designed for a free for all if there are teams.

Since you put so much thought into the name of pvp... We want "team death match" which was how it was intended and built for.... Speaking of "team death match". If you are in an arena that is "team death match" prepare to fight or die, not wait to say go. It really isn't that difficult to understand, no need to break down every word and turn it into something it isn't.

02-07-2013, 09:36 PM
" I haven't seen anything either. This movement died before it started lol"

Really....the worst comment iv heard. Nice way to describe the efford of your old friends.

People who change the topic to kittens arent any constructive to the tread. Changing the topic doesnt mean FFA its over. The game itself is entirely dying. People is wating for news, do you think ffa is over when new sets are introduced? The same people here that dont like ffa are the first ones rushing with the new sets. As long players like me and many more "rush" FFA will live. Unless devs say so. Get over it.

If any changes are made to the pvp system. We shall adapt. If nothing changes we PLAY ON
Stop pocking the dead horse.

Is it just me or did you completely miss the intent behind that original statement?

02-07-2013, 09:40 PM
This is why i never play arena, never have and never will.

02-07-2013, 10:19 PM
Aw Parthy, do you need a hug? :(

I sure could use one. :(

02-07-2013, 10:27 PM
This is why i never play arena, never have and never will.

LIES! I have caught you in there before! Just because you're blind doesn't mean that I can't see you. ;)

02-08-2013, 04:54 AM
" I haven't seen anything either. This movement died before it started lol"

Really....the worst comment iv heard. Nice way to describe the efford of your old friends. .

I have and will always consider u a friend.

The point of my comment is...I think Aze's FFA movement is inappropriate and selfish. He wants to rush ppl to bring back FFA for his own pleasure. Thus ruining the gaming experience of others. When all that's needed is to create an FFA game with friends or leave 'go' when you join one.

I love FFA. I enjoy playing it. I just think this approach is wrong.

02-08-2013, 06:14 AM
I have and will always consider u a friend.

The point of my comment is...I think Aze's FFA movement is inappropriate and selfish. He wants to rush ppl to bring back FFA for his own pleasure. Thus ruining the gaming experience of others. When all that's needed is to create an FFA game with friends or leave 'go' when you join one.

I love FFA. I enjoy playing it. I just think this approach is wrong.

It's amazing. People accuse those who support "go" of having their feelings too easily hurt when someone rushes. In reality the people who get the most butt hurt are the ones who rush...

02-08-2013, 08:35 AM
I don't know if this has been said yet but if it were all ffa, how can a team of 17's beat a team a level 22's. In all out ffa would ruin twinking unless we had brackets, and no one 5 levels higher then you could join. Its like this 1-5 skip a level 7-10 skip a level 12- 15 , and so on:)

02-08-2013, 10:05 AM
I have and will always consider u a friend.

The point of my comment is...I think Aze's FFA movement is inappropriate and selfish. He wants to rush ppl to bring back FFA for his own pleasure. Thus ruining the gaming experience of others. When all that's needed is to create an FFA game with friends or leave 'go' when you join one.

I love FFA. I enjoy playing it. I just think this approach is wrong.

I think it's inappropriate and selfish for those who value their kdr so much that they bully newbies into thinking the go system is the proper way when it's not.... Too often I have heard people putting newbs and others down for playing the way the game was intended and they get trashed on.... The only way the go system was ever even accepted was someone prominent in the community made others under them feel like crap for ruining their precious kdr that they wanted so badly to control. I think you have it completely opposite.... The bullies are the go system proponents... Think about it. Establishing the proper way to pvp as it was intended and should be is valiant especially with so many in the wrong willing to trash you for doing what's right.

02-08-2013, 12:06 PM
I love this idea i sold my 76 set a few weeks ago and started 66 pvp for a bit i'll right rebuy my set and support this aze. FFA forever!

02-08-2013, 12:15 PM
On the topic of rushing - it can and will happen. There are no game mechanics that prevent it. If you enter a PvP zone, you should expect to be attacked without provocation. Taken from: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?84933-Rushing-will-not-solve-our-FFA-crisis/page5

This ^... I need not say anymore.

02-08-2013, 12:20 PM
Ppl that support "go" suck. They're either a str Mage, or have one combo somebody else taught them. They can't think on the fly or make adjustments.

Come at me bruh.

02-08-2013, 12:53 PM
Ppl that support "go" suck. They're either a str Mage, or have one combo somebody else taught them. They can't think on the fly or make adjustments.

Come at me bruh.

I support go but you know I can do FFA just fine. :)

02-08-2013, 12:55 PM
Ppl that support "go" suck. They're either a str Mage, or have one combo somebody else taught them. They can't think on the fly or make adjustments.

Come at me bruh.

I support go but you know I can do FFA just fine. :)

You suck. Bahahahaha

02-08-2013, 02:04 PM
Ppl that support "go" suck. They're either a str Mage, or have one combo somebody else taught them. They can't think on the fly or make adjustments.

Come at me bruh.


jk :) I love 1v1 and I love FFA. I'll never understand why 99% of population thinks that they are opposites.

02-08-2013, 02:55 PM
Rushing makes the "rushed" become a better player. It motivates using hate. it makes rushed players work harder to obtain sets to defeat that "bully". I woudnt of never being darkterror if lonearcher or skimm didnt ever rush me. But they did :) So i worked hard and made my way out. With the go system all it does its making the defeated player feel worthless and low confidence. Why? Because it seems to be an slow prosess to wait for the opponent buffs means that he will possibly win again. Without go system even both players with and without full set get a chance to kill each other since their buffs wear off. Pocket legends its not a fair game and the go system makes it even worst.

I think the go system its the one of the reasons less players attend to the game it makes it less "exiting" in other words boring, slow, and less fair for players without a full set. The game experience gets absolutely destroyed with both go and ffa system regardles, thats the point. Make a player play the game more and make him to go farm for a set or even buy plat.

Of coarse its for "its own pleasure" Everyone wants to enjoy the game. I can say that the "go system " ruins my game experience. I think you wanna make the game slow. I think you want this MMO to be like the other ones. I think people wants to make this game less special.
I think thats selfish and it ruins my game experience. The game was made for ffa, that a gcd was introduced it doesnt mean you gotta slow the game down even more with a go system. If a go system "was" ever introduced to the game, there should be an interface option to duel, but the game doesnt have it. Because we are not ment to say go. Open game = Open rules. When an open game is created the host is no more on next game. On a closed game different story. And thats becoming an old bug. Why isnt there "any" urgency to fix this? It gives me the idea that developers support FFA giving more " no host" games helps a litle. This is proven on the "Forgotten Event", in the fact that sets can only get better and the skill point increasing.

I think this will not change any soon and that we will be given the chance to play both go and ffa systems as always since it keeps the drama goin it keeps the game goin. Rushing brings more drama than "go". I personaly think its more efficient ( to make other players go farm and kill the "bullie" to obtain revenge ). I experienced this myself. It works better than the go system, it works better for the speed we kill&die, and it works better for the "low drop rates" on pve! The less the items drop the more forced to buy platinum witch makes developers happy :) .

In resume players get more motivated by "hate" from rushing than from a "humilliation" on a "go" "Duel" fight witch doesnt give the player any reason to come back to the game :/
I believe the "go" system is killing the motivation for players to farm longer. It doesnt help the growth of the game. If the pvp leaderboard doesnt move, cash $ doesnt move.

02-09-2013, 09:03 AM
notice how only angel agrees with you..the people who suck at pvp..lol. listen if i care about KDR i would boost like pawli. also like i showed you last night, you're an easy bird lawl. what was your comment? "thank your OP set"? lol silly fella
couldn't say any better.....

This is how it should be..ppl like aze that rush/ffa and pick on noobs only do that to improve their kdr. The "GO" system actually gives both side a equal chance to prepare each other and fight when ready. This is what makes PL pvp very unique from others. FFA has no talent or skill needed....sometimes u die and sometimes the other cause they either have low health or ran out of buffs. I believe even the tourny uses the go system. PPl use the go system to see how they can improve themselves against other classes...but ffa/rushing simply tells me ppl care about their kdr and take the game so serious like real life.
I doubt you and others will bring ffa back.

02-09-2013, 09:04 AM
Ppl that support "go" suck. They're either a str Mage, or have one combo somebody else taught them. They can't think on the fly or make adjustments.

Come at me bruh.

02-09-2013, 09:05 AM
sorry guys been busy with stuff, just moved to NC been busy with the house and other crazy stuff.

but the FFA movement is still here, i noticed plenty good rooms last night when i came back. Also a lot more people crying out "help rushers" lol.

02-09-2013, 12:35 PM
sorry guys been busy with stuff, just moved to NC been busy with the house and other crazy stuff.

but the FFA movement is still here, i noticed plenty good rooms last night when i came back. Also a lot more people crying out "help rushers" lol.

I'm glad you are so humble and kind to help everyone avoid getting bullied by being forced to 1v1.

02-09-2013, 12:44 PM

There's so many things that can be done to separate 1v1 from FFA...

It's extremely pointless of saying my thoughts on what can be done, considering the community has come up with some REALLY cool ideas, and they're not listened to. :(

02-09-2013, 01:08 PM
Devs, delete this ghastly thread.

Is this not rioting? I've seen many BS threads out there, but this one is simply ridiculous. To those who want this thread up, why?....

Seriously, there are so many closed-minded people who don't even bother to know the reason behind the actions and decide that they have the power to change how others play the game. When will people learn that they cannot control how people choose to do something?

"Go" players are egotistical people? The reason most "go"-ers enjoy that system is because they had bad experiences with rushers who take free kills.

Yeah, I like "Go". No, I don't dislike "FFA". What I don't like is the collection of ignorant fools who think their way is the only way.

02-09-2013, 01:54 PM
Devs, delete this ghastly thread.

Is this not rioting? I've seen many BS threads out there, but this one is simply ridiculous. To those who want this thread up, why?....

Seriously, there are so many closed-minded people who don't even bother to know the reason behind the actions and decide that they have the power to change how others play the game. When will people learn that they cannot control how people choose to do something?

"Go" players are egotistical people? The reason most "go"-ers enjoy that system is because they had bad experiences with rushers who take free kills.

Yeah, I like "Go". No, I don't dislike "FFA". What I don't like is the collection of ignorant fools who think their way is the only way.

So what you're saying is, "you can't beat the masses"? ;)

02-09-2013, 08:00 PM
@reg- did you miss this quote?

On the topic of rushing - it can and will happen. There are no game mechanics that prevent it. If you enter a PvP zone, you should expect to be attacked without provocation.

To me, the question isn't wether it's right or wrong anymore. Now it's a question for those who want 1v1 separated but not in a 1v1 map and how you could convince the devs to make something in the game to serve your choice. Your right. No one can control how you choose to do something, but there is nothing in the game to control spontaneous FFA... And so as Sam says... You should EXPECT to be attacked without provocation.

02-09-2013, 08:13 PM
Devs, delete this ghastly thread.

Is this not rioting? I've seen many BS threads out there, but this one is simply ridiculous. To those who want this thread up, why?....

Seriously, there are so many closed-minded people who don't even bother to know the reason behind the actions and decide that they have the power to change how others play the game. When will people learn that they cannot control how people choose to do something?

"Go" players are egotistical people? The reason most "go"-ers enjoy that system is because they had bad experiences with rushers who take free kills.

Yeah, I like "Go". No, I don't dislike "FFA". What I don't like is the collection of ignorant fools who think their way is the only way.

you must of been one of the people that had a bad experience with "rushers" poor fella. That's not the reason people like the "go" system, they know some rooms will have 3 on one side and maybe only 1 on the other...easy fix join another room. As for "ignorant fools" this is the way it was meant to be or else STS would have set it up a different way...hmm

02-10-2013, 03:53 PM
Lolol... Just got my answer. I can't thank Phoenix again without thanking someone else first... Hmm maybe if I thank ladylove... Then Phoenix..

Oh and it's "her" ;)

Edit: meh I can't even thank lady now... So sad.
Try thanking matutd
Lol wut?

02-18-2013, 09:19 PM
lol whats with you and this selfish talk it was selfish to cry and get rid of mass ffa. it's players who aren't any good that don't want ffa. stop exercising your fingers here go take a lap...you look like you need it.
I have and will always consider u a friend.

The point of my comment is...I think Aze's FFA movement is inappropriate and selfish. He wants to rush ppl to bring back FFA for his own pleasure. Thus ruining the gaming experience of others. When all that's needed is to create an FFA game with friends or leave 'go' when you join one.

I love FFA. I enjoy playing it. I just think this approach is wrong.

02-18-2013, 09:22 PM
"the people who "rush" get the most butthurt" that made no sense lmao. they'r usually the ones who enjoy doing it..not to sure you thought before you wrote..lol
It's amazing. People accuse those who support "go" of having their feelings too easily hurt when someone rushes. In reality the people who get the most butt hurt are the ones who rush...

02-18-2013, 10:22 PM
lol whats with you and this selfish talk it was selfish to cry and get rid of mass ffa. it's players who aren't any good that don't want ffa. stop exercising your fingers here go take a lap...you look like you need it.

Aze, stop being a jerk and aggressive towards her. She isn't attacking you in that manner.

02-18-2013, 10:31 PM
"Call me FFA Maybe"
I threw a wish in the well,
Don't ask me, I'll never tell
I looked to you as it fell,
And now you're in my way
I'd trade my soul for a wish,
Pennies and dimes for a kill
I wasn't looking for this,
But now you're in my way
Your stare was holdin',
Ripped jeans, skin was showin'
Hot night, wind was blowin'
Where you think you're going, baby?
Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But here's my number,
So call me FFA, maybe?
It's hard to look right,
At you baby,
But here's my number,
So call me FFA, maybe?


Chill Everyone and stay cool, Maybe??:adoration: