View Full Version : Frost or lightning active skill better??

01-30-2013, 12:35 AM
Hey i need help from u guyz.. now i am lvl 19 with skills:
fireball 13 (enlarge area, knock down enemies)
gale force 13 (AOE, speed up)
time shift 34 (countdown pain, freeze time)
int passive 4
heal 2 (mana power)
and the rest is 5 point if i reach lvl 21
1 will be used fot int, 4 points i confused to distribute to which skills. i am planning to gain 1 new active skills betwen lightning, frost, n shield. which one better in your opinion? or should i increased in fireball 2 (the bleeding effect after hit, DoT) thx for ur answers guyz.. i am mostly prefer PVE, but sometimes wana hav fun in PVP too.

01-31-2013, 01:09 PM
if you like pve i would go fireball, lightning, frost, time for max damage. Lightning is the best single target spell (for bosses) time is great on bosses and aoe, and frost is inbetween. fireball is just a must have.

i've used this in pvp too. when they fix frost to freeze/slow again in an upcoming patch this will work ok again. you may die, but you can also kill very well. so if you don't care about kill/death ratio and just want to win, it can be ok (just hide behind a warrior)

01-31-2013, 01:36 PM
I think frost is better for PvE. It is a semi aoe attack which slows and/or freezes the enemies around your target. Also (I think that someone calculated it out before on a thread :)) the DOT (damage over time) from frost (with the upgrade) will end up doing more damage to a single target over time than the higher initial damage of light (with the upgrade).

For PvP, although for a long time I used frost, I now prefer light. I like the higher initial damage from light to finish off enemies faster. You are often dead before the DOT of fire or frost kills you enemy (although it is satisfying to see an enemy die after you from DOT). Nevertheless other important considerations for PvP: 1) the range of frost is longer (I believe 14m vs 12m); 2) frost has the potential to slow you enemy when charged (although I have not found this particularly usefull); 3) the attack speed and annimation may be faster for frost.

01-31-2013, 03:00 PM
Light +15% is better than frost with DoT. Frost dot ticks 4 time for a very small amount. The damage is close, but Light is > frost for damage. definitely better for utilization in pve and freezing some archer/caster types

01-31-2013, 08:12 PM
Drgrimmy i read that post too.

The guy said that because the DOT from frost stacks, it does slightly more damage over time than lightning. I've never tested myself though.

PvP you want lightning. Spike damage is more important and the 25% chance stun is better than the frost bolt's non-existent cc.

02-01-2013, 09:59 AM
Wow lol I'm a lvl 19 mage, with the exact same moveset as u.
Anyhoo, I definitely prefer frost over lightning.