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01-30-2013, 09:19 AM
Is there anyway to add a buy confirmation button to the cs?

Probably not much issue for ppl on computers or larger tablets but on my droidx screen theres been a couple times i hit the check mark for "usable only" without realizing while scrolling up/down and then saw awesome gear to buy but then realize i cant use it.!

Like maybe something that pops up "are you sure you wish to purchase? Item not usable" or such . I am not rich and this has cost me a couple times. Sure others on small screens have had this happen.

Also some item comparison check marks would be cool so i dont have to sit and write down stats. I can just check a mark on right for things to compare and then go to a screen to compare/contrast them...just a time saver really lol. It can take a while scrolling through pages and pages in cs

01-30-2013, 01:25 PM
I know that. I want to compare several items in cs against each other at once. Not against my gear.

02-04-2013, 09:48 AM
I'd like to see a class option in CS ... Would make things easier