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View Full Version : LB killed Objective of PvP?

01-30-2013, 02:13 PM
So.. as we'd all agree. The PvP on Arcane Legends is fun, as long as everything works as intended.

I've noticed in several matches, that people on either my team or the opposing team will begin quitting out, and not for any particular reason (such as insurmountable flag deficit, or poor team coordination.) I mean the score may be 1-0 and all of 10 kills may have been made throughout the game, and now a team is left at a 5-3 man disadvantage and begins being farmed. Often times, I'll respawn looking for indicators of teammates, only to discover that I'm now the last player on my team. This is quite frustrating if either ganking a team 5 on 2, or being ganked as a result of a team that decides to abandon you.

So what are the reasons behind this? What are the fixes? Obviously STS has no control over players' actions, but why make a game type that is objective based and a leaderboard reflecting only the kills made during these matches? You can lose every game, but get your share of kills and be on the LB. Conversely, you can quit out of any game that you feel as though you're not able to get the lion's share of kills in with no penalty to rejoining matches, abandoning your team in the process. If STS were to reward everyone who were to join matches, then people would obviously abuse that system with botting (Google Chrome), so don't even bring up that option.

Am I the only one that prefers winning over the individual glory? I'm a competitive guy, I get a rush from teamwork and those moments where taking down an enemy carrier wins the game for my team during a 4-4 game. I honestly don't care if I don't get the final killshot on anyone during a match, what does that really matter? STS created a monster by making a leaderboard for kills for a CTF gametype instead of having "Most Flags Captured" on the LB. Or "Most Games Won". Instead, their leaderboard has teammates fighting for kills from one another.

C'mon STS I've been a programmer for 10 years, and I know you guys are exponentially better than I am, you know better!

01-30-2013, 03:38 PM
I just posted this in another thread, so I'll repeat it here. This will solve that problem:

I think there should just be a won/loss record. I tend to play the support mage role, and I find my teams win like 80% of the time because most other teams don't have a good support mage. So I would love to see a won/loss record added for CTF.

To avoid issues with people leaving games in the middle, you can work it like this:

1) If you play the whole game, then obviously you get either a win or a loss.

2) If you leave a game in the middle, then if your team wins you don't get credit for the win, but if your team loses then you get a loss, i.e. you must finish the game to get a win. This will discourage people from leaving games in the middle since there is always a chance you can come back and win.

3) If you join a game in the middle, then if your team wins you get a win, but if your team loses then you don't get a loss (since maybe you joined when your team was down 4-0). It will also encourage people to join games in the middle that have open slots since there would be no risk of doing so. So games won't fall apart in the middle because everyone leaves.

This will encourage team work and cause people to actually care about winning the game.

01-30-2013, 07:16 PM
I just posted this in another thread, so I'll repeat it here. This will solve that problem:

I think there should just be a won/loss record. I tend to play the support mage role, and I find my teams win like 80% of the time because most other teams don't have a good support mage. So I would love to see a won/loss record added for CTF.

To avoid issues with people leaving games in the middle, you can work it like this:

1) If you play the whole game, then obviously you get either a win or a loss.

2) If you leave a game in the middle, then if your team wins you don't get credit for the win, but if your team loses then you get a loss, i.e. you must finish the game to get a win. This will discourage people from leaving games in the middle since there is always a chance you can come back and win.

3) If you join a game in the middle, then if your team wins you get a win, but if your team loses then you don't get a loss (since maybe you joined when your team was down 4-0). It will also encourage people to join games in the middle that have open slots since there would be no risk of doing so. So games won't fall apart in the middle because everyone leaves.

This will encourage team work and cause people to actually care about winning the game.

And reward for that win would be "PvP Currency", however the damage has been done already. Simply adding to the leaderboard is only an attempt at damage control as the figurative "monster" has already been created by STS by making the "Kills" statistic the only stat worth mentioning on the leaderboard of a team-based scrimmage. I have several ideas from a programming standpoint for fixes, but I really enjoy the feedback from this thread, hopefully more of you will have ideas such as Energizeric. ^^

01-30-2013, 07:32 PM
I usually will call out if it is a 5 v 2, or 5 v 1 game. Typically, I volunteer to sit it out until someone joins, until then, I return back to a respawn room.

Unfortunately, the same chivalry doesn't come back my way, and I get farmed when this happens.

More than this issue, is the problem of some hero wanting to 1v1 everybody to the detriment of the team. These are the games when I usually exit stage left.

01-30-2013, 08:00 PM
I usually will call out if it is a 5 v 2, or 5 v 1 game. Typically, I volunteer to sit it out until someone joins, until then, I return back to a respawn room.

This is very kind of you sir. This veteran MMO player applauds your chivalry ^^

More than this issue, is the problem of some hero wanting to 1v1 everybody to the detriment of the team. These are the games when I usually exit stage left.

Yeah, honestly all the more reason to have a reward for a team victory. As if we really needed more evidence to support our claim.

01-30-2013, 08:26 PM
The running joke in CTF is the LB peeps quitting every single game that presents an actual challenge.

01-30-2013, 08:40 PM
The running joke in CTF is the LB peeps quitting every single game that presents an actual challenge.

That isn't the players fault actually. STS needs more changes in PVP and consequences for leavers is one of it.The need of either a reward system or Win/Loss ratio statistics in LB or avatar is also one. But atm theres only two goals #farm kills for LB #farm flags.These two neglects the essence of winning.Sts gave me a choice ATM to leave anytime so why farm deaths?i know its lame but hey "being brave isnt about looking for trouble".But once sts will work something out then leaving a game wont be an option anymore since i really think ctf is fun as long as the objective is to win and not to farm kills

01-30-2013, 09:14 PM
"It ain't no fun once the rabbit gets the gun"

01-31-2013, 12:03 AM
...since i really think ctf is fun as long as the objective is to win and not to farm kills

My thoughts exactly sir great post ^^

01-31-2013, 02:43 AM
sts should add pvp coin as hauntlet n story wit pet reward. coins could be get for each victory in pvp party.

01-31-2013, 11:57 AM
pvp currencies = farm = abused.
Bad. Idea.
Team W/L records = Good.
No PvP individual LB = Good.