View Full Version : A few questions about the Blackstar

01-31-2013, 10:14 PM
As some of you know, I've been writing a novelization of Star Legends over the last few months. At the moment, I'm working on a total rewrite of the novel, and I'm stumped dealing with some elements. Specifically, what function does the UCS Blackstar serve, and how large is it supposed to be?

I've tried to come up with a good reason for the Blackstar to exist, and while I have no problem making my own explanations when canon falls short, I'd like to stay as close to the game's reality as I can. For most ships, guessing the function and role is pretty easy (I don't think anyone needs to be told what an aircraft carrier or oil tanker does), and when that fails observation can take away a lot of the guess work (while figuring out the intended role of a Star Destroyer or other fictional vessel is a little harder than dealing with modern ships, you can still figure it out eventually). But with the Blackstar, I have no idea what role the ship is supposed to play.

As to size, does anyone have the faintest clue how big the ship is supposed to be? I can only find a few images, and they seem to point the ship being very small (see below). Which wouldn't be a problem, if we haven't seen how massive the interior sections of the ship can be (two corporate office complexes, the mutual-decked concourse and command center, the AI core, and two huge shuttle bays), let alone the parts of the ship we haven't gotten a look at.


I'd appreciate any suggestions or ideas you have that could shed some light on this.

02-01-2013, 06:26 AM
Blackstar may seems small from the outside but since it uses inter=dimensional technology the inside of the ship is as big or bigger as New York City.

(This is just some BS I made up. I have no clue how big the ship is)

02-01-2013, 06:36 AM
It's about the size of Asia.

Actually I have no idea.

02-01-2013, 08:18 AM
Think of it like the tent in the 4th Harry Potter. It was small on the outside, but enormous on the inside.

It's function is to serve as the relief spot for the UC Military, of which we're basically hired guns. We support the military, and the base is a place for us to negotiate, relax after a tough mission, and stock up for our next one.

Sent using spray paint on the city walls.

02-01-2013, 10:45 AM
It's function is to serve as the relief spot for the UC Military, of which we're basically hired guns. We support the military, and the base is a place for us to negotiate, relax after a tough mission, and stock up for our next one.

Thats pretty much what I've been thinking, that the ship was designed to support colonization efforts and that kind of thing. I'm not sure if having it be bigger on the inside would be a good idea, given the implications of that kind of technology. I'll probable just change its actual size instead of having it be a TARDIS.