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View Full Version : spawn kills, hosted games...

02-01-2013, 11:30 AM
Maybe this is intended... but shouldn't it be that if someone rushes into the spawning area that their armor/damage drops in half or more to prevent padding the stats?

How many games have we seen 4 or 5 chars hovering over the spawning areas just waiting for kills? There's no honor or class to this method... can we bring back some class like pl has? The game now pushes this shark feeding frenzy type of game play. I think it could be better and we could promote skill in the game.

Think about the hosted games too... I'd love to be able to host my own team's games, so we can play practice and just have fun. This isn't fun fighting to get a group together. It would be fun, down the road, to do tournaments... but currently there's no way to do that now because we can't host a game, or boot afk people.

Meh, there's my $ 0.02.


02-01-2013, 11:40 AM
PL has class?

I agree that spawn killing is absurd - especially when an entire pack hovers near spawn areas.

I also would like to see hosted games. I come across so many CTF games where there are two hero Warriors in the nude - basically doing nothing but dying, or players that just stand in spawn zones challenging everyone to 1v1, or players that complain when I come in and kill an opponent because they were "1v1". I would love to just boot them all...

02-01-2013, 05:20 PM
All is fair and love and war I don't like it either, that's why you shouldn't let them do it either spawn together and kill your way out or try to escape.

A nice way I've found to escape is to run up to being just out of their range then use stuns and deal damage while retreating trying to kill weaker enemy's first. They will follow you so you stick to one side and when they start getting close circle around the long way to the exit and run away stunning, pushing, and dealing damage the whole way.

As a Mage I've been able to solo 2 people this way or even escape from as many as 4 if I'm lucky and I have my timing down