View Full Version : Clarification

02-01-2013, 11:54 PM
so today started out rough for me lol. I was a little rash and went on a bit of an annoying spree on the forums this morning, I wanted to apologize for that. I know some people got upset and sent me messages or flamed me on posts whatever I get it, I was being a bit of a baby and a jerk because I didn't get my way. But I wanted to clarify that a lot of what I said was an accumulation of what other players had vented to me since the update and it more or less added fuel to the fire. So just wanted to come on here and apologize to everyone, Spacetime Studios included.


Edit: someone asked, I will continue to play and lead Darksiders as I have been, just been a little cranky today. I littlerally just did my story tokens quests and that's it today.

02-02-2013, 01:49 AM
STS customer has been outstanding for me in ways i hoped but could never expect. I am sorry for your misfortune. I have experienced similar self-inflicted wounds trying to get ultra rare stuff.

Didnt get a chance to say this before the thread got shut down but STS has incredible customer support in my oppinion.

And i will never reveal why i say this.
Thank you, STS!!!!

02-02-2013, 03:00 AM
It's np we all rage. I had also. At one point with PvP threads. But now I am calm.... :)

02-02-2013, 07:29 AM

lol saw this meme this morning while browsing through 9gag, and couldn't resist. :3

But seriously, don't feel bad man. Everyone rages once in a while, not much of a rarity. :)

02-02-2013, 08:14 AM
Thanks and have a great weekend!