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View Full Version : 5 warrior vs 5 rogue vs 5 mages . who will win the team fight?

02-02-2013, 12:23 PM
hi guys.

if 3 teams . 5 warriors as a team. 5 rogues a team. and 5 mages. which class will win the team fight?

maybe this will answer the class balancing issue.

02-02-2013, 12:36 PM
Full team of warriors seems pretty impossible to beat if they know what they ae doing, so
that's my bet. They are just an unstoppable train of buffing, healing, stunning and windmill.

Full team of mages would actually be my second guess. I have been in near full parties of mages
and the perpetual stun and healing of all the mages combined is pretty cool.

Suprisingly I would put a full team of rogues last. Although they are pretty awesome killing
machines, they are also just a little to easy to kill without support. Unless they killed the whole
other team in the first few seconds they would all die.

02-02-2013, 12:41 PM
I actually fully agree with Grim on this one.

5 Warriors Vs 5 Rogues I've played against and if they time them invincible shields from horn right they can be indestructible. (Depending if they have the right builds ofc)

5 Mages Vs 5 Rogues I've played easier than the Warriors get through sometimes if killed before they are able to put up shields, but if played right shielded and constant stuns overcome Rogue's dmg.

02-02-2013, 01:16 PM
i agree as well. but the important thing is the gap between the classes. rogue and mage could put on a fair fight. maybe mages r a bit stornger than rogues if they have shield and heal. i say 60% to 40% winning rate.

warriors again other two classes maybe about 90% to 10%.

and it shows in pvp. some warriors r all stay in the same team. and dominate the game.

its a hard job for STS. i think they want player can orgenise their own team to fight others. but it requires hugh amount of work to get the balancing right to avoid certain class dominate the pvp.

02-02-2013, 01:40 PM
yeah 5 warriors is really difficult to beat if they stick together

but 1v1 its all 50/50 so i guess its balanced.the challenge is how to put up a great all around team

02-02-2013, 02:33 PM
5 warriors with veng 5/5 and 5 horns tranforms if I'm not mistaken into megatron does it not? Lol

02-02-2013, 02:42 PM
5 warriors with veng 5/5 and 5 horns tranforms if I'm not mistaken into megatron does it not? Lol

I think you are right :)

02-02-2013, 03:08 PM
yeah 5 warriors is really difficult to beat if they stick together

but 1v1 its all 50/50 so i guess its balanced.the challenge is how to put up a great all around team

ya. but CTF is a team game. u cant allowed a certain class much op than others.

02-02-2013, 04:36 PM
5 warriors with veng 5/5 and 5 horns tranforms if I'm not mistaken into megatron does it not? Lol

i prefer Voltron.. put the 5 together!!

02-02-2013, 04:37 PM
if u got 5 wars playing with vent/skype and buffing one after another its gg....

unbeatable unless vs another 5 team of equally roflstomp wars

02-02-2013, 05:08 PM
Everyone know that just 3 Warriors (who know how to play) are enough to kill the whole opponent team of rogue and mage, end of discussion.

02-02-2013, 05:29 PM
Full team of warriors seems pretty impossible to beat if they know what they ae doing, so
that's my bet. They are just an unstoppable train of buffing, healing, stunning and windmill.

Full team of mages would actually be my second guess. I have been in near full parties of mages
and the perpetual stun and healing of all the mages combined is pretty cool.

Suprisingly I would put a full team of rogues last. Although they are pretty awesome killing
machines, they are also just a little to easy to kill without support. Unless they killed the whole
other team in the first few seconds they would all die.

totaly grim! i think you are spot on.

02-02-2013, 06:23 PM
Fully agree with grim, a team windmill is x1mill OP

02-02-2013, 07:43 PM
Full team of warriors seems pretty impossible to beat if they know what they ae doing, so
that's my bet. They are just an unstoppable train of buffing, healing, stunning and windmill.

Full team of mages would actually be my second guess. I have been in near full parties of mages
and the perpetual stun and healing of all the mages combined is pretty cool.

Suprisingly I would put a full team of rogues last. Although they are pretty awesome killing
machines, they are also just a little to easy to kill without support. Unless they killed the whole
other team in the first few seconds they would all die.

Yes, I agree as well. Rogues are best 1-on-1, but in a team they are not good at all as they die fast, run out of mana, and do nothing to complement eachother.

Warriors are too OP when in groups. If I join a game and see the other team has more than 2 warriors, I leave as it is pretty useless. If 2 or more warriors are in a group and they start doing that windmill skill, everyone else who is not a warrior will become stunned instantly and stay stunned until they are dead which will only be a few seconds. It doesn't even matter if they are far out of reach of the warrior, they still become stunned. And trying to run from this does nothing either, as you will still be stunned even if you are way down the hallway from where this is happening.

As for mages, a group of mages surprisingly does quite well if they all have heal and all have good stun skills like fireball. They can keep the enemies stunned, inflict damage, and keep healing themselves and filling mana. I think a group of mages provide the best defense possible. I was on a team a few days ago where we had 3 mages that stayed together by the entrance to our flag room, and the other team could not get inside even once to steal our flag. Even when a team of 2 warriors and a rogue came at us, we killed them with ease.

The interesting thing is that STS seems to always be trying to encourage team play and having a well balanced team with all classes present, but in the case of PvP that is the worst possible combination. I think a team of full mages or full warriors would do much better than a team of half mages and half warriors. It's nice to have a single rogue on your team, but the best teams are not balanced at all but a team of all the same. Perhaps they need to keep that in mind when trying to rebalance pvp.

02-03-2013, 01:13 AM
In my opinion the combo of three little stun machines will pack quite a punch. a pack of warriors can't survive if they can't even reach their Horn Of Renews.

But then again, It comes down to proper syncing of skills and strategy between the team. If a team is disorganized, then they most definitely would not be able to survive against a well-organized team.

02-03-2013, 01:15 AM
If 2 or more warriors are in a group and they start doing that windmill skill, everyone else who is not a warrior will become stunned instantly and stay stunned until they are dead which will only be a few seconds.

Fully agree with this. Although just to slightly correct you, Windmill snares, not stuns. :)

02-03-2013, 01:19 AM
Windmill should be tweaked, it should not do dmg when the warrior is stunned.

02-03-2013, 01:28 AM
Windmill should be tweaked, it should not do dmg when the warrior is stunned.

Providing an easy way to get rid of Warriors' strongest damage output skill isn't really good tweaking.

02-03-2013, 02:24 AM
Windmill should be tweaked, it should not do dmg when the warrior is stunned.

i 2nd this

and to make it fair nerf razor blades in a similar fashion

02-03-2013, 02:26 AM
...STS seems to always be trying to encourage team play and having a well balanced team with all classes present, but in the case of PvP that is the worst possible combination...

The worst possible team COMBINATION is usually when 5 players stack onto 1 team at the start of the new game (like many forumers here *cough*)

game basically starts 5v3 and doesnt really pick up from theres so theres alot of free feeding

02-03-2013, 02:58 AM
5 warriors with veng 5/5 and 5 horns tranforms if I'm not mistaken into megatron does it not? Lol

Constructicons!! Transform into Devastator!!

02-03-2013, 03:12 AM
i 2nd this

and to make it fair nerf razor blades in a similar fashion

i agree with saber. for warriors skyward smash has the stun and windmill has the snare. this skill comb means death penalty for mage and rogue. u just stay there waiting for the death.

also as the razon blade . its dmg is too high.

02-03-2013, 03:19 AM
The worst possible team COMBINATION is usually when 5 players stack onto 1 team at the start of the new game (like many forumers here *cough*)

game basically starts 5v3 and doesnt really pick up from theres so theres alot of free feeding

This is another issue ATM. as player practice their skill better and better. even one extra in any side makes whole lot of diifference. right now ppl all enjoy their easy meals. when a new game started all them join one side. and wait . then 3 other ppl join another side. game starts it means easy kill and easy flags. right now i just leave when i join a game and see 5 in a team waiting and nobody on this side.

02-03-2013, 03:42 AM
Quite ironic how many of these stackers are the same people who are complaining about twinks farming easy kills

and idm stackers, they can be unproductive in their 5v2 games
but what gets to me are stackers who bring attitude with them...like gj you can trashtalk and bm someone you just 5v1'd

02-03-2013, 03:47 AM
I think the game shouldn't start until there are equal numbers on both sides.

02-03-2013, 03:50 AM

02-03-2013, 06:26 AM
long way to go.

02-03-2013, 11:56 AM
rogues with the healing skill(idk the name) and equiped with bow will actually win in my oppinion.Just imagine 15 healing packs scatter all over the floor LOL.
Against mages use the one shoot kill.Against warrior charge and attck after aimed shot.Its done.10 seconds of no damage from 5 warriors is insane but its probably too hard to do except its a team with incredible well of teamwork.So i still choose 5 rogues as the strongest,warrior the second and mages the third.

02-03-2013, 12:06 PM
Windmill should be tweaked, it should not do dmg when the warrior is stunned.

yeah thats where i die a lot also :) no point for the stun as the warrior still inflicts damage.

02-03-2013, 12:08 PM
can someone enlighten me about the razor blades? i used it but remove it since i cant really feel the added stats.im doinf fine without it actually

02-03-2013, 01:16 PM
can someone enlighten me about the razor blades? i used it but remove it since i cant really feel the added stats.im doinf fine without it actually

nice dmg if you are in the middle of a battle performing stun attack, awesome skill vs another rogue players (20%dodge can save u from one-shot). Vs 3000hp warrior it's not so obvious, and mages' fear is mostly aimed/piercer, not razor blades.

P.S. I agree that a team of good warriors would annihilate all other classes.

02-03-2013, 01:31 PM
The worst possible team COMBINATION is usually when 5 players stack onto 1 team at the start of the new game (like many forumers here *cough*)

game basically starts 5v3 and doesnt really pick up from theres so theres alot of free feeding

True, I know I have been guilty of this. Although I would have to say there are probably very
few who have not been guilty of doing this. I think it is a flaw of the system. Who wants to join
up on a losing side of 3? Also I want to be playing with a team of my friends, not playing
against them. They really need to make a system where people can form teams and
challenge eachother. Then we can really answer the OP original question :)

02-03-2013, 01:52 PM
its easy. keep the current system just the game wont start untill the number players r even.

02-03-2013, 04:53 PM
True, I know I have been guilty of this. Although I would have to say there are probably very
few who have not been guilty of doing this. I think it is a flaw of the system. Who wants to join
up on a losing side of 3? Also I want to be playing with a team of my friends, not playing
against them. They really need to make a system where people can form teams and
challenge eachother. Then we can really answer the OP original question :)

Hosted private games with a lock and pass would be a perfect solution but would also mess up the LB's.
In the end STS can't satisfy everyone and they would probably pick the solution that would make the majority happyish

02-03-2013, 07:17 PM
nice dmg if you are in the middle of a battle performing stun attack, awesome skill vs another rogue players (20%dodge can save u from one-shot). Vs 3000hp warrior it's not so obvious, and mages' fear is mostly aimed/piercer, not razor blades.

P.S. I agree that a team of good warriors would annihilate all other classes.

and two teams made up of warriors will have a never ending battle.

02-03-2013, 09:39 PM
and two teams made up of warriors will have a never ending battle.

That's when jumping 1 player comes into play.
A good team using strategy will target out 1 player at a time in those massive 5v5 battles

02-04-2013, 03:07 AM
nice dmg if you are in the middle of a battle performing stun attack, awesome skill vs another rogue players (20%dodge can save u from one-shot). Vs 3000hp warrior it's not so obvious, and mages' fear is mostly aimed/piercer, not razor blades.

P.S. I agree that a team of good warriors would annihilate all other classes.

ya. of course. charged aimed shot plus zip then a piercer is a death comb for mages. even with shield on. if the mage didnt die only thing for them to do which is heal and run.

02-04-2013, 08:02 AM
Warriors..hands down.

02-04-2013, 10:28 AM
Windmill should be tweaked, it should not do dmg when the warrior is stunned.

i 2nd this

and to make it fair nerf razor blades in a similar fashion
Said by a mage

02-04-2013, 11:39 AM
Said by a mage

ha. ruejade is a rogue. saber is everything. :)

02-05-2013, 07:57 AM
5 rogues OFC

pew pew pew