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View Full Version : Guild counter

02-06-2013, 01:25 AM
maybe I'm just OCD but I would love a little display for guild masters that shows how many members total in the guild, i'm really tired of trying to count everyone. also with that maybe something that would display "you have x number of ppl at lvl 17" as an example like break the number down per level. that way i would know "hey i have 22 people at level 16 lets get them organized to run together and lvl" Just something to help me keep everyone more organized and moving towards making their game a better experience.

02-06-2013, 01:46 AM
I would so like to type in something like /guildpop and get how many caracters are in the guild!

02-06-2013, 01:57 AM
It would be so amazing to NOT have to count every single player in the social screen, i don't know how many times i've been counting a few people log off or on and my whole count is messed up lol