View Full Version : Disable xp and kill count doesn't increase

02-06-2013, 07:04 PM
When you disable xp gain, your kill count stays the same. I would like to be able to see my kill count increase even though I want to stay the same level.

If I have xp disabled and I die, my number of deaths reported increases...seems like my number of kills should too.

02-12-2013, 08:57 AM
This has been discussed so many times, but it doesn't look like STS will change it.

It was originally implemented to prevent kill farming in PL/SL. It doesn't really apply to DL since the difficulty scales to level. I think several people brought this up before (myself included) but it was never addressed.

02-21-2013, 03:38 PM
Yes, i hate that. I think all their games work that way. PL/SL/DL/AL. I reported this for PL too. They just ignore it. I guess it's not important enough.

03-07-2013, 11:25 AM
I have lots of characters of different levels so I can join others regardless of their level. I sometimes enable xp at the beginning of a mission and then disable again right before leaving the mission. This way I can get the kill counts but not the xp gain. Once I forgot to disable it again and then collected an ally....which resulted in my accidentally levelling a character. So now I only do it if my character is not close to levelling.

03-10-2013, 01:29 PM
It's a double standard. They don't want you to get kills while XP is disabled, but they don't turn off counting deaths. All STS games got changed to this, and I was one of the people who said this is bad. Both should disable, or neither. But yes they don't wanna fix this since they say it's working as intended, although many people dislike this "feature" including myself.