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View Full Version : Guilds - what's all the fuss about?

Chaim Nail
02-07-2013, 12:26 AM
I started playing AL just before christmas but only really started getting into it in Jan when I deleted the sorcerer character I had and started a warrior instead.

About a week ago I got to level 20 and decided to have a look at the forum here and am discovering a whole lot more to the game that I wouldn't have found out about otherwise.

I had a go at PvP and found it really wasn't to my liking so am just keeping to the PvE stuff, but there's one aspect of the game that I don't understand - guilds - I've gotten a few invites now I'm level 20 but not responded.

What's the deal with them, what pros/cons are there to joining one?

02-07-2013, 12:52 AM
No cons that I can think of. If you don't like it you can quit and join another one, or just quit and don't join any. Nothing is binding.

In my opinion the big fun with guilds is "guild chat". When you type in the chat with "/g" in front of your chat, it appears in green in the chat window and everyone in the guild who is online sees it no matter where they are in the game. So there is constant discussion and chatter going on in the guild. If you join an active guild (one where many people are usually online), then any time you have a question you can just ask it in guild chat and someone is sure to answer it. Need to farm an elite dungeon and want to put together a party? Just ask in guild chat and some people are sure to be up for it. Lastly, it's also just a nice way to make some in game friends.

When I first started playing Pocket Legends last year, I didn't understand the whole guild thing and had decided I did not need to join one. I later decided to join one many months later and realized I had been missing out on a big part of the game all that time.

02-07-2013, 01:15 AM
thank you ^^ ( i dont know how to thank a post using android)

Chaim Nail
02-07-2013, 01:55 AM
I just went into the game to do another Kraag IV run to help me on my way to level 21 (only 8500 xp to go...) and got a request to join a guild, so I did, and the first players of that guild I talked to came across as friendly so it looks like I'm going to stay with them for the time being :)

02-07-2013, 02:56 AM
Guilds are really cool! You always learn something new and the most of them will help you whenever you can, also if you don't like the guild you can easily just leave and find another one!

02-07-2013, 03:16 AM
The cheaper potions too! Not so big once you have cash, but when your strapped every little bit helps.

02-07-2013, 04:59 AM
The best guilds are the larger ones where there are active players on all the time. I am in Arcane Fellowship and usually there are 20-30 players online at any one time, and our members are from all over the world so even if I play late at night or early in the morning there are always folks online and constant guild chat going on.

On the other hand, prior to joining Arcane Fellowship I was in a much smaller guild and even though I was very good friends with the guild master (I know him from Pocket Legends for a long time) and a few of the members, most of the time there were only 2 or 3 players online and late at night it would only be me. So the guild chat was usually pretty quiet and thus it got a bit boring.

02-07-2013, 06:04 AM
The cheaper potions too! Not so big once you have cash, but when your strapped every little bit helps.

This is a big + (Less for Warrior, but all helps)

If your guild has an upgraded Guild Hall, you can get HP/MP potions pretty cheap compared to what you'd pay initially. (Especially Mana if decide to make a Rogue :p)

Along with a Stash, LB and a place to chill out and get to know some people in the guild.

02-07-2013, 06:11 AM
The pros and the cons to guilds are the same. Its great for help and friendly people and you might learn a thing or two that you didn't know about through the chat and asking questions. The drama and sometimes arguing between players is uncomfortable and a downside.
Some people just don't know how to act with other people I guess, or will take any attention, even negative.
Any guild I have been in, in any game, has it once in a while. As long as you realize that it is a game and whoever is arguing are just being fools, it's not a big deal. ignore it and it will pass.

02-07-2013, 06:33 AM
There is actually a guide on guilds in the guide section of the forums :-) It has the layout of the guild and what it is/does.

Sent using spray paint on the city walls.

02-07-2013, 12:09 PM
I love my guild, League of Assassins is awesome! They are the nicest folks ever. They are always willing to help when u need it and even when u don't. Lots of times your guild will give you items or pets u need.