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02-07-2013, 05:42 PM
At the end of Season #1 of the Leaderboards, vanity banner prizes were only granted to the #1 leaderboard position holder. Our plan is to increase the rewards to be all of the leaderboard (or even more - the team is still looking at options) to thereby reduce competition and the desire to kill farm. Our hope is that people just play and have fun and if they play avidly, they'll probably make it on the expanded leaderboard.

While we reserve the right to ban for any reason, we are not currently closing accounts for kill farming.

02-07-2013, 06:27 PM
Awesome, looks like you did listen to us! That's awesome! So, everyone on LBs will get LB banner at end of the season, right? That's amazing news. Good luck to the people who wants this banner. PS: So, the kill farmers will stay there? :/

02-07-2013, 06:44 PM
Nice decision guys, will all the banners be the same? Or different for 1/2/3 positions then runners up etc.

02-07-2013, 06:51 PM
Sam, not sure if you saw my suggestion in another thread, but you could place a limit on how many times the same player could kill another player within a certain time limit. For example, you could make it so that no single player could kill any single other player more than 100 times in a day, otherwise the extra kills above 100 just won't count towards their stats. This would cause no concern for 99% of players who just join random games and play. But would make it very difficult to kill farm as you would limited as to how many kills you could farm per day without opening lots of extra accounts. It wouldn't be impossible to beat the system, but much more time consuming.

02-07-2013, 06:51 PM
Sam, thanks for listening to the requests! Teehee! Also would this include the rest of the LB categories like haunt,dungeons and top players? Thanks!

02-07-2013, 07:22 PM
I'm guessing it is only those listed that you see on the actual leaderboards when you view it. So probably just #1 for the dungeon times, but for those that list the top 25 in a category, it would be all of them. That's how I would do it if I was them. If your name is posted, you get a banner.

Len Der
02-08-2013, 02:19 PM
Weeeeeeee NICE :D

02-08-2013, 02:32 PM
happy farming:P

02-08-2013, 08:08 PM
Make a CTF LB for flags captured only not kills, and no toon can take flag twice in a row.
Make a new stat to track kills in FFA, so this will be the new Kills LB.
Uh oh, last one, make sure pvp room don't accept same faces continously in the same room.

02-08-2013, 08:35 PM
At the end of Season #1 of the Leaderboards, vanity banner prizes were only granted to the #1 leaderboard position holder. Our plan is to increase the rewards to be all of the leaderboard (or even more - the team is still looking at options) to thereby reduce competition and the desire to kill farm. Our hope is that people just play and have fun and if they play avidly, they'll probably make it on the expanded leaderboard.

While we reserve the right to ban for any reason, we are not currently closing accounts for kill farming.
Will lb season one leaders get banner if on board or are we just burnt if we werent number 1? I wasnt 1 but i was on warrior board :-(

02-08-2013, 08:40 PM
This is a most wonderful decision on your part! I must tell you that I am glad to see that our complaints nvr went unheard.


02-08-2013, 09:33 PM
im thankful that mods/devs are listening to us.


youre now giving 25 reasons for players to farm kills.

*remove the ctf kills and flag leaderboards or if that is really hard, please acknowlege the players who are playing to win ctf games in leaderboards also. (that would be fair enough and it may encourage player retention in pvp rooms)

*again, if you don't give people the reason to farm then they wouldnt farm. 25 slots is just as tempting as 1.you have just encouraged people to farm for the other 24 spots in LB.

for my critics, i know there will be,this is a constructive criticism nothing more. i would LOL if i see somebody say im just jealous or anything.samhayne just said they would possibly give everyone in LB a banner and im one of those lucky guys.but i would still recommend sts to scrap the LB.i aint even mad if they do so.

02-09-2013, 03:14 AM
Would this only be limited to CTF alone or would it include other categories of the game?

02-09-2013, 03:18 AM
Would this only be limited to CTF alone or would it include other categories of the game?
So far the only player v player we have is CTF.
I can't say for sure but when arena is released, I guess the same set of rules will probably apply

I'm sure devs will give everyone a heads up if they make it a bannable offence.

If you meant other legends games in general, then it's also also allowed as long as programs arn't being used to assist in the farming .
Theres people with like 50k kills 0 deaths in pocket legends =.=''

02-09-2013, 03:21 AM
So far the only player v player we have is CTF.
I can't say for sure but when arena is released, I guess the same set of rules will probably apply

I'm sure devs will give everyone a heads up if they make it a bannable offence.

If you meant other legends games in general, then it's also also allowed as long as programs arn't being used to assist in the farming .
Theres people with like 50k kills 0 deaths in pocket legends =.=''

What I meant was the category for hauntlet, elite dungeons and crypts. ;)

02-09-2013, 03:27 AM
Oo....I get you lol >.>

You meant the top 25's get banners right?

I actually discussed this with grim earlier and we both thought this was important piece of info "Our plan is to ..."
So basically nothings official yet..guess you gotta wait :P

02-09-2013, 03:28 AM
Hmm I'm reading Lima's post as, will the new decision to have LB Banners for more than 1st place, be applicable to PvE such as Top Players (Each Top class), Haunt, Crypt/Tombs and Elite.

Basically anyone with their name on the LB at the end of Season 2, throughout any category will they also receive a Banner.

Could be wrong :p

ETA: Wowwwwww so many ninja's! Haha

02-09-2013, 03:33 AM
I agree maybe the top 3/5/10/15/or all 25 deserve banners however most #1's on the LB's are legit so perhaps #1 gets a special color trim?

#1 and #25 is a pretty substantial difference for some LB categories

and those who've made it on the lb's for consecutive seasons should get an upgraded banner
(it'll keep players motivated b/c alot of S1 lb folks I know are only going for lb spots again in hopes for a new banner this season)

02-09-2013, 08:44 AM
Be thankful. You ask for something, you get it, and now ask for even more? :suspicion:

02-09-2013, 09:10 AM
Be thankful. You ask for something, you get it, and now ask for even more? :suspicion:

Hello! I was just clarifying if the other categories of the L.B. would be included in this planned reward system. Or if you are referring to gundamsome's request, I'm pretty sure he has nothing to watch out for.

We all have different views and that the developers mostly take into consideration what the mass majority is saying. What separates us though from each other is how we channel these requests; in the case of gundam, he's pretty saying it in a polite and "rant-free" manner.


02-09-2013, 09:14 AM
I like the idea. However, I feel that since you posted this, kill farming will dramatically increase.

02-09-2013, 09:15 AM
Hello! I was just clarifying if the other categories of the L.B. would be included in this planned reward system. No need to panic. ;)

Hey there, first of all, I was definitely not ''panicing''. I was just stating my thought on how people (I was not targeting you) could ask for even more, which was 'different banners' or 'take off PvP kills of leaderboards' etc. Again, just my thought since they asked for something, and the Developers actually did listen, and gave them what they wanted. Just a bit too greedy, that is all. :)


02-09-2013, 09:24 AM
Hey there, first of all, I was definitely not ''panicing''. I was just stating my thought on how people (I was not targeting you) could ask for even more, which was 'different banners' or 'take off PvP kills of leaderboards' etc. Again, just my thought since they asked for something, and the Developers actually did listen, and gave them what they wanted. Just a bit too greedy, that is all. :)


Edited my post that you quoted btw, I understand where you're coming from dw. However based from gundam's request, I somehow see something good to it. I have this buddy who was awarded with at least 3 vanity banners last season and that he feared if ever the next season comes, he would get the same type of banner. I'm pretty sure if I was my bud, I would want something different for a reward. Well it's just a matter of few weeks before s3 comes, so we'll see if ever the team really intends to give out the same type(look and color) of banner for this season's winners. ;)

02-09-2013, 10:12 AM
I like the idea. However, I feel that since you posted this, kill farming will dramatically increase.
exactly my point.it seems like they are trying to imply that kill farming aint that bad and if you want you can do it also and there will be no stopping you,we will even reward you for it.

02-09-2013, 10:26 AM
Wow very cool to give banners out to full lb this sts! I also like energetics idea about 100 kills on specific toon Max daily. Very smart buddy. And I think we all are kinda guilty of farming whether flags or kills when a team leaves and its 5 on 1. We all have taken advantage of this but I understand some take it to nxt level by killing teams of afk alternative. But hey karma is a b. Maybe STD can minuter said cheaters for a fewhrs and decide they are cheaters and boot Em! Thanks again STD loveeee this game


02-09-2013, 10:34 AM
well, in my own opinion, it seems like kill farming and LB just ruined the whole CTF experience also.

02-09-2013, 07:27 PM
half the 21 games I play end up with 1 super OP team running back and forth between spawn rooms farming kills and I guess "ruining another players game experience"

no I don't blame the people doing that so i'd suggest
1. a nice barrier at the choke of the hallway before entering the room
2. give spawned players a 2-5s invincibility to all attacks thus discouraging spawn campers

02-09-2013, 10:02 PM
Players farming kills at spawn points happens alot also sometimes groups just stand in the middle of a hallways or their base and farm kills that way.

02-12-2013, 06:07 PM
I personally think that they should set up "kills" based on the damage u did, not on who Hit them last.

02-13-2013, 04:27 AM
I guess that if you don't want to get farmed, no one is putting a gun on your head to stay in the game... Just quit and join another - hopefully more balanced - CTF game.

02-13-2013, 02:50 PM
i dont see any chance of decrease kills farm with this change. ppl dont farm and "boost" kills just for banner, they do to be special, to be considered. The only way to stop farm kills is to stop counting kills and start counting team victory in ctf challenge.
think about that : some are so focus on kills and flag count that they can stay all day long farming naked ppl or running non-stop for flag without fighting anyone. I try to talk with one of this famous flag runner, what a waste of time... flag obsession, no time for fun or even team work. sts always talk about player ruining others players expérience of games, selfish flag runners and boost (lol - what a pleasant word to say It, isnt it?) killers ruining expérience of pvp. my point.

02-21-2013, 03:49 PM
Personally i would like it to be that the first place of each category gets the banner and the places following get plat. Like say 2nd place gets 1k plat, 25th gets 100, and it slowly increases as you go up the board. For some, platinum is more important to them the a banner, so this could possibly make 1st place give up their spot just to get plat and this would give others a chance for 1st.

02-21-2013, 03:52 PM
Personally i would like it to be that the first place of each category gets the banner and the places following get plat. Like say 2nd place gets 1k plat, 25th gets 100, and it slowly increases as you go up the board. For some, platinum is more important to them the a banner, so this could possibly make 1st place give up their spot just to get plat and this would give others a chance for 1st.

This won't happen. It just won't. :)

02-21-2013, 04:16 PM
I just want a banner. :)

02-21-2013, 04:29 PM
I just want a banner. :)

I'd like one too, but it's fine. Do you guys receive them straight when the Season ends?

02-21-2013, 04:44 PM
I'd like one too, but it's fine. Do you guys receive them straight when the Season ends?

Don't know. I wasn't on the leaderboard after season 1. This is my first time. I assume it will just be in my inventory after the update. I guess we will see.

02-21-2013, 04:46 PM
Don't know. I wasn't on the leaderboard after season 1. This is my first time. I assume it will just be in my inventory after the update. I guess we will see.

If it is, i'll be the first one to stalk you until you show it to me.

02-21-2013, 04:50 PM
Yes last season the banners for the leaderboard were in you inventory with the update for the new level cap.

02-21-2013, 05:22 PM
This won't happen. It just won't. :)

Lol unfortunately your right. But u cant blame a man for trying. :)

02-22-2013, 05:45 AM
A developer posted that it should be added to inventory either tomorrow or early next week.

02-22-2013, 05:59 AM
Correct me if i'm wrong, but only #1 place holders will receive the appropriate Vanity Banner. Like Snalin said, it was just a ''plan to'' and not a decision.

Again, correct me if i'm wrong.

02-22-2013, 08:16 AM
A developer posted that it should be added to inventory either tomorrow or early next week.

Yup! All 25 on the leaderboard will have banners coming soon!

02-22-2013, 09:04 AM
Yup! All 25 on the leaderboard will have banners coming soon!

That corrected me. XD

Btw, so if someone is in top pve, top pvp, top achievements he gets 3 banners?! XD

03-10-2013, 11:59 PM
Nice decision.

But for me, the more important is that there is no point about whole this 'flag' thing. People wants to win (kill), not carry flags to win the game.

What is the point about winning it?
What do we get from winning?

People want to have more 'kills' because they want something to show others that they are strong!

I guess whole this idea is to have people to play together as a party to carry more flags, should be a strategy game, not a power competition.

If we focus on flag more, we can focus more on class balance in party (number of classes) and strategies (like move how and where to where, sacrifice score; how to hold other team even whole team got killed to have one player to score it to win.)

I think people simply don't care about it, because there is no reward from it. If People can achieve something valuable (leaderboard banner, chest, some gold, not a regular loot items, it is not attractive), then people will try to play this game more properly.

For more, those who like to get kills, you can make 1 on 1 arena. Farming is not good because it is usually mobbing. If I have to choose to fight with someone and lose from someone, even it is 100 times, I can't complain about it because it was my choice. You should make it this way.

I tried three pvp just before I write this.
Some players were doing 1 on 1 in a spawn, some went in there to kill them, 1 on 1s were complaining, another one was telling them to move to a corner, another one sneaked and was carrying flag, another on was calling him a noob and telling him stop carrying flags, a rogue just grabbed a flag by herself and started to run and ordering me to protect her while we were facing 4 warriors, some didn't care anything but mobbing people.... sorry for saying this but it was a mess.

My point is, while everyone cares about only number of kill, ctf is meaningless.
You should add something to encourage people to play as it is made, or/and make a place to get 'kills'

And out of subject, but hope you guys change party system for pvp too. I tried to join pvp with 2 of my friends, and it's so hard to find a server that has three empty spots on one side.
I want to play as a team(isn't it made to play that way?) with my friends and party who I can communicate better on /partytalk and know each others better. But the party system right now is hard to do this but usually make us to play with random people. This lead to bad team, and following with farming.

Sorry for a long post. Thanks for reading.

03-11-2013, 02:25 AM
I agree with mstj. CtF is a huge mess right now. Maybe they should just remove the k/d from the leaderboards and add a team goal wins/losses. Then make a 1v1 arena for the players who are all about the k/d ratios and lb. Also a death match arena for FFA (no teams).

This way everyone gets what they want. However, if only they just brought in the arena layout and mechanics from DL (traps, doors, etc) maybe CtF on AL would've been played differently on AL.

03-28-2013, 09:11 AM
I agree with mstj. CtF is a huge mess right now. Maybe they should just remove the k/d from the leaderboards and add a team goal wins/losses. Then make a 1v1 arena for the players who are all about the k/d ratios and lb. Also a death match arena for FFA (no teams).

This way everyone gets what they want. However, if only they just brought in the arena layout and mechanics from DL (traps, doors, etc) maybe CtF on AL would've been played differently on AL.

Yep really a mess. New mess. Friends are getting together some go and the red team and some on the blue. Strangers are wiped out. Realized this yesterday but too late. k/d. lol. Flags are captured no resistance. Something to look out for. I stood in a corner while everyone chatted and laughed. Lol.

04-01-2013, 08:23 AM
There is no CTF in PvP. This is how my matches usually go:
- we group up and start hunting the opposing team
- someone eventually quits the game which unbalances the game in favor of one group
- when the match is reduced to 5v3 or even 5v2 the winning team starts to flag
- the rest of the opposing team leaves cause they're overpowered and match usually ends without all 5 flags being captured

This has been repeating during the last 2 weeks and has become very tiresome.

PvP is farming kills and farming flags. There is no strategy, no team competition, no real incentive to win as a team. I just mind my kill count and snag a flag here and there to keep myself on lb.
Even matches happen once in about a dozen matches started and they dont last long since someone gets tired of killing and leaves the arena. Why? No incentive to win over the opposing team, just kill, kill, kill...

I'm stopping PvPing since its become more tedious than farming elites. There is no thrill, no competition, no real reason to participate in PvP unless you want to ruthlessly annihilate the opposing team till they all leave. PvP is nothing but a grind to get the achievement points if you care for them.

Give us true CTF where you wont count kills and deaths but team wins.
Give us 1v1 or 3v3 deathmatch for kills.
Give us a better party system so we can do guild wars.

04-01-2013, 08:47 AM
Give us true CTF where you wont count kills and deaths but team wins.
Give us 1v1 or 3v3 deathmatch for kills.
Give us a better party system so we can do guild wars.

That is good, and need to be done asap,
PvP is nothing but farming atm.

04-03-2013, 01:32 AM
There is no CTF in PvP. This is how my matches usually go:
- we group up and start hunting the opposing team
- someone eventually quits the game which unbalances the game in favor of one group
- when the match is reduced to 5v3 or even 5v2 the winning team starts to flag
- the rest of the opposing team leaves cause they're overpowered and match usually ends without all 5 flags being captured

This has been repeating during the last 2 weeks and has become very tiresome.

PvP is farming kills and farming flags. There is no strategy, no team competition, no real incentive to win as a team. I just mind my kill count and snag a flag here and there to keep myself on lb.
Even matches happen once in about a dozen matches started and they dont last long since someone gets tired of killing and leaves the arena. Why? No incentive to win over the opposing team, just kill, kill, kill...

I'm stopping PvPing since its become more tedious than farming elites. There is no thrill, no competition, no real reason to participate in PvP unless you want to ruthlessly annihilate the opposing team till they all leave. PvP is nothing but a grind to get the achievement points if you care for them.

Give us true CTF where you wont count kills and deaths but team wins.
Give us 1v1 or 3v3 deathmatch for kills.
Give us a better party system so we can do guild wars.

I've made a tank of a warrior and simply run around and cap flags regardless of who or what is going on around me. Usually I get yelled at by someone trying to duel or kill farm because I'm effective ending the game... Ironic they'd say this in a CTF round.

04-08-2013, 11:35 PM
these posts are getting way off topic.

lets talk about the threads title right?

Good so lets talk about what happened last week.



this lvl 2 was able to accomplish this is one week.

Sam the 9999 caps is crazy in a week but maybe just maybe a lvl 2 could do this And I was a little intrigued

but then came the kill farming :(

major bummer

04-09-2013, 05:26 AM
20k kills in not even a week, plus 10k flags in a few days? That's simply called a hack or whatever.

EDIT: I'm pretty sure he has some kind of flasher or software to patch his stats. He can put any amount of PvE kills or PvP flags and kills. They'll be on server as well. If that's not the case, then there's really something wrong and devs should look into it ASAP.

04-09-2013, 06:13 AM
+1 then me to guys...

in these days i start to see around some guys who transfer kills and flags ...They group and wait until everyone left , then start to transfer ..

Our main problem is you can join em only if you are started togheter or have em on your fri list , firstly urgently all people must have an access to the matches who continue like 2-2 or 4-2 or etc must be able to join in any matches +1/-1 leveled...

i was agreed for 1vs1 or 3vs3 deatchmates that was sound so good but even i see these guys transferin i get afraid that more of em will start to do it, also it will be so easy for em to transfer on a 1vs1 or 3vs3 .

Staffs need to start to check or add a control system for that ASAP ...

coz all our efford will gonne for nothing ...

04-09-2013, 06:15 AM
+1 then me to guys...

in these days i start to see around some guys who transfer kills and flags ...They group and wait until everyone left , then start to transfer ..

Our main problem is you can join em only if you are started togheter or have em on your fri list , firstly urgently all people can have an access to the matches who continue like 2-2 or 4-2 or etc...

i was agreed for 1vs1 or 3vs3 deatchmates that was sound so good but even i see these guys transfering i m afraid that more of em will start to do it, also it will be so easy for em to transfer on a 1vs1 .

Staffs need to start to check or add a control system for that ASAP ...

coz all our efford will gonne ...


Ban them farmers/hackers.

04-09-2013, 06:19 AM
Hope we will have an answer about this important suject ...

its so important for the future of this game ...

04-09-2013, 09:01 PM
good looking out sts you guys have a great team so fast so pro

all back to honest legit players :)

04-10-2013, 12:51 AM
so he got banned? lol

04-10-2013, 01:39 AM
So... I made a level 2 and I've started flagging...
Obviously I don't play 24x7, but....will I get banned if my toon shows up in LB one day?
....can almost hear *burn the witch, burn!* in the distance :grief:

04-10-2013, 02:05 AM
I think you're fine if "one day" isn't tomorrow or day after

04-10-2013, 02:22 PM
So can someone or Devs/Mods explain the definition of illegal and legal farming?

04-10-2013, 02:29 PM
So can someone or Devs/Mods explain the definition of illegal and legal farming?

- Farming novice player with a twink and farming in spawn spots is legal
- sharing accounts with other people is illegal
- farming naked toons is half-legal depending on how much hatred do you get for it from the community, and if your ego tells you to farm that way 1-5th place in a week, you will be banned.

04-10-2013, 02:37 PM
Anyone else? Or Devs to speak?

04-10-2013, 02:38 PM
So can someone or Devs/Mods explain the definition of illegal and legal farming?

I have joined a real "Farm lobby" i had 3 people on my team running out to the middle naked over n over again. I find it funny when your group runs the other team over fair and square and they say you are farming...

04-10-2013, 02:42 PM
Good to clear before peeps do wrong things. Wrong but no knows, must educated, make system better.

04-10-2013, 02:45 PM
Anyone else? Or Devs to speak?

A simple way to keep your toon clean is to ask yourself "Is the other player trying to kill me". If the answer is yes, then you are not kill farming. With true kill farming, you either control both characters, or the person controlling the 'enemy' is doing what you ask so they are NOT trying to kill you at all. If you have no control over the enemy, you are not kill farming, plain and simple. If you do, you are.

04-10-2013, 07:22 PM
So... I made a level 2 and I've started flagging...
Obviously I don't play 24x7, but....will I get banned if my toon shows up in LB one day?
....can almost hear *burn the witch, burn!* in the distance :grief:

You're obviously joking...if your serious the answer is no.

So can someone or Devs/Mods explain the definition of illegal and legal farming?

how can u expect a mod/dev or anybody explain the definition of illegal or legal farming if u don't you don't define your definition of farming?

- Farming novice player with a twink and farming in spawn spots is legal
- sharing accounts with other people is illegal
- farming naked toons is half-legal depending on how much hatred do you get for it from the community, and if your ego tells you to farm that way 1-5th place in a week, you will be banned.

your 3rd statement. its illegal under any circumstances

from everything I've seen i cant tell u this,

u can kill farm yourself with 2 devises

with 4 devices u can spawn kill farm yourself

with 10 devices u can spawn kill farm yourself very easy, very very fast and u will be uninterrupted

bottom line if u spawn kill yourself and your investigated you will be banned.

04-10-2013, 07:49 PM
You're obviously joking...if your serious the answer is no.

how can u expect a mod/dev/anybody explain the definition of illegal or legal farming if u don't inform us of your definition of farming?

your 3rd statement...wow its illegal who are u kidding?

I can tell u this,

u can kill farm yourself with 2 devises

with 4 devices u can spawn kill farm yourself very easy

with 10 devices u can spawn kill farm yourself very easy, very very fast and u will be uninterrupted

if u spawn kill yourself and your investigated you will be banned plan and simple.

What is you spawn kill with 20 devices??

04-11-2013, 02:58 AM
What is you spawn kill with 20 devices??

huh? oh replace the "is" for a "if" i get it.

i see from your sig, u haven't played since the lvl 16 cap. ctf wasn't available then.

ctf in al is 5 players 2 teams

i understand some of you make trying to make light of the situation but all the the players that actually fought their way onto the leader boards this subject of farm killing isn't funny at all.

05-10-2013, 01:48 AM
yeah this is really a big problem. people sometimes ask me if i farm killed, because i have 1k kill and 0death. Well i am clean with my stats because I didn't kill farm at all. I tried making 0death after several failures. I even deleted
when i had 400kill 1death. now i see a lot of people kill farm and try to make 0death. Where is the fun if someone use many devices to kill farm and make stats? if this is possible, then everyone can easily get warmonger title within maybe a month if they spend a lot of time each day just kill farming. I know some people who is in leaderboard did kill farming. I had my best gears and played really carefully with my friends not to die. I even see a random noob player who has 500kills and 0death and everyone would know that guy kill farmed. Well i know some people try hard not to die, but kill farmers should get banned or at least their account should be refreshed. If kill farming is possible now, why would people join pvp arena and play with others? This kill farming should be dealt somehow. otherwise pvp won't be fun anymore.

05-10-2013, 01:53 AM
Also if kill farming is possible, then i can just ask my good friends to make another toon and let me kill them for few hours, then i will easily make warmonger within even a week. Or I can just make account on my computer and play with my iphone at the same time to make free kills. Trust me, this kill farming will ruin the whole leaderboard and pvp concept. Please do something devs.

05-10-2013, 07:49 AM
First I would lik e to thank you for making suggestions. However, making a limit on flags is unreasonable. It is already hard to ctf with only 5 per game. Sharing flags with other members if your team is a great idea but many games i enter I am the only one who wants to flag anyway. Your suggestion would prevent me from flagging in that type of environment.

05-10-2013, 07:56 AM
I was constantly farmed when I first started pvp. I just learned to be stronger: respecced and bought better gear. Now I can defend myself rather well. My advice is to get stronger. Oh and I never forget the ones who farmed me when I was new :devilish:

05-23-2013, 08:48 PM
Many players are actually ready to die for you if you pay them. If STS makes a rule that you cant earn money by dying or you can't pay anyone n ask to die for you, maybe this can end. For now, I really dont see an issue if someone is getting more kills than others. Moreover, its really difficult to even be on leaderboard nowadays with all the ganging in pvp. Regarding farming, one person sets the trend, others just follow or do it better. Also to the one's who are looking at Trueorigin's 50k kills, he didn't reach there from 0 kills in 9hrs, has been on LB since long now.

Bottom line, most of them farm, some farm more than the others.

05-23-2013, 08:59 PM
So many rules for PvP...
If I actually saw someone banned for anything other than hacks in PvP I'd quit playing this game straight away.
It's CTF but it's also Player VS Player. You're allowed to kill other players, you're allowed to capture flags. If people pay others to die for them then that's that. Go out and earn some gold yourself and you can do the same. On my main I can get anywhere between 25,000 - 30,000 when doing dailies.

05-25-2013, 11:00 AM
oh cool

05-26-2013, 05:24 AM
My kdr reads about 700:100. Very bad. But that's because back when I had crappy gear I used to go out for a match or two just for the achievs. Imo, kill farming means chasing a person and killing him/her again, and again, and yet again. That always used to happen to me. Finally I geared up and earned that 100 while gaining maybe 20 deaths. So at least imo, kill farming is when you farm kills of an enemy.

05-26-2013, 02:05 PM

05-27-2013, 08:19 AM
My kdr reads about 700:100. Very bad. But that's because back when I had crappy gear I used to go out for a match or two just for the achievs. Imo, kill farming means chasing a person and killing him/her again, and again, and yet again. That always used to happen to me. Finally I geared up and earned that 100 while gaining maybe 20 deaths. So at least imo, kill farming is when you farm kills of an enemy.

Happened to me too, back when it was newly introduced, played from sucky gear and accumulated quite a bit of deaths.. Now I just PvP to enjoy n have fun from my main ;) KDR n all is just showbiz, as long as you enjoy it, keep doing it :)

05-27-2013, 08:22 AM
Players judge you on how your character looks.
What if I went to a match and wore nooby gear?
I would get farmed.

05-29-2013, 02:02 AM

05-29-2013, 03:36 PM
Players judge you on how your character looks.
What if I went to a match and wore nooby gear?
I would get farmed.

I do that now. I wear good armor under vanity. Then when the smoke settles people ask what I wear. I put on my lvl 16 chain and hat then take of the vanity. I usually get you are joking right? Ahh bait taken... I ask, Would you like to test? I then 1v1 them in the chain. I win some and I lose some. Rogues hurt a lot like that. In the end though it is fun.

05-29-2013, 04:20 PM
Right now I have one twink that I care about kdr on, and other assorted twinks just to play with and get better.

06-03-2013, 10:19 PM
Hi, Rouge they have higher critic,DEX,Damage,DPS than warriors, is like rouge are warriors. I dont know why rouge should have all higher stats than warriors, only warriors have slightly higher HP which higher DEX of rouge can be same as higher HP, so in my point of view rouges are warrior with high critic,DEX,DAMAGE,DPS.
I still dont understand why warriors should have lower damage and DPS than rouges, rouges should only have high critic and DEX...

06-03-2013, 11:11 PM
Sam, not sure if you saw my suggestion in another thread, but you could place a limit on how many times the same player could kill another player within a certain time limit. For example, you could make it so that no single player could kill any single other player more than 100 times in a day, otherwise the extra kills above 100 just won't count towards their stats. This would cause no concern for 99% of players who just join random games and play. But would make it very difficult to kill farm as you would limited as to how many kills you could farm per day without opening lots of extra accounts. It wouldn't be impossible to beat the system, but much more time consuming.

I must be disagree with you,because Arcane legends is not my job unlike low age PPL and some school kids playing 24hr a day, I only come online 3 or 4 times a week and PVP kills are so hard to get 10k PVP and 10k flags, at the normal situation it takes like 1 year for someone like me to get those points, I'm playing online game for fun not as a job, so if I see that it takes 3 years to get 10k PVP kills then is not gonna be any reason to play that kind of game anymore.
I still don't understand why you want this PVP become harder, is already hard and takes 1 year to get 10k PVP kills???As I told you this game is not a full time job for many people like me

06-07-2013, 01:00 AM
I must be disagree with you,because Arcane legends is not my job unlike low age PPL and some school kids playing 24hr a day, I only come online 3 or 4 times a week and PVP kills are so hard to get 10k PVP and 10k flags, at the normal situation it takes like 1 year for someone like me to get those points, I'm playing online game for fun not as a job, so if I see that it takes 3 years to get 10k PVP kills then is not gonna be any reason to play that kind of game anymore.
I still don't understand why you want this PVP become harder, is already hard and takes 1 year to get 10k PVP kills???As I told you this game is not a full time job for many people like me

He says limit to 100 kills on a single player. ( I can only kill you 100 times per day) I don't think you understood

06-09-2013, 06:15 AM
It really is hard to get 10k pvp kills. Mostly many players in lvl 31 cap have mythic and i cant afford it. Me too, im not a full timer. When at work during break i assure to get some kills in pvp. Been playing since lvl 16 cap and just recently achieved warmonger title. It felt great coz it came from hard work. Lol. This is my 1st rpg game anyway.

06-09-2013, 07:41 AM
Be nice if we had some attention on Pocket legends not just all on Al.. thanks .. al has enough right now geez theres something new every week while we pl players get something every 2nd month besides maybe double whatever or special stuff wheres our timed runs our prizes iv heard nothing

06-12-2013, 09:47 AM
well, in my own opinion, it seems like kill farming and LB just ruined the whole CTF experience also.

I feel very sad and sorry for new players when they go to pvp they gonna die instantly by twinks, and they can not play. I think the best way is to not producing any good strong weapon for these twink levels, so they can be same as others, how come rouge level10 having bonechill bow, this is a mistake that should be thinking of, and the only way is that all twink levels having same weapon than normal. please take this issue into consideration

06-12-2013, 10:12 AM
Edited my post that you quoted btw, I understand where you're coming from dw. However based from gundam's request, I somehow see something good to it. I have this buddy who was awarded with at least 3 vanity banners last season and that he feared if ever the next season comes, he would get the same type of banner. I'm pretty sure if I was my bud, I would want something different for a reward. Well it's just a matter of few weeks before s3 comes, so we'll see if ever the team really intends to give out the same type(look and color) of banner for this season's winners. ;)

Lol I think your crazy for banners, but all is same is just a flag you put on your head, at the right time they will make some changes, they better know what is good for us :)

06-14-2013, 08:55 PM
I feel very sad and sorry for new players when they go to pvp they gonna die instantly by twinks, and they can not play. I think the best way is to not producing any good strong weapon for these twink levels, so they can be same as others, how come rouge level10 having bonechill bow, this is a mistake that should be thinking of, and the only way is that all twink levels having same weapon than normal. please take this issue into consideration
Twinks want to fight other twinks at low levels with good gear for good matches. Some (many, I'll admit) twinks will kill new people on sight, but that's irresistable.
If we all had sucky gear we would have sucky fights.

06-14-2013, 09:39 PM
I'm very poor in PVP...... How can I win in PVP, if my Internet was slow (poor connection)............ :(

07-07-2013, 05:52 AM
How bout an annual Maybe at the half of the season there would be an organized pvp match

07-07-2013, 05:55 AM
Hi, Rouge they have higher critic,DEX,Damage,DPS than warriors, is like rouge are warriors. I dont know why rouge should have all higher stats than warriors, only warriors have slightly higher HP which higher DEX of rouge can be same as higher HP, so in my point of view rouges are warrior with high critic,DEX,DAMAGE,DPS.
I still dont understand why warriors should have lower damage and DPS than rouges, rouges should only have high critic and DEX... warriors have big amount of armor and they have Vengeful Blood a skill that regens mp and their invulnerablity in healing we rogues dont have that many possitive buffs we have that smoke bomb thing but isnt good for pvp

07-07-2013, 01:26 PM
warriors have big amount of armor and they have Vengeful Blood a skill that regens mp and their invulnerablity in healing we rogues dont have that many possitive buffs we have that smoke bomb thing but isnt good for pvp
you're actually complaining about being a rogue in pvp
try sorcery please

07-08-2013, 05:29 AM
you're actually complaining about being a rogue in pvp
try sorcery please

I love you

07-13-2013, 02:43 PM
I sort of just skimmed through. Does this kill farming refer to players killing bots just to be on lb? Coz we have a lot on War TDM LB atm. And my friend has some proof of people admitting that they cheated to get kills.

08-13-2013, 06:56 AM
Yeah, i have proof for wars cheating in tdm also, n what about #1 ctf kills overall, that person went from 26k- 55k in 2 days.. farming his other toons, n paying newbies

08-14-2013, 08:29 AM
Top CTF and top TDM killers are farmers.

08-14-2013, 09:37 AM
Yeah, i have proof for wars cheating in tdm also, n what about #1 ctf kills overall, that person went from 26k- 55k in 2 days.. farming his other toons, n paying newbies
#1 ctfer look like he will be passed by the #2 Yolo today or tommorow.
I am told that he used to be a L.15/16 twinker and since they leveled to end game they have only gotten 1k ish kills in the past 2 months.

Will be interesting to see what does user does to keep their spot hehe

08-15-2013, 08:03 AM

They make a lvl30 toon and farm themselves again and again. Yolo, is at endgame now. Tbh, I'm not too found of that


Stay out of our lvl or make a new toon. Your kills are not inpressive when they arent from endgame...

08-15-2013, 10:02 AM

They make a lvl30 toon and farm themselves again and again. Yolo, is at endgame now. Tbh, I'm not too found of that


Stay out of our lvl or make a new toon. Your kills are not inpressive when they arent from endgame...
Are you saying these players like Trueorigin, Yolo, CTF, Itaat, etc (b/c they all leveled up from twinkers lvls) will make l.30 toons and farm themselves again?
And wouldn't these players levelling up be better in a sense for everyone else since they can no longer get "easy kills" down at the low levels.

Not to point fingers but trueorigin is a fine example. Unless he's not ctfing anymore, his kills have stopped dead.

08-15-2013, 10:14 AM
Are you saying these players like Trueorigin, Yolo, CTF, Itaat, etc (b/c they all leveled up from twinkers lvls) will make l.30 toons and farm themselves again?
And wouldn't these players levelling up be better in a sense for everyone else since they can no longer get "easy kills" down at the low levels.

Not to point fingers but trueorigin is a fine example. Unless he's not ctfing anymore, his kills have stopped dead.

I'm only talking about #1 CTF killer.

Not really. Truerigions kills are raising and I have never seen that person in pvp and that person is at endgame now.

08-15-2013, 10:20 AM
Ouch...+1k kills in few hours
Coudlve sworn yolo was above trueorigins just hours before in kills now he's got close to 1k more :(
http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/3816/8ra0.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/593/8ra0.png/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

Against rules but we'd all love to see true origins provide screenshots of the dozens of games that he plays in

08-15-2013, 11:50 AM
happy farming.

08-16-2013, 05:21 AM
the better way is to remove all low level legendary weapon and armor below lvl10, cos new player get farmed by a cheap twink that can only kill noob player wit a junk armor, all new player get dissapointed bcos of this, they dont know bout the game/new, then they enter tdm and ctf, and they get farmed by twinkz, that cant even 1vs1. . other cheap twink makes frenz wit a gud pvper twinkz so that they dont get killed lol.. very cheap

08-16-2013, 05:32 AM
regarding bout farming own account, its not nice.. but this is a competition, u can do wat u want just to win.. player farming hes own account is only using hes brain and techniques to win the competition..thats the real life, theres a gud players and theres a cheater player..if some players cheating just to win, so fight them, do cheat too, may the better player win hahaha lol

sorry for wrong grammar :smiley_simmons:

08-20-2013, 09:46 AM
the better way is to remove all low level legendary weapon and armor below lvl10, cos new player get farmed by a cheap twink that can only kill noob player wit a junk armor, all new player get dissapointed bcos of this, they dont know bout the game/new, then they enter tdm and ctf, and they get farmed by twinkz, that cant even 1vs1. . other cheap twink makes frenz wit a gud pvper twinkz so that they dont get killed lol.. very cheap

ikaw pla si nightingailes ah!!! well good for your illusionist...

09-02-2013, 07:31 AM
The worst is the warrior tdm leaderboard, 90% of them are boosters.
My friend asked me that should he farm himself, because a booster has overtaken his spon on lb. I said him do what you want bro, its allowed..
Thats sad, because before he played pvp normally, then he need to do these tricks to keep his position. :/

09-02-2013, 07:57 AM
The worst is the warrior tdm leaderboard, 90% of them are boosters.
My friend asked me that should he farm himself, because a booster has overtaken his spon on lb. I said him do what you want bro, its allowed..
Thats sad, because before he played pvp normally, then he need to do these tricks to keep his position. :/

90%? Wow such a great number. (22.5) :loyal:

09-02-2013, 08:10 AM
Hm, i guess you are one of these.. :applause:

09-02-2013, 02:44 PM
Nice one hali

09-02-2013, 02:57 PM
Hm, i guess you are one of these.. :applause:

Keep your mouth.
Do not say anything you don't know.
Even my TDM still 0 death, it's a hard work. I spent 1 month to do it.

09-02-2013, 04:58 PM
Keep your mouth.
Do not say anything you don't know.
Even my TDM still 0 death, it's a hard work. I spent 1 month to do it.

bro, start playin pvp, its much fun. you wont learn how to do, if you dont even die :o

09-04-2013, 10:52 PM
edit : I initially wrote a reply to Frohnatur's message here in 2013, but am surprised to see that this seems to have undergone some backend change many years on - rehashing of texts, removing the positive parts and jesting nature of my replies, removing some messages of support for me, removing some personal attacks from others. Ayn Rand question turned super dark, Frohnatur's long reply calling this "porn" gone, even the threads I was responding to gone. Windturbine also describes me as "he", but he knows I'm a she, we've actually spoken on the phone for team matches. Pretty scary all considering. And very eye-opening. I had the original thread saved and see the difference. Removing this for now!

09-05-2013, 12:10 AM
The "philosopher" is named Ayn Rand, and she stood for a very very right wing kind of view on things. She was the daughter of russian immigrants in America and, to sum it up, she believed strongly in the fact that only the toughest deserved to survive. The rest could go - in her opinion - to hell. The weak, the unfortunate, the disabled... they all didn't deserve to survive.

Although this mind frame might appear to be fitting for a game like this, the whole moral structure of it is dangerous. Since there are a lot of kids playing this game, they will takeover this impractical attitude and start acting like this in the real world. Everyone playing this game should be aware that the same rules of common sense and moral responsiblity apply as in the real world. If I, for instance, as GM let it happen that people post porn links in my guild, then I am responsible for the younger kids in my guild who will read it. This is what I mean with responsibility: as an older or smarter person, one is responsible for the actions any one takes towards the example given for younger or inexperienced people.

You, TrueOrigin, seem to come from a place where all of those concerns doesn't bother anyone, instead selfishness and egotism are the preferred moral frameworks of your actions.

Let me tell you this: The world has moved forward. People like you might always have their small successes, but in the end they do not succeed, because people learn and finally find out how to overcome them.

In your reply to this thread I can see you are defensive. So I dont think you are able to enjoy your top position. Thats just - just, I think.

09-05-2013, 03:24 AM
edit : I initially wrote a reply to Frohnatur here in 2013, but am surprised to see that this seems to have undergone some backend change many years on - removing the positive parts and jesting nature of some replies, removing some messages of support for me, removing some personal attacks from others. Ayn Rand question turned super dark, Frohnatur's long reply calling this "porn" gone. Windturbine also describes me as "he", but he knows I'm a she.. we've actually spoken on the phone. Pretty scary all considering. And very eye-opening. I had the original thread saved and see the difference. Removing this for now!

09-05-2013, 05:03 AM
Showing people boosters off by boosting, doesn't not making you or anyone else or that matter, any better. Espcially not because you spotblock number 1 spot.

Demonassa, rightful owner of 1st spot.

09-05-2013, 05:57 PM
edit : I initially wrote a reply to Noisy here in 2013, but am surprised to see that this seems to have undergone some backend change many years on - removing the positive parts, removing some messages of support for me, removing some personal attacks from others. Ayn Rand question turned super dark, Frohnatur's long reply calling this "porn" gone. Windturbine also describes me as "he", but he knows I'm a she.. we've actually spoken on the phone. Pretty scary all considering. And very eye-opening. I had the original thread saved and see the difference. Removing this for now!

09-09-2013, 12:28 AM
As now many players do PvP we need to have top 100 leaderboard to get everyone a chance to be on boards

11-25-2013, 04:44 AM
At the end of Season #1 of the Leaderboards, vanity banner prizes were only granted to the #1 leaderboard position holder. Our plan is to increase the rewards to be all of the leaderboard (or even more - the team is still looking at options) to thereby reduce competition and the desire to kill farm. Our hope is that people just play and have fun and if they play avidly, they'll probably make it on the expanded leaderboard.

While we reserve the right to ban for any reason, we are not currently closing accounts for kill farming.

u shout close for kill farming:) because it trows in water someones else hard work

11-27-2013, 03:20 AM
Someone should just start a guild that aims to play ctf like its supposed to be played. Who knows, others might catch on.
And no, I'm not rich enough to start a guild

12-01-2013, 11:45 PM
Stg please, u can do anything to stop the kill farming? thats unfair for the players who working hard to get spot in lb , also twinks should havent spot in lb , lb should be for endgamers , for example in hauntlet they can do a better time , in ctf and tdm they kills toons ( this in all levels ) .
I just want the lb be fair for all , and just the players who deserve it can got it, I hope catch this seriously ans starting hunt cheaters, this ll be good for the game and players , if u solve this problem u ll save players playing this game.

Just my opinion , hope take in consideration , thanks.

12-02-2013, 01:19 AM
The closer i gets,the further it becomes..


12-06-2013, 03:53 PM
its upsetting to spend 10-15 hours in PvP earning kills.. and the next day you see someone boosted / farmed the same amount in an hour by killing own alts.. i hope to see some fairness

12-20-2013, 01:50 AM
Sorry for a long time i would rather to not talk and say nothing , but just 2 important questions is on everyone s head ;

* Why noone take an action for not allowing these boostings ?

* And the most important part is do we all start to transfer kills ?

i wonder why noone take attention on this suject , how does it be so cheap to act like that whitout anyone in front ...

an answer from STG staffs would be nice...

12-20-2013, 08:09 AM
I learned yesterday that someone on the lb pays people 80k for 100kills .... And is always in locked rooms .. And this came to my attention because I said in guild chat I NEVER EVER see ********** in pvp how are they so high on lb and getting this many kills daily. It's cheating in my eyes plain and simple. Why sts won't do anything is beyond me. I would LOVE to know what they have to say on this and how they can condone this. It's not rocket science to see how wrong this is, especially to those who graft HARD to the top.

Gah why do people feel the need to cheat in a game! It's not deserved!

12-20-2013, 08:28 AM
I learned yesterday that someone on the lb pays people 80k for 100kills .... And is always in locked rooms .. And this came to my attention because I said in guild chat I NEVER EVER see ********** in pvp how are they so high on lb and getting this many kills daily. It's cheating in my eyes plain and simple. Why sts won't do anything is beyond me. I would LOVE to know what they have to say on this and how they can condone this. It's not rocket science to see how wrong this is, especially to those who graft HARD to the top.

Gah why do people feel the need to cheat in a game! It's not deserved!

Sorry for a long time i would rather to not talk and say nothing , but just 2 important questions is on everyone s head ;

* Why noone take an action for not allowing these boostings ?

* And the most important part is do we all start to transfer kills ?

i wonder why noone take attention on this suject , how does it be so cheap to act like that whitout anyone in front ...

an answer from STG staffs would be nice...


12-20-2013, 08:36 AM
I learned yesterday that someone on the lb pays people 80k for 100kills .... And is always in locked rooms .. And this came to my attention because I said in guild chat I NEVER EVER see ********** in pvp how are they so high on lb and getting this many kills daily. It's cheating in my eyes plain and simple. Why sts won't do anything is beyond me. I would LOVE to know what they have to say on this and how they can condone this. It's not rocket science to see how wrong this is, especially to those who graft HARD to the top.

Gah why do people feel the need to cheat in a game! It's not deserved!

Jon the most problem is cheating has not a value of fault , the person/s who encouraging them to cheat act a fault ...

12-20-2013, 08:41 AM
Jon the most problem is cheating has not a value of fault , the person/s who encouraging them to cheat act a fault ...

Emma ^^ awwww ruthy lol <3

I also agree with this. Bottom line is something needs to be done! Do we neeeeeed another thread like Midas touch! Keke

12-20-2013, 08:42 AM
ahahahhaahaahah ruth hhahahahhahahahahhahahaha

12-20-2013, 08:45 AM
Let the farmers do what they are best of, im sure they enjoy receiving pms from random people in towns: 'omg so pro', 'awesome!!'

12-20-2013, 08:49 AM
Ops my Bad sorry emma ^^

well seriously i dunno but this encouragement will push some more people to act/react like the person which are doing well atm ...

make a new toon , farm your alts and BAMMM !! Get died all efforts of many players sounds not bad and so easy .)

i just wanna know if our staffs which show us the ways want us to do same like this its all .

12-20-2013, 08:53 AM
I learned yesterday that someone on the lb pays people 80k for 100kills .... And is always in locked rooms .. And this came to my attention because I said in guild chat I NEVER EVER see ********** in pvp how are they so high on lb and getting this many kills daily. It's cheating in my eyes plain and simple. Why sts won't do anything is beyond me. I would LOVE to know what they have to say on this and how they can condone this. It's not rocket science to see how wrong this is, especially to those who graft HARD to the top.

Gah why do people feel the need to cheat in a game! It's not deserved!

^^^^^^^ This.

Its cheating plain and simple. Leaderboards are there to show people how good you are as a player and to fulfil personal achievements, so how is someone obtaining kills by farming acceptable. When myself and Emma learned of this yesterday we were in shock...... 80k per 100 kills?!?!?!?!?! How bad can someone possibly want to be at the top? You have players that will PVP ALL DAY to get the kills (Hawk, Demonassa etc).

Whats even funnier here is that we are all aware of what's going on, so when this person does reach the top EVERYONE will know about it and that person will have even less respect than they do already.

Could we have a system in place where if a certain amount of kills have been achieved that a report has been sent? I dunno.... all i do know is that the leaderboard is shot to pieces with this kind of rubbish.

12-20-2013, 08:59 AM
Im tired of this.tired of working so hard.i doubled and tripled my efforts daily just so i can compete with s1 players whos been on lb.
Asking for seasonal board which is sooo way but until now not even a single response.

Nvm.i play like a madmen eat play sleep less just so i can catch up (which eventually i managed to get it close) and boom something magical happen and the gap is huge again.

Yes i am complaining and i am bored and i am spending lesser now both time and money.

12-20-2013, 09:27 AM
7 pages = 133 posts = 0 countermeasure...

well many people r sad about that 0 respect given by some players , but at least u can save the low amount of respectful players which love and will keep loving this game ...

12-20-2013, 06:38 PM
well its amazing how a person can make 2.5k kills in one day.. my idol !

12-20-2013, 09:15 PM
This issues brought many times by genuine players but STS said its not against ToS. Same with pet spamming problem - many people consider it as skill.

12-21-2013, 12:03 PM
We'll if sts condone this behaviour then I'm gonna help my guild mate and let him farm my alts! Also I am going to pay 80k per 100kills for my toon to farm. As the saying goes ...... If you can't beat them ..... Join them! I suggest everyone do the same! ...... Not good eh?

Let's just all play the game the CHEAP WAY! So much fun in that! (Sarcasm)

As I said sts condone this so why not boost our kills! Wooooo hooooo!

12-21-2013, 12:27 PM
This is so **** - Taking
A Player who earns Every Of his/her legit Pvp/Ctf kills gets Wrecked by some Person Who is farming their kills.

Isn't it sad?
One players dedication goes down the drain Of just a person.
Sts SHOULD Close their account or Atleast ban them from LB.
Demon Will remain #1 Till Boosters are gone.

Boosters= No skill

Here's a scenario

Booster Enters a match
XXXXX Killed Booster

Let's see how much Kills she get as of now.

In Pl there's a certain Endgame guild Which hide behind str sets (In pl you can have a certain amount of Dex/Str/int and use their gear Eg. lvl50 Gun 108 DEX and need Atleast that amount) and boost kills.

12-21-2013, 12:42 PM
To me its equal to u work hard in company doing everything right way, working over time n then someone come n sleeps with boss, n boom they get promotion ure still stuck down, no matter how hard u worked.

N no not everyone know whats goin on, n the ppl who r pushed down even one spot under self farmers r not happy with it, there r even ppl on lb who quit trying. And lets not talk just about thosetop players, what about the person whos #26 or #27, they wont get banner or thire name on lb, just because someone spends 2hrs farming themselves. And there r many competitive players, but how can u compete to that? And it makes people angry.

If u won't ban them, then find other solution, we all know who those people are, n u can easily check logs and remove those people from lb.

But i think it is banable, my opinion, it promotes unfair game, n worst of all, those players who do it feel so untouchable n protected, which is sts fault.

And yes if smth doesn't change ppl will start doing it more.

We all agree, lb is smth we all work hard to gain, our names on that board, makes it interesting and keeps up competitive spirit, but with current situation, i don't think many ppl will put effort to get on ctf lb.

12-21-2013, 12:43 PM
This is so **** - Taking
A Player who earns Every Of his/her legit Pvp/Ctf kills gets Wrecked by some Person Who is farming their kills.

Isn't it sad?
One players dedication goes down the drain Of just a person.
Sts SHOULD Close their account or Atleast ban them from LB.
Demon Will remain #1 Till Boosters are gone.

Boosters= No skill

Here's a scenario

Booster Enters a match
XXXXX Killed Booster

Let's see how much Kills she get as of now.

In Pl there's a certain Endgame guild Which hide behind str sets (In pl you can have a certain amount of Dex/Str/int and use their gear Eg. lvl50 Gun 108 DEX and need Atleast that amount) and boost kills.

Hawk is atm #1 hes not boosting but spending 12-15 hrs a day in pvp, n now he will be pushed down again by someone who will get 3k in a day.

12-21-2013, 12:55 PM
Hawk is atm #1 hes not boosting but spending 12-15 hrs a day in pvp, n now he will be pushed down again by someone who will get 3k in a day.

Oh,Sorry last time I check Demon was a place above hawk.Memory is weak.

Let's just hope Devs don't introduce Dual speccing It will ruin pvp even more.

12-30-2013, 06:04 PM
That's fine sts, if you're ok with kill farmers I'll just stop doing pvp. Let em grind away while the rest of the players give up. And this isn't an issue for just LB, its raising the bar on what ppl assume a good k/d ratio is. Guild recruitment can be god awful when having 2 kills for every death is seen as a bad record. Imo, 100 kills to 50 deaths is just fine, unless your a warr. But this farming is creating a substantial amount of 10k+ kills with no deaths and its changing the way ppl are viewing their pvp record. So even if they are a good player, they feel like a noob and that's just silly

12-30-2013, 07:47 PM
The only reason that the LB contains some "legit" people is because AL is fairly small,

Other big MMORGs and MMO that are played by millions , the leaderboards are 100% farmers.

So, it's not a bad thing that AL is small.

12-30-2013, 10:31 PM
The people who manage this game have already spoken about this issue. It is also true that they will not take any action (yet! at that time, while they reserve the right to change their policy on this later on).
Come on STS. People who are doing this and getting away with it are becoming bolder and bolder everyday. More and more players are doing it. This is like a disease.
I hope STS will revise their policy on this and take a grip on the matter which has originated ever since PVP was introduced in the game.

12-30-2013, 11:04 PM
The people who manage this game have already spoken about this issue. It is also true that they will not take any action (yet! at that time, while they reserve the right to change their policy on this later on).
Come on STS. People who are doing this and getting away with it are becoming bolder and bolder everyday. More and more players are doing it. This is like a disease.
I hope STS will revise their policy on this and take a grip on the matter which has originated ever since PVP was introduced in the game.

Demon has a point.lately i stumbled upon a few whos doing it outloud without a shame.it has come to this and once you lock yourself in ctf room with your dummies you can go on and on for hours.we ask players to play and haul efforts but not cheating.

12-31-2013, 06:17 AM
Dont care dont bother about lb- where is cheat allowed and promoted by game company itself. I dont bother to compete. Just play 4 fun

12-31-2013, 06:23 AM
The only reason that the LB contains some "legit" people is because AL is fairly small,

Other big MMORGs and MMO that are played by millions , the leaderboards are 100% farmers.

So, it's not a bad thing that AL is small.

I never tried other mmo beside World of Warcraft(best pc mmo atm). What I know is cheat isnt allowed there. Top guild get mass ban if they do that. In PvP most good mmo have rating system - not like chasing some stupid ap by farming. Player face same rating(skilled) lvl player to reach top and ultimately win season. Every season get reset and battle start again. Those PvP kill no. - noone care abt that and It also dont define player skill lvl.

01-04-2014, 08:17 PM
Lock me in a room with these kill farmers.im no pro.but ill give em a match to remember.3hrs thts all im asking.

01-05-2014, 02:19 AM
I ws in a room earlier whr a tank paid this mage to farm him.more n more ppl r doing this!

A friend ws knocked out ftom lb by a toon with 34k kills 2k deaths.where is the fairness?

01-07-2014, 03:15 AM
Someone in game PM me, to kill me in pvp, and he pay with mythic gear.. x_x Forgot the name, and ignoring him... i think new-style of pvp is needed :D

01-07-2014, 11:52 AM
Why u dont talk me in game..:(

Sent from my HTC Explorer using Tapatalk 2

01-15-2014, 08:29 AM
And i actually support ban on this, because they promote unfair play, n i know damn too many ppl who quit pvp even game because they realized how unfair it is n they don't wanna be part of smth like that.

Also this is same for ppl who use hot keyes n boost pve with bots.

Those people who wanna get things so easily, they deserve worse punishment, so they don't even think bout doing it in any other game.

Well thats just my opinion. Its up to STS to do or not do smth.

But im not gonna give up on this, lets promote fairness and actually healthy competitive spirit, no one can compete with self farmers (Predator not included, hes killing machine)

01-15-2014, 08:50 AM
Remove them from lb.period.

You got many other paying customers here.

01-15-2014, 09:14 AM
How about STS just declares either of these things:

1) Self toon farming is not cool with us and you will be banned if you are doing it/have done it.
2) Self toon farming is cool with us and you are free to do it without any shame/regrets.

Once everyone gets a closure, these kind of threads will stop :)

Pirate Captain
01-15-2014, 10:42 AM
How about STS just declares either of these things:

1) Self toon farming is not cool with us and you will be banned if you are doing it/have done it.
2) Self toon farming is cool with us and you are free to do it without any shame/regrets.

Once everyone gets a closure, these kind of threads will stop :)

Yeah, I just want to know whether or not it's cool XD

01-20-2014, 05:50 PM
In any case, if a known player like number one on LB gets banned or suspended, it's going to work a lot better than banning some unknown random farmer. It's also true that the mentioned player is taking some kind of pride in being able to stay atop through unfair means.

Personally, giving a banner to everyone in LB leaves me somewhat skeptical. The people who self-farm are less than 200. With the current digits on LB, anyone is discouraged to even try to catch up. Thus, the LB consists of old players who keep self-farming in order to keep their rank from lower self-farmers. A closed circle, a separated environment.

With the banners now given to everyone, wouldn't that make a large part of previously indecisive players to start farming in order to get on LB? The way I see it, this update just fuels that group of people without effectively dealing with the real issue here.

01-21-2014, 03:00 AM
Good thread. Even mods have a realistic kdr... And they are close to pros in game. Spacetime studios should look into making their customers happy and respond to this issue. Enough said.

Subhanallah... <---- Pronounce this word. You're welcome.

01-21-2014, 03:10 AM
PvP farmers should not be banned..their kills should be reseted so that they dont loose all the flags and PvE they have worked hard for..
But thats not the main reason... their skills should be reseted so that when they come bak to get the PvP Aps...they will have to join random rooms...and then people should laugh at them..this may sound harsh but that should be the punishment for cheating and trying to boost kills..

01-22-2014, 05:18 PM

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01-22-2014, 05:33 PM
Lovin this banner :P

Tommy ED Bloodyfinger
01-26-2014, 02:29 AM
May I ask u something??
How do I do when do we get the banner?

01-26-2014, 03:06 PM
ok, I have some screenshot of a dummy farmer, where do I post it?

01-27-2014, 04:56 PM

what if a player kill farms at twink level like this and then gets on leaderboard then level up????
Umm I don't think that's kill farming, I do know that roccoboy is a legit player, and they were probably having a clash and ctf managed to get all the kills.

01-27-2014, 07:41 PM
Umm I don't think that's kill farming, I do know that roccoboy is a legit player, and they were probably having a clash and ctf managed to get all the kills.

Roccoboy, or Roccoboyq?

01-27-2014, 07:46 PM
Roccoboy, or Roccoboyq?
whatever but I know turkishpvp isn't a joker, turk is master of latinos twinks so yea

02-05-2014, 09:18 PM
Kindly investigate ign QAZO. He is also self-farmer. Thanks.


02-06-2014, 06:57 AM
Kindly investigate ign QAZO. He is also self-farmer. Thanks.


I will farm him, no worries.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-13-2014, 08:22 AM
Stg pls we send u a lot of pics about kill farmers, reset their stats to e more fair, for example yesterday Killersadis had 21300 kills and now with less than one day he is in with 21958, thats a one example, its annoying and unfair, u stg why dont take care about it?

02-13-2014, 08:28 AM
I will quit soon , im tired about this cheaters, kill farmers who kill their toons and players who use makros and autohotkey to get pve kills.


02-13-2014, 09:05 AM
Stg u want a game full of kill farmers? Lb havent sense now, a lot of players cheatting for get banners , so sad, if the reward was platinium and arcane items imagine how many kill farmers we have... I just pm killersadis today in game and he confirmed me he did, i didnt take ss cause i send a lot and stg didnt take care about it, killersadis said me and u gang bang, well i just gang to return the gang i never start ganging, also i do a lot of vs against full geared players , i allways try to play random sometimes i won and sometimes not, but i allways get kills against real players, so no one can acuse me of cheat, with kill farmers , free flags, pvp is rip, and the game ll rip soon if u stg dont take care about it. I think this is the opinion of a lot of players i just talked about it with friends and they re agreed with me.

Stg stop it now please! Thanks

02-17-2014, 07:19 PM
I will quit soon , im tired about this cheaters, kill farmers who kill their toons and players who use makros and autohotkey to get pve kills.


And why do you think i rarely on nowadays.im exhausted..this will nvr end nor players feel the system provide em fairness for the amount of money and time spent.

Whatever cant be bothered.have fun

02-18-2014, 05:35 AM
And why do you think i rarely on nowadays.im exhausted..this will nvr end nor players feel the system provide em fairness for the amount of money and time spent.

Whatever cant be bothered.have fun

Ikr , I actually think stg just care about lucrative business, cause when a big issue comes, they put an event to distract the people, and they will do the same, the problem is, what about the players who dont distract with the events and still seeing this issues? Stg dont care? They had around 6 month this season to solve that , enough time I guess...

02-19-2014, 11:51 PM

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02-22-2014, 11:00 PM
Is this kill farming? I saw this one at Outpost and I got confused with the stats, don't know if I should be amazed or what.

02-23-2014, 09:16 AM

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9100 mit Tapatalk

02-25-2014, 05:01 PM
I believe ipvp got that kdr at a really low level.

Anyway I want to thank STG for taking firm action on farming. They have been very responsive to my reports and it really renews my faith in PVP and the leaderboard.
Honestly if there's a problem just screenshot it (with the farmer killing a toon) and they will most likely take the appropriate action.

I've seen a huge change since the end of last season in the amount of leaderboard farmers and it's such a great change!

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02-25-2014, 10:05 PM
I believe ipvp got that kdr at a really low level.

Anyway I want to thank STG for taking firm action on farming. They have been very responsive to my reports and it really renews my faith in PVP and the leaderboard.
Honestly if there's a problem just screenshot it (with the farmer killing a toon) and they will most likely take the appropriate action.

I've seen a huge change since the end of last season in the amount of leaderboard farmers and it's such a great change!

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Firstly, thankyou Merrrrrrrked for defending my credibility and my KDR. I want everyone to know I got that KDR legit at lvl 3 PvP and actually remade my character after every death. I have learned there are many factors that come to making a "non-death" toon, which can range from : playing with your guild, gear/build, internet connection, opponents on other team, recognizing trouble at first notice, level of the match, and even battery of your device you play on (Many more). While I know my KDR is awesome (JK), I wish people will stop accusing myself and others who strive for that "no death" kdr, as it is possible (much more achievable in low lvl PvP). However i do understand others perspectives , and do encourage all to report any kill farming in PvP. I am on par with Merrrrrrked's and I'm sure all other legit pvpers out their, that kill farming is quite.....nooby. With all that said, Thankyou STS for bringing down the hammer on kill farming and giving non-kill farmers a chance at the LBs, such as Merrrrrrrked. If anyone wishes to contact me regarding tips for making a non death toon, my IGN's are : Ipvp & Baller.

03-09-2014, 01:58 AM
Does anybody know this dude? Dont be impressed by such people flaunting warmonger tiitles and awesome kdr....smh....
Iights from Boss twinks guild (lv 13-14) kill farming..and this isnt the first time.


03-09-2014, 03:35 PM
This is Sad how People need to farm others To get good stats

Sent from my iPhone 3000
using Tapatalk,Ign is Tendirin

03-11-2014, 03:50 AM

It doesn't get much more blatant than names like these....

03-11-2014, 01:05 PM
Farming, huh? You got many kills in 1 game...

03-11-2014, 04:45 PM



These three pictures were all taken within 12 hours of each other

Please note Qav's kill count. If you note the last two pictures, notice my kills (I'm Raw). I gain less than 100 kills in the time Qav takes to gain 4000 kills. And I get about 150 - 200 kills a day. What does that say to you?

Shake my head...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-11-2014, 09:22 PM
Qav is a lvl11 twink who farms like no other...

03-11-2014, 11:28 PM
Qav is a lvl11 twink who farms like no other...

That's odd. Epicrr (another lvl 11 twink) just seemed to pop out of the woodworks on leaderboard. Last I remember him having about 25k kills (about a 10 days ago).


Anyhow, I don't mean to flame and point names out, but I have emailed these screenshots to STS and even though they are blatantly obvious I still see Qav's name on the leaderboard. He pushed off a good friend of mine who pvps for hours every day in lvl 36.

What message does that send to hard working pvpers? That if you cheat you won't be caught?

I get that we need physical evidence of this (screenshots of the farming itself) to get the person banned, but how can we if we are not in their level bracket, or if they block the game off with fake alternates? This reminds me of another player who went all the way to the top getting thousands of kills a day, and even though I reported it via email, nothing was done (thankfully this person was banned)

So is the message from STS this: if you farm and nobody sees, its okay? (I hope not!)

03-12-2014, 05:40 AM
That's odd. Epicrr (another lvl 11 twink) just seemed to pop out of the woodworks on leaderboard. Last I remember him having about 25k kills (about a 10 days ago).


Anyhow, I don't mean to flame and point names out, but I have emailed these screenshots to STS and even though they are blatantly obvious I still see Qav's name on the leaderboard. He pushed off a good friend of mine who pvps for hours every day in lvl 36.

What message does that send to hard working pvpers? That if you cheat you won't be caught?

I get that we need physical evidence of this (screenshots of the farming itself) to get the person banned, but how can we if we are not in their level bracket, or if they block the game off with fake alternates? This reminds me of another player who went all the way to the top getting thousands of kills a day, and even though I reported it via email, nothing was done (thankfully this person was banned)

So is the message from STS this: if you farm and nobody sees, its okay? (I hope not!)

I posted screenshot from a dummy farmer, he even admitted "haha all my dummy" on chat log, i sent pic from that also. Guess what happend.. nothing.

03-12-2014, 12:12 PM
I see the official post, nothing is being done because it does not violate terms. So why are you posting screen shots? Have they actually done something about it?

03-12-2014, 01:08 PM
Yeah wth STG, this is bs, we provide you evidence, we show you how getting 3K kills in 1 hour is not legitimately possible. What do you do? You ignore, you neglect, and abandon us, like come on. I haven't seen one developer post in the last 7 pages, you guys probably see this but can you at least update us or show us that you care? CTF (a legit pro rogue), a S1 rogue I play with, got bumped off by Themizukage (flouw). Is that fair? Is that fair how she bumped off grashoper, limsy, nasty, chrissy? I know those players are legit, this is blatant ignorance. You guys know who the farmers are, you can't simply open their account and reset their kills? Wow, just wow.

03-12-2014, 06:33 PM
That's odd. Epicrr (another lvl 11 twink) just seemed to pop out of the woodworks on leaderboard. Last I remember him having about 25k kills (about a 10 days ago).


Anyhow, I don't mean to flame and point names out, but I have emailed these screenshots to STS and even though they are blatantly obvious I still see Qav's name on the leaderboard. He pushed off a good friend of mine who pvps for hours every day in lvl 36.

What message does that send to hard working pvpers? That if you cheat you won't be caught?

I get that we need physical evidence of this (screenshots of the farming itself) to get the person banned, but how can we if we are not in their level bracket, or if they block the game off with fake alternates? This reminds me of another player who went all the way to the top getting thousands of kills a day, and even though I reported it via email, nothing was done (thankfully this person was banned)

So is the message from STS this: if you farm and nobody sees, its okay? (I hope not!)

Also look at cnns in 22... Made 10k kills in like a week..

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03-13-2014, 01:09 AM







Shall I continue...?

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03-13-2014, 08:15 AM
what the heck? quit being crybabies..if ppl wanna farm their own characters in ctf and so wut? just let them...folks r whining more than girls on their periods l0l.
get a life and quit takin screen shots of people having fun with the game. you babies bragging about every little thing.
snitches and fans all over the place i bet half of them don't even know u posted a pic of them lol ridiculous

03-13-2014, 08:24 AM
lol whining too much man calm tf down dude i dont know all the folks u named nobody cares endgamers. people will farm kills if they wanna farm kills u cant stop them and reset their kills? themizukage? he legit got all those kills w/o kill farm you must be on crack baby dont h8. and who's flouw? lmao thats xcelz if u didn't know

03-13-2014, 04:48 PM
what the heck? quit being crybabies..if ppl wanna farm their own characters in ctf and so wut? just let them...folks r whining more than girls on their periods l0l.
get a life and quit takin screen shots of people having fun with the game. you babies bragging about every little thing.
snitches and fans all over the place i bet half of them don't even know u posted a pic of them lol ridiculous

lol whining too much man calm tf down dude i dont know all the folks u named nobody cares endgamers. people will farm kills if they wanna farm kills u cant stop them and reset their kills? themizukage? he legit got all those kills w/o kill farm you must be on crack baby dont h8. and who's flouw? lmao thats xcelz if u didn't know

LMFAO MSYG, I expected more from you, I even played L23 pvp with you guys, you're really going to defend Flouw just cause she's the guild leader? I know exactly who Themizukage and Xcel is, I can tell you right now that Xcel is not Themizukage. You think Flouw is legit? How much did she bribe you to make a forum account and defend her since she's too wussy and can't do it herself? Anyways back on topic, we're not whining , this is calling playing dirty and we're emphasizing how much we care about fairness in pvp. And yes sts can and should reset kills, why? Because how much skill does it take to buy another device, make an account, level it up, and farm it all day? None, absolutely no skill and I know those endgamers are the real thing. Ridiculous? You think kill farming and booting skilled people off the leaderboard is not ridiculous? And yes we're snitching, so what? We're bringing justice to the noobs who don't know how to get their kills with skill. Now I'm not calling Flouw a noob and yes she is absolutely fantastic at L23 pvp, she'll beat just any rogue there in a 1-1 but she farmed her kills, she farmed at least 30K kills. I know she got 20K kills legit but the consequences of being caught farming yourself will result in either kill reset or ban.

03-13-2014, 06:34 PM
LMFAO MSYG, I expected more from you, I even played L23 pvp with you guys, you're really going to defend Flouw just cause she's the guild leader? I know exactly who Themizukage and Xcel is, I can tell you right now that Xcel is not Themizukage. You think Flouw is legit? How much did she bribe you to make a forum account and defend her since she's too wussy and can't do it herself? Anyways back on topic, we're not whining , this is calling playing dirty and we're emphasizing how much we care about fairness in pvp. And yes sts can and should reset kills, why? Because how much skill does it take to buy another device, make an account, level it up, and farm it all day? None, absolutely no skill and I know those endgamers are the real thing. Ridiculous? You think kill farming and booting skilled people off the leaderboard is not ridiculous? And yes we're snitching, so what? We're bringing justice to the noobs who don't know how to get their kills with skill. Now I'm not calling Flouw a noob and yes she is absolutely fantastic at L23 pvp, she'll beat just any rogue there in a 1-1 but she farmed her kills, she farmed at least 30K kills. I know she got 20K kills legit but the consequences of being caught farming yourself will result in either kill reset or ban.

Nevertheless, Flouw is a very talented pvper. I'm not saying farming kills is a good thing at all, but she's about the only rogue that kills my sorc 24/7 in 1v1. Also, just saying, STS doesn't have consequences for farming kills at the moment.. Sad but true. As far as I know, the only thing they do is delete dummy alts.

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03-16-2014, 11:49 PM
lol whining too much man calm tf down dude i dont know all the folks u named nobody cares endgamers. people will farm kills if they wanna farm kills u cant stop them and reset their kills? themizukage? he legit got all those kills w/o kill farm you must be on crack baby dont h8. and who's flouw? lmao thats xcelz if u didn't know

Dont say that, your only saying that to try and defend your guildies that are clearly farming.

Sent from my AT100 using Tapatalk 2

03-17-2014, 08:45 AM
Dont say that, your only saying that to try and defend your guildies that are clearly farming.

Sent from my AT100 using Tapatalk 2

what guildies? they aren't in my guild (-: 1v1 or what are r u scared just like all crayonz

03-17-2014, 01:21 PM
lol whining too much man calm tf down dude i dont know all the folks u named nobody cares endgamers. people will farm kills if they wanna farm kills u cant stop them and reset their kills? themizukage? he legit got all those kills w/o kill farm you must be on crack baby dont h8. and who's flouw? lmao thats xcelz if u didn't know


Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk

03-17-2014, 03:47 PM
what guildies? they aren't in my guild (-: 1v1 or what are r u scared just like all crayonz

You like bragging how you're sooo good in L23? Here, come fight me at 41. Oh wait, here comes the bombardments of excuses. She is your friend correct? She used to be my friend and I still ratted on her, now she probably hates me but *whistles* I couldn't care less.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-18-2014, 08:36 PM
^im pretty sure that's considered flaming..

Ok, back on topic. Like many have previously stated, kill farming is a problem that needs to be addressed. I'e seen people kill dummies over 100 times in one ctf game.
That really shouldn't be happening.
Ik that STS is busy with the expansion right now, honestly so am i with the teeth hunting, but they need to do something about this massive problem.

I'm suggesting to implement a limit on how many times a player can kill another (usually a dummy) per day/or 12 hours. Any over killing will not add to their k/dr by killing that same target. For example a person killed their dummy 150 times, the system notices this and puts a stop to their k/dr gained by killing that same dummy. This could greatly limit the farming capabilities of someone and their dummy.

Oh and i remember reading something similar to this in the suggestion section on the forums awhile back, but cant seem to find it in the hundreds of threads and im too lazy to look further. But I do give him/her a lot of credit for this idea.
Thx for listening to my rant! :)

03-19-2014, 01:25 AM
what the heck? quit being crybabies..if ppl wanna farm their own characters in ctf and so wut? just let them...folks r whining more than girls on their periods l0l.
get a life and quit takin screen shots of people having fun with the game. you babies bragging about every little thing.
snitches and fans all over the place i bet half of them don't even know u posted a pic of them lol ridiculous
Do not flaming ppls.

03-19-2014, 04:57 AM
it just use dummy bro,
it's not cool way...
So you can kill the dummy over and over again as much as you want to get your name in LeaderBoard.
It sucks? Yeah it is, its not sportive, thats why many twinks who had low kdr kills but have mighty experience and skills to pvp ^^

03-19-2014, 06:26 AM
some lbers just wanna get all banners...so even if they have pvp banners...they farm dummies in tdm...and sts has the proof they need for many of these guys...pls do something abt it

03-19-2014, 06:30 AM







Shall I continue...?

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Elite twinks...the best of the best at kill farming...wanna make urself faster....ask em..they are pros at this

03-19-2014, 06:34 AM
why dont u all non dummy farmers create a dummy and farm it as well? since stg allow dummy farm then u should do it too. isnt that a wonderful idea to also boost ur kills? :eagerness:

03-19-2014, 06:59 AM
why dont u all non dummy farmers create a dummy and farm it as well? since stg allow dummy farm then u should do it too. isnt that a wonderful idea to also boost ur kills? :eagerness:

Y dont u be my dummy and i can kill u all i want for ur useless post...

03-19-2014, 07:02 AM
why dont u all non dummy farmers create a dummy and farm it as well? since stg allow dummy farm then u should do it too. isnt that a wonderful idea to also boost ur kills? :eagerness:
You should make yourself dummy

03-19-2014, 07:15 AM
Y dont u be my dummy and i can kill u all i want for ur useless post...

no no dont use me. and dont be mad what else u wanna do with this kill farm problem stg allows this itself

03-19-2014, 07:22 AM
You should make yourself dummy

uh no thanks it wastes time to level the dummy from 1 to 41

03-19-2014, 12:46 PM
no no dont use me. and dont be mad what else u wanna do with this kill farm problem stg allows this itself

The ones who do 4k kills a day using dummies got no life..

03-20-2014, 09:05 PM
Elite twinks...the best of the best at kill farming...wanna make urself faster....ask em..they are pros at this

Very true,I have even witnessed elite twinks kill farm, I find it funny that if their so elite why do they need to kill farm?

03-20-2014, 09:12 PM
why dont u all non dummy farmers create a dummy and farm it as well? since stg allow dummy farm then u should do it too. isnt that a wonderful idea to also boost ur kills? :eagerness:

Thats very funny. Very funny indeed..

03-21-2014, 05:21 AM
Thats very funny. Very funny indeed..

I want some people on the forums to come to pvp endgame...;)

03-22-2014, 01:40 PM
Elite twinks...the best of the best at kill farming...wanna make urself faster....ask em..they are pros at this

Ask one of them 1v1 and u will see that they dont need to farm kills..

Sent from my GT-S6310N using Tapatalk

03-24-2014, 12:10 AM
this good idea, or 100 kills / day extra kill will not be counted, so the good thing is u can still kill ur enemy even it 1000 times but the limit record u can obtain everyday is 100 or even 200,

03-24-2014, 12:15 AM
Sam, not sure if you saw my suggestion in another thread, but you could place a limit on how many times the same player could kill another player within a certain time limit. For example, you could make it so that no single player could kill any single other player more than 100 times in a day, otherwise the extra kills above 100 just won't count towards their stats. This would cause no concern for 99% of players who just join random games and play. But would make it very difficult to kill farm as you would limited as to how many kills you could farm per day without opening lots of extra accounts. It wouldn't be impossible to beat the system, but much more time consuming.

this good idea, or 100 kills / day extra kill will not be counted, so the good thing is u can still kill ur enemy even it 1000 times but the limit record u can obtain everyday is 100 or even 200,

03-27-2014, 09:43 AM
wish i had friends on al (:

03-27-2014, 10:20 AM
Please Upgrade Mythic Armor And Helm. Hard To Kill In Elite Lvl 40-41

Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2

03-27-2014, 11:11 AM
Ask one of them 1v1 and u will see that they dont need to farm kills..

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Whats the fun of lvl 5 when ur Arcane pets kill instead of you...come to endgame and 1v1 me...

03-27-2014, 11:48 AM
Whats the fun of lvl 5 when ur Arcane pets kill instead of you...come to endgame and 1v1 me...

R we discussing here about twinking or endgame?

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03-27-2014, 11:52 AM
I want some people on the forums to come to pvp endgame...;)

I guess u have mythic gear and arcane pet... sry bro most people dont have so they play pvp on low levels where they can get some kills :/

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03-27-2014, 01:21 PM
I guess u have mythic gear and arcane pet... sry bro most people dont have so they play pvp on low levels where they can get some kills :/

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only mythic armr helm and fang...and i still own...and btw i was talkin abt how elite twinks are pro at farming...

03-27-2014, 02:36 PM
only mythic armr helm and fang...and i still own...and btw i was talkin abt how elite twinks are pro at farming...

Haters will hate...

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03-27-2014, 02:59 PM
Haters will hate...

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well when the whole AL hates farmers...they must be doing something wrong right? its not like thousands of people are wrong while a bunch of people are right..

03-27-2014, 09:48 PM
what the heck? quit being crybabies..if ppl wanna farm their own characters in ctf and so wut? just let them...folks r whining more than girls on their periods l0l.
get a life and quit takin screen shots of people having fun with the game. you babies bragging about every little thing.
snitches and fans all over the place i bet half of them don't even know u posted a pic of them lol ridiculous

This true though you people do complain to much......

03-28-2014, 04:17 AM
This true though you people do complain to much......

Stop doin this Sh*t and we wont complain :D

03-29-2014, 06:55 AM
Stop doin this Sh*t and we wont complain :D

Yea agree with End, we're only complaining because it's a dirty way of getting yourself on lb. the "LEADER"boards are meant for leaders, not cheaters. Later on sts can add a "cheater"board for you guys.

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03-29-2014, 08:30 AM
The LB is a joke, apart from some categories, namely the timed runs.

03-30-2014, 11:31 AM
May i know how to report someone that kill farm dummy ?
What evidence do i need ?
And whats is the punishment for the kill farmer ?

03-30-2014, 11:37 AM
May i know how to report someone that kill farm dummy ?
What evidence do i need ?
And whats is the punishment for the kill farmer ?
Do support sts
The punishment is permanent banned.

03-31-2014, 03:40 AM
May i know how to report someone that kill farm dummy ?
What evidence do i need ?
And whats is the punishment for the kill farmer ?

U must have solid proof...like his kill count...the guy farming...and then do what zeusblade said

04-05-2014, 08:28 AM
Here is one farmer ign Kadenoob

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04-11-2014, 04:53 AM
Here is one farmer ign Kadenoob

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as said b4...too many farmers at the lvl 5-10 bracket

04-11-2014, 06:54 AM
as said b4...too many farmers at the lvl 5-10 bracket

It's not even too many, it's everyone at 5-10 farms. The kdr's all fake

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04-11-2014, 07:05 AM
It's not even too many, it's everyone at 5-10 farms. The kdr's all fake

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No, some do play fairly...and it takes them a while to reach 10k kills...but the farmers...

04-11-2014, 08:09 AM
No, some do play fairly...and it takes them a while to reach 10k kills...but the farmers...

99.9% with 10k+ kills at 5-10 are farmers... Thats a fact

04-11-2014, 09:09 AM
now I dont even bother to put up the title 'warmonger'. I would love to see sts granting the title 'deathmonger' to those dummies and 'dummonger' to those dummies farmer. -,-

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04-17-2014, 03:46 AM
Meh just another kill farmer ... Wish sts would do something :(


Hes not a kill farmer, hes a reputed pvp player... As far as i know thats cero

04-17-2014, 03:48 AM
Hes not a kill farmer, hes a reputed pvp player... As far as i know thats cero

Yep, this dude pvp during the level 21 cap and I could attest to this. Funny right?

04-17-2014, 07:35 PM
84635 I wanted to see it with my eyes this is basically lvl 2-5 tdm84638

04-25-2014, 05:00 AM
low lvls have really low deaths. I made a tank and tried to attack my friend who was lvl 3 too. My hits did nothing to him. She regenerated way too fast. but farming ofcrs exists

05-02-2014, 03:35 AM
I think STS should check everyone on the LB's PvPing habits and if the KDR is too God-like, either reset or ban.

The LB is torn apart by these pathetic kill farmers. Legit players get bumped down because of people like them; haters will hate, and the whole of AL's community (except those encouraging kill farming/taking part in it) will hate kill farmers, just like you would to someone who cheats in real life.

05-04-2014, 01:02 PM
It's not even too many, it's everyone at 5-10 farms. The kdr's all fake

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I'm lv 6 and i hate kill farmers, don't say that everyone farms in 5-10 -.-

05-12-2014, 11:21 AM
Most kill farmers r lvl 2-4
At lvl 5+ its hard for farmers bcs everyone kill them.. and as far as i know ET dont have farmers in guild

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05-12-2014, 12:36 PM
As long as i can remember thats all ET does besides spot block and gang.

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05-12-2014, 12:49 PM

05-13-2014, 09:47 AM
As long as i can remember thats all ET does besides spot block and gang.

Sent from my N860 using Tapatalk 2

And as long as I can remember u r a guild hopper and a free flagger with 0 skill and an obvious full of self ego.

Still selling that deprave blade level 8 for 50mill gold?

What else can I say to this guy.

05-14-2014, 09:58 AM
I can easily run through any non arcane 8. I hop guilds, so what. And no matter who stands with me always comes out on top in a fair fight. I always fight for the guild im in. Dont be mad I run the flag. Thats apart of the game.
Im here to play the game. Not troll you in forums to flame every post. But since we on the subject, who hides behind his guild? Who was one of the first ET to lvl to 9 since they couldnt hack 8 bracket?

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05-14-2014, 06:13 PM
I can easily run through any non arcane 8. I hop guilds, so what. And no matter who stands with me always comes out on top in a fair fight. I always fight for the guild im in. Dont be mad I run the flag. Thats apart of the game.
Im here to play the game. Not troll you in forums to flame every post. But since we on the subject, who hides behind his guild? Who was one of the first ET to lvl to 9 since they couldnt hack 8 bracket?

Sent from my N860 using Tapatalk 2

Well hello big head. Who's doing drama here? Check all ur posts and compare with mine. All U do whole day step up to cry n troll at threads. U dont even know what level ET was before and what level ET still is. Put ur imaginations and ur big mouth at ur own house. 6/7/8/9/10/12/14/15/16. . We Did all and when need we will do again. Not a sticky leech who's stuck at 1 level with the big self ego.

Your reality is:
So better learn some manners before u enter a social surrounding so called (GUILD).

05-14-2014, 06:45 PM
Well hello big head. Who's doing drama here? Check all ur posts and compare with mine. All U do whole day step up to cry n troll at threads. U dont even know what level ET was before and what level ET still is. Put ur imaginations and ur big mouth at ur own house. 6/7/8/9/10/12/14/15/16. . We Did all and when need we will do again. Not a sticky leech who's stuck at 1 level with the big self ego.

Your reality is:
So better learn some manners before u enter a social surrounding so called (GUILD).

100% Rhetoric. You put way too much time into spreading roomers. How's the luxury hotel buisness you inherited? LoL. Any more stories to share?
This is just a game we all play. We all take it serious in our own way... I spend 95% of that time proving myself in the battleground. You spend 95% of it spinning very theatrical lies.
But you know what they say... no such thing as bad publicity!

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05-14-2014, 06:48 PM
I forgot to mention... Your statement makes zero sense.

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05-14-2014, 06:55 PM
Have y'all realized that no one cares?