View Full Version : Skill and Stat "Loadouts"

02-07-2013, 10:36 PM
Being an active player of the game, and a buyer of platinum, I've found it to be a waste of my hard earned cash having to respec between a pure PVM build and pure PVP build on numerous occasions so I can be the best I can be in each situation.

I would love to see a skill's and stat's loadout, similar to our equipment, implemented into the game.
Whether we are given an extra " loadout slot " upon respec'in (up to 4) or to use platinum to purchase a new loadout slot is fine with me.
I just feel this would be a great addition for those of us that equally love to PVP and farm, allowing us to have two builds to switch between for any situation.

~Krispon <Dark Disciples>

02-07-2013, 11:59 PM
Choose warrior, PvE class works fine with PvP.

02-08-2013, 03:23 AM
I like the idea. While warriors might have that advantage rogues and sorcerers definitely need a different skillset. With my current mage skills it is a pain to pve whenever I do so, just not enough aoe... I would very much like to see this option, even with just 2 loadouts :)

02-09-2013, 08:11 PM
seeing as i've spent well over 1.5mil between gear and pets and have invested quite a lot of platinum on my mage, and currently on the leaderboards for PVP on my mage, creating a new account just doesn't seem feasible to me. i do have a level 21 warrior that I only use when my guild mates and i need a tank and don't have any decent one's online. but that is just an alternate account.

i would love more then anything to be able to have a 2nd loadout, because as genuinous said, rogues and mage need very different skills/stats if they are going to be a pure PVPer or a pure PVMer. really hard to make a pve build with both characters. i just thought it was a pretty good idea and hoping maybe this will get looked at by a developer and one day is in the game.

03-14-2013, 08:29 PM
Good Idea. :)