View Full Version : SL Guild Wars

02-08-2013, 05:39 PM
How about Guild wars? Where guilds fight to occupy a space castle/station.

Then every week there would be an opportunity for other guilds to siege and steal the station.

A team of challengers may form a 3-guild alliance and the guild who occupies the station may form its own alliance as well.

The guild who occupies the station gets gold everyday. The longer they occupy it, the more gold they accumulate.

An exciting feature like this would bring the thousands of SL players back, alienated by the lack of developments on SL.

(Thanks to my dear Adam (Sinbadd) for the idea!) :orange:

02-08-2013, 07:27 PM
I think this has been suggested already but it's still a good idea :3

04-19-2013, 08:05 PM
that would be so cool to fight mobs of real ppl(the pve one are not very "fun" when u get to high lvl)