View Full Version : WT4 Crash with no xp gain.

02-08-2013, 08:27 PM
I'm reporting a crash that seems to happen every single time I enter Warriors Tomb 4 now.
I have spent money on potions and platinum on xp elixers.
What happens is that I will complete almost a full run and then while entering a room the game will crash to desktop and when I re-log in, I cant re-enter with party, my timer on my elixer is almost expired, gold from purchasing potions and feeding pet is gone, but my xp remains the same.
This has happened the last 4 times in a row now and I honestly don't see the point of continued play.
I did check and confirm xp gain while in the dungeon but it resets my xp to what it was before I entered.

Running Beanstalk 4.2.1 on my rooted Infuse 4g over a Wi-Fi connection with airplane mode on.