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View Full Version : High Levels in Low Level Games BUG

02-11-2013, 06:26 AM
This thread is about certain players who choose to find their way into lower lvl games to intentionally farm kdr. Obviously in my case these individuals knew what they were doing and thus in a sense ruining another player's game experience.


I joined a CTF game and found 2 lvl 20+ players camping in a lvl 14-16 game in separate spawn rooms.
I've done enough pvp to know they had l20 gear sets since one rogue had insanely high armor and dps & seemed untouchable.

I questioned their lvl and they denied being lvl 20. I continued to asked them why they are doing this and the most I got out of them was them explaining to me how they're pro twinks which I knew was a lie.
So this is when I got a tiny bit frustrated, 2 players who shouldn't be in a game knew what they were doing was wrong yet continued to do so and used silly excuses to mask their real lvls.
This is totally acceptable (for me at least) when the game is evenly matched but in this case I can't say the same.

Additionally, 3 of my 4 teamates were complaining about them spawn killing constantly. They literally stood no chance and I took half a dozen deaths before I ended up killing the player once. Guess what? that player came right back to spawn us and the cycle repeats. At this point I totally felt bad for my teamates.

This thread is not about me raging, nor is it a rant, it's about a known bug that needs to be fixed (unless the level range is more than +/- 2 of those host player?)

02-11-2013, 06:30 AM
If a dev/mod can move this under bugs/technical issues...I believe I posted it under the wrong section

02-11-2013, 07:02 AM
I agree with you. It only happened to me once so far and I wasn't doing it intentionally. I was the only 21 on my team and pretty much slaughtered everything.. I suppose level 20's can happen to join matches like this when lvl 18-19 is considered the host. I agree with you, it's not the nicest thing to do. But honestly, if you can farm your own alts, why can't you farm others? They are both morally wrong imo, but both are allowed by sts (as confirmed on kill farming).

02-12-2013, 07:28 PM
Oh, the irony... Anyway, what happens to me is i join a game, i replay a few times and the game level lowers randomly.. After like 5 replays.

02-13-2013, 02:26 PM
Ive seen 21s in a 14-16 game. It was deffinately no contest. Since the battle doesnt show the opponent levels it takes a while for the low levels to figure out they have no chance. Especially if the 21 is using vanity armor to give their character a generic look. I think allowing everyone to see the levels for the opposing team as well as your own teammates might be the simplest way to solve this, because it would allow a player to make a quick educated decision on if they wanted to continue competing against a stacked deck or not. Also I can't see any huge disadvantage to an enemy knowing my level.

02-13-2013, 02:54 PM
I agree, I experienced this too. To be honest, being spawn killed by people like that, doesn't bother me. I mean, i'll let them 'feel' good for a few, then i'll just leave without any word. But, the thing that annoys me, is my team mates. I mean, they were lower than me, new to Player VS. Player, and I really could feel that they didn't appreciate it. Guess what? Two of my team mates were completely new to not even know how to leave the match. So, I was trying to explain to them how-to, but each time I click on spawn, to type in my sentence on explaining them how-to, I kept being killed by these players. Yes, I can't type anymore once the 'death' window appears. That being said, I managed to kill them both (the high level spawn killers), so I rapidly typed the how-to. I did succeed, the the part that made me 'upset' was when the two newbies were trying to leave the room, the spawn killers were killing them, so they just couldn't leave. Well, they just didn't make it. So, again, I had to kill them both (took me a while) for my team mates to leave. So, finally, they made it.

I was a Sorcerer level 10. My team mates were Rogues level 8 and 9. Guess what? The two spawn killers were level 15 and 16 warriors. Yes, they were.

02-13-2013, 09:55 PM
My friends and I were in a match with our lvl 11 twinks and saw these toons kept killing ppl nonstop without taking dmg. There was a moment when there was room on their team so I told him to rejoin and check it out. Sho'nuff they were level 20 toons. He took screen shots and reported it since I can't do it on this phone.

Its gotten to the point where its annoying.