View Full Version : Player Count on Opening Menu

02-14-2013, 02:21 PM
How hard would it be to put the total number of players currently logged into Pocket Legends on the opening screen? The best place IMO would be in the bottom right corner under 'Continue' and 'Enter Towne' buttons on the screen where you get the recent news, character selection, and menu options at the top. I've seen a player total on plenty of other games so I figure it is something that is easily done. I've even seen a 'members online' total for forums just like this, and the stats will be at the bottom of the page, how many people are on, how many guests are on, total number of active threads, etc. It'll help give players an idea of how many people are on at one time and if its a good time to search for runs or if a certain time of the day is dead compared to other times.

Hopefully a Dev can respond and let us know if this is possible or not. I'm interested in seeing how many people are on at once during peak playing times too.

02-14-2013, 02:37 PM
This feature actually existed in the past, but devs decided to remove it at some point. There was never any feedback as to why though.

02-14-2013, 06:28 PM
I would like this too because sometimes I just get of because I feel like no one is one but if I saw there was like 1000+ people somewhere in game I'd stay on and try and find them.

02-15-2013, 12:14 AM
I always wondered why they took it out. Thats like taking a step back if you ask me

02-15-2013, 04:41 AM
How hard would it be to put the total number of players currently logged into Pocket Legends on the opening screen? The best place IMO would be in the bottom right corner under 'Continue' and 'Enter Towne' buttons on the screen where you get the recent news, character selection, and menu options at the top. I've seen a player total on plenty of other games so I figure it is something that is easily done. I've even seen a 'members online' total for forums just like this, and the stats will be at the bottom of the page, how many people are on, how many guests are on, total number of active threads, etc. It'll help give players an idea of how many people are on at one time and if its a good time to search for runs or if a certain time of the day is dead compared to other times.

Hopefully a Dev can respond and let us know if this is possible or not. I'm interested in seeing how many people are on at once during peak playing times too.

Me wantx this

02-15-2013, 08:15 AM
Kinda unnecessary.

02-15-2013, 08:24 AM
Kinda unnecessary.

It is, but just some people like me want to know what time PL is really active , active or ain't active since I live in Asia... Huge time difference with you guys PL players who r mostly western..

02-15-2013, 03:25 PM
It is, but just some people like me want to know what time PL is really active , active or ain't active since I live in Asia... Huge time difference with you guys PL players who r mostly western..

We should get a poll for what time during the day people play. Then if the count is added again, we could see the truth.

02-15-2013, 05:40 PM
Yeah, this used to be on and it was awesome! Maybe the player count is dropping and sts doesn't want us to see?

02-15-2013, 05:50 PM
Yeah, this used to be on and it was awesome! Maybe the player count is dropping and sts doesn't want us to see?

That was my "theory."

02-15-2013, 08:25 PM
Yeah, this used to be on and it was awesome! Maybe the player count is dropping and sts doesn't want us to see?

Never thinker of this but , after thinking about it I do agree... So sts don't be shame of losing all PL players? Or so?

02-16-2013, 12:00 AM
We will know if the game starts to die, so why not put it there I'v alwayyss been curious how many people are online, it would actually be a VERY handy thing so some people that live all different parts of the world can find out when the most players play. Good idea

02-16-2013, 05:59 AM
Never Thinked of this but , after thinking about it I do agree... So sts don't be shame of losing all PL players? Or so?


02-16-2013, 06:09 AM
You don't need a player count to know that PL is declining...just log into the game, and check out on-going instances happening at any given time.

There was a time when a couple of guildmates and I decided to do an experiment...the drill was to log in the game for at least an hour spamming refresh on instances in all dungeons and towns just to get a ballpoint estimate on the number of people online at that particular time (with screenshots)...we did this for maybe two months...just logging on a random time and day, refreshing, and listing down the total number of unique games and towns we could find, by the time our experiment ended, we compared figures, and we all ended up with a smaller figure. IIRC, this was somewhere between Nuri and Mt. Fang.

We did this because at that point, many of our guildmates were already thinking of quitting, and we wanted to prove to them that the game is, in fact, still alive and well, we wanted to change their mind by providing a graphical trending of the behavior of PL's population (one of their reason for quitting is they feel population was declining, we wanted to prove them wrong)...after coming to the discouraging conclusion to our experiment, we ended up quitting ourselves...and a lot of our members migrated to Order and Chaos...some of us who were already PC MMO gamers decided to just leave mobile MMOG for good and just stick to the tried and tested Guildwars 2 :D

I think STS not releasing this information validates our earlier conclusion. We did that a couple of months ago, I wonder what the results would be today. I logged in the game lately, without even going through the same experiment, I already know, the game is in a much worse state compared to the time we did our experiment just looking at the number of on-going games. Before, there were still several on-going games at lower levels (not all), last time I checked, almost nobody is running the lower levels...and the amount of on-going instances in higher levels is not even that many compared to before (maybe even less)...

TL DR? Discouraging numbers that's why this info will never be shown.

Thats probably the most weirdest thing iv heard of.
Id rather not waste my time doing all that just to find out the times when most are on, didnt think it was hard to put down a number of players online. Every game does well most games I know show the amount of players online, you and your guild must be prettyy dam bored to just do all that for that^^