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View Full Version : How are players getting into PvP maps they shouldn't?

02-14-2013, 02:26 PM
Hey gang, one of the bugs the team is working on squashing is the issue with people outside the proper level range getting into a PvP map. We have our list of ways, but we are having difficulty reproducing them in a live play environment.

We want to make sure we squash this bug right, so I'm asking for information. When you enter a PvP map how are you doing it to circumvent the level restrictions? I know, maybe some won't come forward, but we won't be banning accounts for doing this or anything - we just want to know so we can make sure we get all the different ways.

Thanks in advance for your input.

To clarify, the level range of a PvP map is set by the first person entering the map. If a level 10 is the first person on to a map, then the level range would be 8 to 12 (10 +/- 2).

02-14-2013, 03:02 PM
It can only be done by pressing replay.

First lets say there's a game of 4 players, 3 level 21. and a 20. Once the game has ended, if the 20 joins the game first, it would be 18 - 22 (or 21 since its cap).

They finish the game again, only this time an 18 joins first. The level spread would typically be 16 - 20. However, this is where replay comes in and a 21 may join lower levels. This applies to all levels not just 19 - 21

02-14-2013, 03:18 PM
Yeah, it seems like that is correct. A couple of days ago I played in a game that was started by a level 20 player, but then when we did the "replay" a level 18 joined first, so the game became a level 18 game, and even though I'm lvl21 I was able to join because I was part of the previous game. But in that second game a bunch of level 16 players joined, so I was basically owning them all. Then we just kept on doing replay and the same thing kept going on. After about a dozen games I think there were even some 15s and 14s there, because I was one-shooting warriors with my mage. LOL

I think the solution is that the level of the game should continue to be the same as long as folks keep pressing "replay" instead of making the level of the replay be refigured based on the first person to join the replay.

02-14-2013, 07:42 PM
its in the rejoin and for you guys to duplicate it you need many many games ending at taping rejoin all around the same time.

im sure you guys are aware this has been going on in PL before you released AL.
its the exact same thing happening its the exact same bug.

02-15-2013, 02:39 PM
Hey gang, one of the bugs the team is working on squashing is the issue with people outside the proper level range getting into a PvP map. We have our list of ways, but we are having difficulty reproducing them in a live play environment.

We want to make sure we squash this bug right, so I'm asking for information. When you enter a PvP map how are you doing it to circumvent the level restrictions? I know, maybe some won't come forward, but we won't be banning accounts for doing this or anything - we just want to know so we can make sure we get all the different ways.

Thanks in advance for your input.

To clarify, the level range of a PvP map is set by the first person entering the map. If a level 10 is the first person on to a map, then the level range would be 8 to 12 (10 +/- 2).

thank you for acknowleging this complaint..

02-15-2013, 03:04 PM
There is indeed bracket creep with replay.
Why not set static parameters? 1-5 6-10 - Something like that. I have a few minutes and want to pvp so I grab my 10 and pop into a game - 13s. Hmm, No problem, plenty of room, I'll just switch to my 12 and rejoin. Oops - 15 and 16. Well, I'll try my 15 - again, not full, should be able to rejoin. I try and end up with 17-18. This is not a rare occurrence. Static caps would alleviate this problem.

02-15-2013, 03:10 PM
It always happened to me by noticing, that low lvl players are entering the game and then replaying resulted in a zone, where I was 21 and the rest were under 18... However even though I can be in that zone another 21 cant just join from friends/guild/party. You end up getting "you do not meet the level requirements" message.

02-15-2013, 03:59 PM
Yup its replay

02-15-2013, 04:11 PM
Games merge and the level range changes but some of people from one of old games is outside the level range
The end

02-16-2013, 06:08 AM
It's the replay button as others here have mentioned.

If you play for a good few hours and keep hitting that replay button you're bound to be in a game lower than you originally played in.