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View Full Version : Newb "Pro" Help

02-15-2013, 12:38 PM
I have a rogue that just reached lvl 20 and i've been having trouble in the elite maps
But before you say "go read the guides, get better equips, bla bla bla"
yes i did read all the guides and applied the following:

I respec'd my skills towards recommended standards(5/5 DEX, 5/5 Aimed Shot, etc.)
I got Malison:triumphant:
All pink equips and A Mighty Lifestealer of Potency
Over 200 DPS
I ACT like a rogue. (No tanking, try to attack quickly, etc.)

Yet i die in just TWO hits,
and I barely inflict any dmg.

Due to a lack funds (15k) and noobness, my potion supply of 300 just went down to 11 and I can't get better equips.
Just what am i doing wrong, and how can I fix it?

02-16-2013, 12:34 AM
I have a rogue that just reached lvl 20 and i've been having trouble in the elite maps
But before you say "go read the guides, get better equips, bla bla bla"
yes i did read all the guides and applied the following:

I respec'd my skills towards recommended standards(5/5 DEX, 5/5 Aimed Shot, etc.)
I got Malison:triumphant:
All pink equips and A Mighty Lifestealer of Potency
Over 200 DPS
I ACT like a rogue. (No tanking, try to attack quickly, etc.)

Yet i die in just TWO hits,
and I barely inflict any dmg.

Due to a lack funds (15k) and noobness, my potion supply of 300 just went down to 11 and I can't get better equips.
Just what am i doing wrong, and how can I fix it?

This problem would most likely have to do with a good team/party. I would recommend you get a good tank as a friend and start running with them..... It will work wonders!

Also razor shield and heal should be cast before going into a fray without a tank. The order you cast skills is very important depending on the situation.


02-18-2013, 09:12 AM
Yea that might have been it. Thanks!