View Full Version : A couple weird behaiviors on 4th Gen iPod Touch

09-27-2010, 01:32 PM
These are things I have noticed that are very different from what I experienced on my old 1st gen.

Waving all the time.
I know I saw a post about this once (maybe concerning iPad?) but I can't find it. For some reason my character uses the Wave emote all the time for no reason. Yes, I know shaking the device sets it off, but I'm not doing that, and I never saw a single unintentional wave on my old iPod.

Rotate view locked
Again, I know I saw this reported before (also maybe for iPad), but a couple of times I have not been able to rotate the map onscreen. Going into the menu and coming back, fixes it.

Tiny offscreen player markers
The little squares at the edge of the screen that tell you which direction your teammates are are really tiny on the 4th gen. It takes forever to find them at times. They were much larger and easier to see on the old iPod.

09-27-2010, 01:49 PM
Thanks, I'll fix the offscreen player marker scaling for 1.5.

If anyone comes up with a reliable way to make the rotation thing happen, that'd be great - hard to fix when we can't seem to get it to happen.

The waving thing is odd - it's almost certainly the shake detection, but with my 4th gen touch it takes some serious shaking to trigger it at all.

09-27-2010, 01:53 PM
Royce, i know you said the accelerometer wasn't locked under the game menu, but is it under the multitask bar?

09-27-2010, 01:54 PM
Thanks for fixing the markers. I'll try to isolate a cause for the other two. The stuck rotation has only happened a couple of times, so I'll keep a watch on it. However, the Wave thing is happening all the time, so it must be something I do regularly. I wonder if there's any way to test if my accelerometer is working properly...

Royce, i know you said the accelerometer wasn't locked under the game menu, but is it under the multitask bar?

Not sure what you mean. The multitask bar (if it is what I'm thinking of) just shows active apps, and music controls...

09-27-2010, 02:00 PM
I have also noticed the random waving I'll be
Perfectly still and it will wave randomly I have a brand new ip 4 so
I doubt the motion detection calibration is malfunctioning somehow just to toss my experience with it in as well it's not affecting my gameplay at all just random waving at times

09-27-2010, 02:04 PM
Not sure what you mean. The multitask bar (if it is what I'm thinking of) just shows active apps, and music controls...

My iPod has a lot accelerometer button kinda thing. Lemme see if I can find my iPod.

09-27-2010, 02:11 PM
The first icon on the bar. It's in mine at least, always has been since 4.0


09-27-2010, 02:26 PM
The first icon on the bar. It's in mine at least, always has been since 4.0


Oh Okay, thought that was like a loop function for the music since it's all music controls there. I'll check if it still happens with the accelerometer off...

09-27-2010, 02:31 PM
I thought the same until I clicked it one day and it wouldn't orrient ;)

09-27-2010, 04:03 PM
Not sure that affects the shake ability though. We have the orientation locking as a switch next to volume on iPad. It's called the rotation inhibitor.

How about accelerometer sensitivity. I remember having to adjust mine for racing games. Oh, that was within game... sorry.

09-27-2010, 04:04 PM
Not sure that affects the shake ability though. We have the orientation locking as a switch next to volume on iPad.

How about accelerometer sensitivity. I remember having to adjust mine for racing games.

Are you the the accelerometer adjustment wasn't in the game rather than in the devices options?

09-27-2010, 04:05 PM
That setting *should* only affect orientation change detection, but if it does affect the waving thing, let us know.

09-27-2010, 04:05 PM
Yeah, Mystical, you're right. I justed edited that in.