View Full Version : Some ideas that could improve the game big time...

02-15-2013, 06:20 PM
I've got some ideas on things I'd like to see in the future on this game, one of them being able to transfer platinum coins, another one is being able to sell and trade vanity items that someone bought on the store and last but not least there should be more powers so that even if you decide to be a warrior that you could have different powers from other warriors, kind of like being able to select a power from a sorcerer and a rogue if you like, so that not all the warriors or sorcerers or rogues have the same powers, it tends to get the game a little bit boring seeing the same powers.

Let us be unique, making the game more awesome and interesting :)


02-15-2013, 06:31 PM
Hey Svaskk,

Welcome to the Official Arcane Legends forums and congrats on making your first post!

When Spacetime came out with our 2nd game, Star Legends (http://starlegends.com) we had planned on allowing Platinum to be used on any of our games. Unfortunately, Apple's terms of service do not allow for the transfer of virtual currency between apps. While we would really like to allow such a transfer, we wouldn't want our games to be removed from the Apple App Store. So, unfortunately, that option won't happen.

Right now vanities are only available on The Store. As such, they are not likely to be made tradeable. All of the other items in the game (for the most part) are all tradeable, so we feel this is a good balance. If you're bumming because you don't have Platinum, you might want to check out the Free Platinum offers through the in-app Store.

As for more powers or abilities, the team has some ideas on that front that may take shape as we continue to release expansions and increase the level cap.

Have a great weekend and thanks again for sharing your ideas!

02-15-2013, 06:52 PM
What he said ^ ^

Also, Welcome to the forums!

02-15-2013, 10:07 PM
Hey thanks for replying, Actually what I meant with the transfer of platinum was to actually "trade or give" platinum coins to friends inside the game, I've got platinum coins and would definitively like to give some of these platinum coins to my friends.

As for the trading of vanity items, is because some of the vanity armors that are only for sale on the store, again I would like to give as gifts to my friends, perhaps in the future this options can be added. As I find the "in store vanity armors" as a better gift than looking for an armor on the auctions.


02-16-2013, 12:06 AM
As for more powers or abilities, the team has some ideas on that front that may take shape as we continue to release expansions and increase the level cap.

Ooooooooo....... Can't wait to see what happens :)

02-16-2013, 11:07 AM
I think it's impossible. If plats can be traded within game, STS might get few paying users since they'll rely on buying plats for gold.
In short, less income for STS.

02-16-2013, 11:59 PM
wait, so your saying vanity wont be sellable in the future? wow............ I dont see myself buying vanity as long as I play this game now.. I was really looking forward to selling vanity for a good profit since alot of people dont buy plat. but now that you say this that totally blows me off of paying any type of money to buy vanity... that just sucks...

02-17-2013, 12:29 AM
wait, so your saying vanity wont be sellable in the future? wow............ I dont see myself buying vanity as long as I play this game now.. I was really looking forward to selling vanity for a good profit since alot of people dont buy plat. but now that you say this that totally blows me off of paying any type of money to buy vanity... that just sucks...

Use it all to his the armor of twinks in the future :p