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02-15-2013, 08:24 PM
Overall well rounded Level-21 Sorcerer (for PVE and PVP)

Guess this won't matter once the new patch opens..but what the heck.

Fire: 1, 2, 3
Lightening: 1 & 3
Ice: 1, 2, 4
Heal: 1, 2, 4
(Passive) Intelligence: ALL 5

Colton: + 30-Intel, 10% Damage, 5 Mana Regen
(Arcane ability: +15% Crit to all allies for 6 secs)

Level 21 Equipped-
Captain’s Staff of Brutality: + 71.6-DPS, 13-Str, 26-Intel (unknown special ability*)
Clever Demonologist Cap of Stability: + 10-Str, 26-Intel, 2.02% Dodge, 161 Armor
Clever Demonologist Bones of Stability: + 13-Str, 26-Intel, 351 Armor
Ensorcelled Band of Brutality: + 13-Str, 26-Intel, 3.0 Damage
Superb Amulet of Brutality: + 13-Str, 26-Intel, 3.0 Damage

Str: 66
Health: 1723
Dex: 6
Dodge: 3.32%
Crit: 1.15% (16.15% with Colton’s Arcane ability)
Intel: 315
Bonus Damage: 258%
Mana: 3300
Damage: 157.2
DPS: 202.1
Armor: 512

PVE and PVP attack combo:
Charged FireBall, Charged Ice, Charged Staff, Charged Lightening, (heal if needed). Repeat as often as possible (with or without charges).

1. The Charged Fireball, will knock down & stun targets (for a few secs).
2. The Charged Ice, will Freeze or slow down targets by 30% (for another 3 secs). (regular ice attack, will only freeze /slow a single target…Charge Ice for multiple targets).
3. Charged Staff, will hit all targets & cast unknown ability (looks like a rain cloud) on all the hit targets (for another 3 secs). I don’t know exactly what the rain cloud does, but it definitely reduces the chances of me getting hit back by the targets, and seems to increase the effectiveness of my attacks on them (some kind of confusion/blindness/weakening spell)…*Repeat this attack as often as possible* (the Charged attack will cast this unknown ability 99.9% of the time on all targets hit by the staff).
4. Finally (if your target is still alive), use a Charged Lightening to finish them off.

Charge Heal as often as necessary (For Life & Mana).

I have seen other Sorcerers using Clever Flamestrike Rod of Assault (or Charward Rod of Assault). This is a good alternative weapon (& people may argue that the DPS is so much higher)…but the Chance to light targets on fire does minimal damage (even on its best days & pointless on PVP). Basically you would use this weapon as a simple quick/fast attack.

Alternative Weapon:
Clever Flamestrike Rod of Assault/Charward Rod of Assault: 99.6-DPS, 13-Dex, 26-Intel
(Chance to light targets on fire)

Alternative Stats-
Str: 52
Health: 1632
Dex: 19
Dodge: 3.97%
Crit: 1.48% (16.48% with colton’s Arcane ability)
Intel: 315
Bonus Damage: 258%
Mana: 3300
Damage: 156.7
DPS: 282.1
Armor: 512

Shield vs. Heal-
Personally I think all shield using mages are a waste. Heal is a far better skill to have for PVE and PVP. No matter how great your shield is…you can’t beat a group of 4 people on PVP & you can’t help your Party when hunting for loot either.

Even if you win a 1on1 or 2on1 PVP fight..when your shield wares off you are completely vulnerable (without having a heal near by) to any next attack…and being that you just survived the fight, chances are your health will already be low….better run to find health.

Were as Heal not only benefits yourself, practically doubling your Life (from 1723 to 3400 when used properly*), it also keeps your Party members alive as well, and replenishes all mana to your party members too. Some PVP players may say that mages shouldn’t be wasting time healing…But I don’t care how great of a PVP player you may think you are (Mages, Warriors, and Rogues)….No one can beat a group of 4 vs 1….if you can keep your group alive and together, your team (PVE or PVP) will be practically impossible to beat.

These are only based on my observations. Feel free to add any info/comments if you like.

Everyone will have their own preferences…don’t be afraid to experiment.

Oh & if anyone knows what the hell that “Rain Cloud” does, please let me know.

Good Luck out there…see you on the killing fields.

02-17-2013, 11:16 PM
You are right dude...That rain cloud is the proc to reduce hit chance...Same as wyrmbone and hellshriek...

02-18-2013, 07:19 PM
Awesome...thanks for the info! I knew it had to be something like that. I tested it out on a friend in PVP, and though the spell did not change any of his stats (health, damage, dps, armor, ect)...It rendered all his special attacks useless until the cloud went away, and his basic melee attack seemed to only hit me 25-50% of the time.

Basically he was dead in the water until the clouds go away....Nasty little spell to cast on someone in PVP.

02-18-2013, 10:02 PM
In my mages pve build... I don't have heal...I'm more on the offensive side, fireball, frost, lightning and time. Elite runs comes easily with this build but always with a party.

But when I joined Pvp, I removed time to get shield. It made an improvement, my survivability against rogues has increased.

02-19-2013, 01:04 PM
I've heard of some mages, will just use 4 attack spells & no shield or heal...I imagine u would burn through a lot health & mana potions specially on certain PVE runs...but it's the theory that a good defense is a better offense.

Unfortunately, the best offense can not make up for lag or ping spikes...in which the best laid plans, can quickly turn into survival mode...sometimes not even heal can help...but nice to have the extra security, if u can manage to stay alive.

I have not used the time spells...nice to slow & stop enemies in place, but I heard the damage is minimal compared to other attacks...and the cool down time is fairly long, compared to other spells.

The charged ice attack serves the same purpose for me...though I can't freeze as many targets, I can keep recasting (quickly) and moving when necessary.

Ultimately (by sacrificing an attack for healing), if u keep keep your party full of mana & heal...your combined party attacks (from 4 seperate chars), will kill everything much faster, than any one person...& your party members are more likely to be that much more thankful to have you around.

But to each is their own, lol

02-19-2013, 01:52 PM
I agree with the build, but you are terribly wrong (imho) about shield vs heal in pvp. Shield is a must, the 2 sec invulnerability will save you countless times (especially vs rogues) and the additional dmg reduction is a life saver as well in such a fragile class as mages. Without a shield you will get 1 hit ko every time a rogue is smart enough to have crit and charge aimed.

On the other hand shield is awful for pve (unless you plan to solo), so heal (or 4th dmg skill) is a better option.

I do not think it is a good option to make a build for both pve and pvp. You can either be good at one of them or be mediocre in both.

02-19-2013, 11:09 PM
I agree with the build, but you are terribly wrong (imho) about shield vs heal in pvp. Shield is a must, the 2 sec invulnerability will save you countless times (especially vs rogues) and the additional dmg reduction is a life saver as well in such a fragile class as mages. Without a shield you will get 1 hit ko every time a rogue is smart enough to have crit and charge aimed.

On the other hand shield is awful for pve (unless you plan to solo), so heal (or 4th dmg skill) is a better option.

I do not think it is a good option to make a build for both pve and pvp. You can either be good at one of them or be mediocre in both.
Completely agree on this. I rarely use Shield on PvE, I find the Lifegiver more effective specially the Mana regen. But in PvP, its a completely different scenario, Shield is a must or you'll find your self getting OHKO everytime you face a good Rogue!
Better to make two accounts, one each for PvP and PvE.

02-20-2013, 09:41 AM
PVP without Shield ? That made my day! :highly_amused:

02-22-2013, 12:59 PM
I have not used the time spells...nice to slow & stop enemies in place, but I heard the damage is minimal compared to other attacks...and the cool down time is fairly long, compared to other spells

The second it ends, you can cast a new one so its great for me, damaging enemies and holding them in one place for charged fireball :-) and even though damage is minimal it is non-stop

02-22-2013, 08:04 PM
Though I agree that you will never be the ultimate PVP or PVE sorce, unless you design your character specifically for one or the other.

It doesn't mean you can't still be "A force to be wreckin with", as an overall build....you just have to chose wisely.

I guess it's also depends on the player. No matter how good the skill set, Tactics is a MUST. I have killed and been killed by rogues. The only deciding factor is who used their char more tactfully...you know, pick your battle. (if I fireball them 1st, I win...If they arrow shot me 1st, they win)....Using the map to your advantage....priceless!!!!

I'm a bit of an unorthodox player...I notice that I attack situations differently than many others (using the map as barriers). Being tactful about my chars weaknesses & strengths, has kept me alive for more times, than any 1 special ability. If you can get the other player/boss/enemy to play your game, and not theirs...the odds can obviously sway in your favor quite rewardingly.

I seem to do fine in the PVP matches...I definitely hold my own & fear no other char....but that my style!

Ultimately, I think we can all agree....if you do decide to pick Shield over Heal...You have decided to be a PVP Sorce and a tag-a-long in PVE hunts.

Where as Heal, can be used with any Mage build.

Again, to each is own....

Btw, I'm enjoying all the good feedback this post is getting....please contiue people.