View Full Version : LVL 19 PVP bird

02-16-2013, 06:15 AM
i dont really like 19 cos you are too strong vsing people your lvl so i go on 16 bird, fogue my 19 bird build is this

use shud always wear armsman lv15 for its great dodge (use this to kill bears and birds) and i think it is alot better than expert the build i use is

6 EVADE (to actually effect bears, they kill fast you would be dead before you even get them rooted without it).

1 BLAST no need for high blast the combo isnt really that important.

4 FOCUS obviously against bear you need to kill them before they crit on you, my theory is you crit them.Also with birds you need to be able to hit them with all their dodge so I use focus no only for the crit but for the hit% and this does make a huge difference btw.

1 SHATTER you dont need high shatter only reason is gud is because it deals damage fast

if you want repulse you can use it but i dont think it is actually that essential for killing bears (with how much dodge you have)

3 BREAK this is all i think you need with arm debuffing i combined my idea of debuffing armour for higher hit and rooting people for more hits and it seems to be a winner.

3 ROOT the combination of high hits and hitting very often means that you will pwn pretty much every bird in sight bears arent much trouble either you pretty much crit on every hit and all you do is just go in and nuke em

With regards to armour all i use is forgotten lv19 obviously and dodge dps ring and i use dodge plat face and for the piece de la resistance i use some bountiful plat to buy the bear armour for lv10 and if you want to go the next step you buy the lv10 plat sword that you get also in the other plat pack and with regards to stats use shud use 52 str and 5 int if you want to use a wand and the rest on dex

Hope its helpful, many people been asking me about my lv16 build so depends on feedback i might put my 16 bird build up
hopefully i answered some questions. ENJOY!

02-16-2013, 06:35 AM
Ty for guide but You told it is L19 bird but you used 19 respec point in here. This is L20 build then or Is it a fault?
you can using 18 respec on L19s.

02-16-2013, 06:37 AM
my bad lol meant to be 4 focus no 5 ty for teling me lol

02-16-2013, 06:38 AM
np :)