View Full Version : 70 plat AT&T offer

02-18-2013, 08:25 PM
Did offer, and texted credits after they text ed me but never received platinum .. anyone else done this offer, does it take time??

02-19-2013, 12:46 AM
I've been having problems with receiving platinum too. My 700 never showed up from jackpotcit . Seems like a scam! Non one replies to emails.

02-19-2013, 01:07 AM
Yeah that offer doesn't grant plat to me either (whenever the stupid w3i page actually loads on my devices -.-). Theres a report/contact link at the bottom of the w3i page, but gotta warn ya... They don't help much.

02-19-2013, 02:48 AM
Yeah that offer doesn't grant plat to me either (whenever the stupid w3i page actually loads on my devices -.-). Theres a report/contact link at the bottom of the w3i page, but gotta warn ya... They don't help much.

Isn't that pretty much considered false advertising? They can't just say they'll offer you platinum, you follow the rules and you don't get what you paid for. It should be STS responsibility to make sure the 3rd party is doing its job and not just hide behind it as an excuse why it wasn't granted.