View Full Version : <Bring FFA Back>

02-18-2013, 11:12 PM
I'm one of the many players in PL who is sick and tired of saying "go" all the time just to fight. It's almost like you become a bad guy if you don't follow the system. I don't know how this "go" and "gf" first started, but regardless I'm here to try and bring FFA back. I'm not a very good pvper or a super well known pvper, but I'm a pvper who enjoys jumping into a fight as soon as I join a dungeon, and not having to wait respectfully for somebody to call me to fight. Free for all is the way it's supposed to be. I know I've already made a lot of enemies in 15 pvp, and I've had a lot of people refer to me as a "rusher".

Anyways to get to the point, I've started a guild called <Bring FFA Back> and if you're interested, just PM me or add me in game (IGN Gayclown). If you're looking for a super talented undefeatable guild master, that isn't me. But if you're dedicated to the old way of fighting like I am, please consider joining. All levels are welcome.


PS Sorry if I spawned you in CTF, from now on it's pure fight