View Full Version : Multiple bugs since update last week

02-19-2013, 08:44 PM
1. If your in a party with one other person and you are not in the same map if i kill everyone on the map and leave it then go back all the enemys dont reset you are just stuck with a map that has all chests open and enemy dead like you never left it. THis has happened to me multiple times were ill have two maps with no enemys on them get kinda annoying when your farming or doing dailies and want to keep restarting a map but it doesnt restart.

2. the click detection on quests npcs is so messed up now sometimes i have to run around an npc pressing action button 10-15 times before it actually opens the quest menu.

3. silk stalker quest is still missing and if you never got to turn it in before it disappeared it is still in your quest list unable to be turned in.

4. Medic kits sometimes dont disappear after they have been picked up and not only that they are registered by some skills as enemys. (green puddles in hauntlet also register as targets)

5. ally's sometime dont give out chests they just reset timer and you receive nothing.

Everything I have listed here started happening after the update 2 Fridays ago when the silk stalker quest disappeared. I had a couple more bugs but as everyone knows when you go to make a post about it you forgot some of them but if i remember in reasonable time i will add to this. I also know that some of these may have been posted already and im sorry for that but this forums search tool is not the easiest to use the searches turn up too general of results so I just posted everything in one. Thanks and keep up the good work this game is great.:adoration: