View Full Version : Advanced Classes

09-28-2010, 11:46 AM
Hey all,

There are only 3 classes in the game to choose from which is not much. Some people try to get the best out of the classes by combining them, for example an enchantress using the armor and weapons of a warrior. It would be a lot better if there were advanced classes.

My idea of advanced classes:

- Archer: the class that's in the game now, but it uses stealth more (backstabbing: massive damage), maybe takes part of the role as a rogue. Prefers bows, knives and throwing knives.
- Hunter: can lay traps (mines, ...) and throw bombs, maybe accompanied by a pet. Prefers guns over bows.

- Priest: the class that's in the game now, but relies heavily on healing and poison (DoT) spells. Prefers staffs.
- Warlock: uses spells to turn enemies onto themselves, to summon undead, to paralyze enemies and to disable enemies from using spells. Prefers staffs and orbs.

- Warrior: the class that's in the game now. Don't have to add anything about that. Prefers swords and axes.
- Paladin: uses spells to buff players and debuff enemies. It's the only class that's immune to freeze and other disabling spells from enemies. Prefers mauls.

IF (and that's a big if) the developers are planning to implement this into the game, I hope they will change the names I used for the different (sub-)classes, because it would be very confusing for people who ever played MMORPG's before. I just used these names because they have a lot in common with the classes in other MMORPG's.

Feel free to post your thoughts and idea's about this ;)

09-28-2010, 11:51 AM
Not happening sorry... I would quit!
I'd rather buy cod and not turn pl into it...

09-28-2010, 11:54 AM
Not happening sorry... I would quit!
I'd rather buy cod and not turn pl into it...

What's your problem? I love this idea PL really needs to be expanded into a vast world of quests and epic dungeons....Of course it will take time to reach this goal.

09-28-2010, 12:05 PM
Sorry cas if u don't like my opinion...
I like the traditional idea of swords n bows n staves..
Rly although we do have abz
People have their opinion and I'm entitled to mine...

09-28-2010, 02:13 PM
class specialization could be optional but non-changable (once specialized, stuck that way) the great thing about this is it gives a whole new layer to every class and while you lose some skills (warlock loses heal) you either get stronger with other ones or get new ones (warlock casts confuse! got two green guys stopping the djin every few seconds so u can survive!)
VERY interesting concept... promotes even more characters!!!

09-28-2010, 03:35 PM
I think skill trees would be simpler to implement, and would essentially break the current classes up into specialized subclasses in a more interesting way. We will run out of places to use skill points within a few more campaigns so skills will need an overhaul anyway. I think that would be the superior short term way to get more specialization, subclasses, and variation of builds.

09-28-2010, 03:39 PM
I think skill trees would be simpler to implement, and would essentially break the current classes up into specialized subclasses in a more interesting way. We will run out of places to use skill points within a few more campaigns so skills will need an overhaul anyway. I think that would be the superior short term way to get more specialization, subclasses, and variation of builds.

Good point :) but i still think there are too few classes. A skilltree will help but i'd rather have more classes to get some variety in the game.

09-28-2010, 03:43 PM
Sorry cas if u don't like my opinion...
I like the traditional idea of swords n bows n staves..
Rly although we do have abz
People have their opinion and I'm entitled to mine...

I'm not bothered if you don't like it, it's your opinion.
And even if the devs go along with the advanced class idea, they might put some other things in the game and maybe bombs and guns wouldn't even be in it. It's their choice and their game. We are just giving ideas to improve it.
I thought of the gun cause it's the basic weapon that a hunter uses in for example WOW.

09-28-2010, 03:58 PM
Dont need advanced classes because with all the options of armor such as ISIS or THOTH, you can make a warrior into an archer, or a mage into a paladin, bc of the armor and spells u choose. Its actually pretty awesome. Compare it to something like Final Fantasy Tactics for PS1 and Diablo in your hand. Increasing gear in the game to mix up the people wearing the same stuff. Like in PvP all warriors wear ISIS with shock lance, and mages are all THOTH with shock lance. Its fun, but PvP is almost all the same. I dont think I could see them making mages into priests and more, bc no one would want to pvp with a priest.. lol they would be 1 shot by an archer.. even with mana shield on. I think PL is going in the right direction as it is. I can see good things coming to the game with AO3. Every patch makes me excited

09-28-2010, 04:27 PM
Dont need advanced classes because with all the options of armor such as ISIS or THOTH, you can make a warrior into an archer, or a mage into a paladin, bc of the armor and spells u choose. Its actually pretty awesome. Compare it to something like Final Fantasy Tactics for PS1 and Diablo in your hand. Increasing gear in the game to mix up the people wearing the same stuff. Like in PvP all warriors wear ISIS with shock lance, and mages are all THOTH with shock lance. Its fun, but PvP is almost all the same. I dont think I could see them making mages into priests and more, bc no one would want to pvp with a priest.. lol they would be 1 shot by an archer.. even with mana shield on. I think PL is going in the right direction as it is. I can see good things coming to the game with AO3. Every patch makes me excited

Im excited too every time a patch is released :)
but like i said before: it's the devs choice to put it in and if they even do it, then the will definitely change things to balance it out. Maybe there wont even be a priest-like class. Its their choice.

09-28-2010, 04:39 PM
Good point :) but i still think there are too few classes. A skilltree will help but i'd rather have more classes to get some variety in the game.

if you make it so if you decide to specialize in one path of the tree, and you run out of points for any other path, that might as well be it's own class.

09-28-2010, 04:48 PM
Erm i rather have the original pl, cause the town with the castle looked better, etc, original version.. was much bettter

09-28-2010, 05:01 PM
Erm i rather have the original pl, cause the town with the castle looked better, etc, original version.. was much bettter

?? what castle? huh?

09-28-2010, 05:04 PM
?? what castle? huh?

For a long time there was only one town in PL, Forest Haven. It was different from the current Forest Haven town too, basically a big clearing, with one path down to Ellie the enchantress, and a castle at the other end where Ozz and Amira were located. I'm not sure why they dropped the castle actually (maybe to make fort blackstone more unique?). It was kind of cool, and I trusted Amira with my stuff much more when she kept it inside ;)

09-28-2010, 07:56 PM
I trusted Amira with my stuff much more when she kept it inside ;)
sounds like love.

09-28-2010, 08:02 PM
o yea, i actually DO remember that. lol, but i actually like this version, except that it COULD have some buildings in it...

09-29-2010, 02:03 AM
i think so.

-attaker(lv 50): double weapon( not using shield, but weapon block), battle cry, party attack raitng up during 15sec cool tim
two hand axe weapon using , defending bonurs is low, but during attack berserker skill, evade bonurs is up.
-defender(lv 50):shield attack(sturn),arrow block,
-Templar(lv 50): prayer on the battlefield(self healing)
-knight(lv 50).
-Dark knight(lv 75)

-bounty hunter(lv50) : hunter dog pet
-assassin(lv50) : hide skill & crtical attack (skill name is ??????????assassinate (must using item ?olny dagger,after used skill, mp(ex 200mp) was 0 point)
-Thie(lv50).: unlock door, unlock treasure chest, (from monster)still gold etc
-Scourt(lv50) : ?skill detection, ?set a trap
-snyper archer(lv50): cold arrow shot, triple arrow(x3 dmg), hawk eyes(cool time 30sec, during 10sec mp50, double range up)

magician/ wizard-(transform animal or box etc, following int stats)

sorcerer/sorceress- element(thunder, water, fire)

priest healing, prayer / necromancer- control dead monster's corpse, dark spell, cursed spell

shaman: tarket(pvp, pvm) control, charm skill, vooboo skill

09-29-2010, 03:07 AM
i think so.

-attaker(lv 50): double weapon( not using shield, but weapon block), battle cry, party attack raitng up during 15sec cool tim
two hand axe weapon using , defending bonurs is low, but during attack berserker skill, evade bonurs is up.
-defender(lv 50):shield attack(sturn),arrow block,
-Templar(lv 50): prayer on the battlefield(self healing)
-knight(lv 50).
-Dark knight(lv 75)

-bounty hunter(lv50) : hunter dog pet
-assassin(lv50) : hide skill & crtical attack (skill name is ??????????assassinate (must using item ?olny dagger,after used skill, mp(ex 200mp) was 0 point)
-Thie(lv50).: unlock door, unlock treasure chest, (from monster)still gold etc
-Scourt(lv50) : ?skill detection, ?set a trap
-snyper archer(lv50): cold arrow shot, triple arrow(x3 dmg), hawk eyes(cool time 30sec, during 10sec mp50, double range up)

magician/ wizard-(transform animal or box etc, following int stats)

sorcerer/sorceress- element(thunder, water, fire)

priest healing, prayer / necromancer- control dead monster's corpse, dark spell, cursed spell

shaman: tarket(pvp, pvm) control, charm skill, vooboo skill

I like that you're giving your ideas too, but this is too much, i mean too many classes, some even with no advantage skills. You also give names to spells but you don't explain what they do.
I think they all look quite the same except for bounty hunter and necromancer, but those are pretty much what i said.
I think what you did here is separate the different skills of the classes and divide it into other classes. So they're weaker than the original one.

09-30-2010, 01:05 AM
But in the current system can not hunt alone. The hunt was tiring and tedious. Just pick up a pink item is for the running race.
Maybe it is a matter of personal taste. Most people like to play a party, but personally hunts alone there are many people who like doing.

Of course, I'm just imagining a personal opinion, too.


09-30-2010, 09:17 AM
I think skill trees would be simpler to implement, and would essentially break the current classes up into specialized subclasses in a more interesting way. We will run out of places to use skill points within a few more campaigns so skills will need an overhaul anyway. I think that would be the superior short term way to get more specialization, subclasses, and variation of builds.

i agree with you here! be so easy to turn a bird into ither a rogue by putting in a steasth thing in a skill tree or make it a hunter by increasing dmg with rang weps and allowing them to take pets through a skill tree. warriors can go ither warrior or through skills pick up magic abilities and roll pally. same with enchanress as mentioned with specing into laock lose heals get controll and dmg.

def an easier way to do it then adding another class. think this would be the smart way for them to roll with this.

09-30-2010, 03:48 PM
Well in either case, adding new classes or adding skill trees, it doesnt matter, its just that you (devs) have to know that we need one of these things.