View Full Version : Story tokens stashable!

02-20-2013, 11:03 AM
I've been thinking about Colton and meep moop. Meep is 100 story tokens and Colton is 200. If you do it correctly, you will get 4 story tokens a day from daily quests.
1. In windmoore tavern: The Bard there will give you 2 daily quests, giving you 2 story tokens
2. Travelers outpost: Another Bard, standing there with no tavern, will give you another daily quest. That's 3 tokens so far.
3. The tavern in Kraag has another bard who gives you a story token.
So that's 4 story tokens. Ok, lets see how many days it will take to get Colton if you do this regularly.
200 divided by 4, which makes 50. Each month is about 30 days. So it will take about 2 months to get Colton like this. This is why Colton and meep moop is so expensive in cs. It takes a long time to get them. But if story tokens are stashable, and if you have two other characters doing the same thing, then you will get 12 story tokens a day. But then, since people will use alts to farm story tokens, the prices will drop like a stone. Same thing with hauntlet tokens. except hauntlet can just be runned over and over. What are your guys opinions about story tokens and hauntlet tokens being stashable? Post them here!

02-20-2013, 11:29 AM
No. Like you said, the prices will drop like a stone. Even now you can collect tokens on 3 chars and then stash eggs when you get them, so I dont see problem here.

02-20-2013, 11:45 AM
Suppose you wanted 1 Colton egg. You can get 4 story tokens like I said, but there is no way to combine all the story tokens from all your alts. Sure you can stash eggs, but you need to pay for it the only reason you would try to do story tokens on all the characters is to maybe to use it for all those characters, and maybe sell it.

02-20-2013, 11:48 AM
This would be abused, alt armys would come into play.....
Colton already cost almost nothing, i think that the current system is the best for the market and for players.


02-20-2013, 04:59 PM
buying an alt char shuld be made worth for it. Story tokens must be stashable at least..

02-21-2013, 10:06 AM
buying an alt char shuld be made worth for it. Story tokens must be stashable at least..

Alt chars ARE worth it. Stashable story tokens are a bad idea. We dont need anymore wussification in the game :)

02-24-2013, 11:15 PM
This would be abused, alt armys would come into play.....
Colton already cost almost nothing, i think that the current system is the best for the market and for players.


agreed! It's fine if you want to play more than one character, but that should not give you an advantage over players like myself who only play one character and don't have any alts.