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View Full Version : Scammer revealed

02-23-2013, 10:46 AM
So to tell you the truth about the char named "Notification" who pm's everybody on AL.
In order for him to give u a pm he has to 1st find your name somehow. He cant just have a list with all the online players on AL(proove me wrong if so).
So as i said, in order for him to find your character's name somewhere he has to run a 2nd character on the same map as you do! Means with his main characters he is finding the names and with his "Notification" or "Announcement" or etc characters he is Private Messaging you.
I happen to be on a hunting map with 3 more party members. 2 of them were running the map with me and the other one was a crappy mage staying behind every 2-3 minutes afking or idk what else.. The time he was afking i got a pm from Notification to reactivate my account or idk what exactly he said.. something like that.
When he came back i told him that i figured out who he is.. and he stopped afking for the rest of the run. He said that he did afk cause of babysitting.. bs
The name of his main is "-------" (or something like that)
So if anyone happens to be on the same map with him or gets a pm from Notification try to see if THAT kind of char is near you.
I hope im right.
Thank you and watch out for scams!!! GMs wont ask you anything about your personal information. Ever

02-23-2013, 10:55 AM
Thread closed. We are looking into this. Please contact support to report a player. Support(at)spacetimestudios.com

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