View Full Version : A 6th Skill slot added to the action bar.

02-23-2013, 01:39 PM
Hey All,

With the release of the new expansion, it seems to me like a 6th skills slot is necessary, with the added skill points to be put to use.

This would be such a wonderful add to the game and I'm sure many of you other players would take full advantage of this!

Developers please consider adding a 6th Slot for skill use 1-5 skills 6 being the pet.


02-23-2013, 04:51 PM
Right now, I don't see much of a need for it as most players will be adding the extra skill points to there passives/current skills, to improve them for PVP. Maybe later on down the road they could do like PL, but then they would have to add more skills which is more work than beneficial at this moment in time in the game.

02-24-2013, 08:43 AM
Right now, I don't see much of a need for it as most players will be adding the extra skill points to there passives/current skills, to improve them for PVP. Maybe later on down the road they could do like PL, but then they would have to add more skills which is more work than beneficial at this moment in time in the game.

More skills? There's already 8 skills per class with 4 action bar slots? Whats the point in having 8 skills when you can only use 4 of them? So I don't see how adding more skills is needed. They need more action bar slots. As for passives, I got mine sorted, with 5 skills left to lock into action bars but not enough space such a drainer. Would be so much easier soloing Captain Hately with them.

02-24-2013, 10:37 PM
More action slots mean more people with the sme skills over and over...I wouldn't mind more skills to complement more bar slots for some diversity

02-24-2013, 11:13 PM
Nah, I say leave it the way it is. Otherwise it's soon going to end up like PL where everyone has the same skills. I like that you have to choose 4, that way you get all different builds. STS just needs to do some balancing work so that all skills are just as useful, i.e. nerf the skills that are more OP, and make the lesser used skills slightly more powerful.