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02-24-2013, 11:32 PM
I swear its really hard to find a decent PUG these days. Even more now with the elite Kraken maps. Ugh! Some players make me smh & want to virtually hit them over the head with my toon's rifle. -_-

Some players in PuGs enter, start the clocks on elite maps, then leave... Wth for? Lol makes absolutely no sense! Then theres players that leave in the middle of fighting mobs or bosses (sure some DC but others just leave & go to another PUG after we just got to the freaken boss... Wth was the point?! Lol).. And thats not even the half of stuff that goes on lol.

Geeze. I need more team players to party up with cuz PuGs are just getting ridiculous.

Anyone else experience these woossaa moments? XD

02-24-2013, 11:50 PM
It's been like this for awhile. I think some even check everyone's stats and decide if they want to stick around or not. But yeah, the etiquette is really bad, moreso now when elite maps are so much more demanding.

02-25-2013, 12:07 AM
Yeap just like some warriors which don't carry pots around when they go elite maps and they keep dying !!! :(!

02-25-2013, 12:14 AM
Yeap just like some warriors which don't carry pots around when they go elite maps and they keep dying !!! :(!

Whats worse is warriors expecting rogues and mages to go first and tank.. T_T

02-25-2013, 12:25 AM
We can tank is a sense that we dodge almost everything ;p

02-25-2013, 12:37 AM
When I play my rogue, I end up doing a lot of tanking, but I'm fine with that since I know it's hard for a warrior to keep aggro if rogues are going all out. What really annoys me is when they stand there VBing and windmilling with full mana and don't throw me any heals! Worthless...

02-25-2013, 12:45 AM
wait until people have better equips and know how to complete the map. the expansion has just been released, give it some time imo.

i remember a few days after the cap was raised to 21, people were dying left and right to elite jarl.

02-25-2013, 02:31 AM
It happened a lot in elite tower before expansion.

02-25-2013, 03:24 AM
I oddly enough got into a pug for elite skull cove..and managed to finish it without too many deaths :) most suck though!

02-25-2013, 03:26 AM
Tanks should tank I agree with that.

I got crappy gear yet able to do all elite maps with a group on my mage.. SO having crappy gear is no excuse. -.- Its all about working with what you got and strategizing while working with a team!

And I know this happened before on elite Tower runs. You'd think that players would know by now. Geeze. Ugh frustrating lol.

02-25-2013, 03:27 AM
^ I wish everyone understood this.

02-25-2013, 04:25 AM
Just go solo :) You can pull of a reef run alone, it might be a bit of a merry-go-round and some pots, but you avoid the frustration from idiots ;)

02-25-2013, 06:34 AM
As a warrior, I cant stand joining a pug with mage or rogues that stand way back and do nothing, maybe shoot once a minute while you gwt pounded. I know there are buff skills and heal skills also. USE THEM IF YOU WONT DO ANYTHING ELSE!!!

02-25-2013, 06:48 AM
I think the whole system is messed up I rather the pl system. I'm playing with too many ppl who won't play or follow the leader or mages who won't heal and u can't kick and ppl aren't as chatty as pl if ur not in their guild I just find their is a lot or bad player practices and just not as fun and friendly as pl.

02-25-2013, 07:30 AM
I think they were aiming for a game with no pugs, and everyone parties up with guild or friends.
I usually enjoy a random pug, but not so much in this game. You can't boot someone standing around leeching xp off of your work.
Only option really if you don't have a party is to make a party and run solo.

02-25-2013, 08:40 AM
I don't have heal on my Mage cuz that skill is hella useless for myself. Instead, I have Shield... Which is much more vital for Mages in elite maps (and hell even PvP although I haven't used it PvP in a while up until recently). The dmg reduction and 2sec invulnerability AND extra absorbtion, all helps to survive in Elite PvE maps (not so much in PvP imo). I use my pets for heals and crits for parties. Comes in handy!

I just don't like ANY player who leeches or expects me to tank just cuz my toon is lvl26. -.- Come on, if you're a tank then TANK, if you're a Rogue then ninja them with crits and kite, if you're a Mage then pwn with dmg & dps and also kite... AND for the love of being team players.. Use pets wisely!! 2 Ribbits plus one Nexus/Konga and one Colton or Hazel (all lvled up) in each run = PWNAGE PPL.. PWNAGE! That is of course if players would actually SPAM the freaken pet's arcane abilities as much as they spam any other skill they use. Geeze... They're not there to run/fly around & look pretty!! Put them to use!! Lol


02-25-2013, 09:47 AM
Tanks are hard to find these days because the taunt skills are worthless in pvp so a lot of people don't spec them and can't hold aggro, myself included! I did add the taunt to HoR but it's still a B. I was in a pug with a mage who had str > int and he was still pulling aggro from me (lvl 25 350 str / 177 dps / 155 dmg) at least he didn't die since he has some much HP but I do feel like the suckiest tank ever as a result

02-25-2013, 09:55 AM
Enemies are designed to go after highest level player in the group. even aggro'd, enemies will switch target as soon as higher level attacks.

02-26-2013, 01:34 AM
We were all the same lvl at times in those pugs... Smh.

02-26-2013, 01:53 AM
Tanks should tank I agree with that.

I got crappy gear yet able to do all elite maps with a group on my mage.. SO having crappy gear is no excuse. -.- Its all about working with what you got and strategizing while working with a team!

And I know this happened before on elite Tower runs. You'd think that players would know by now. Geeze. Ugh frustrating lol.

You expect warriors to tank, warriors expect mages to heal both health and mana. Warriors take ALOT of damage with elite update they aren't invincible and need healing to survive.

Mages that don't heal should tank and experience it from a warriors perspective.

I don't have heal on my Mage cuz that skill is hella useless for myself. Instead, I have Shield... Which is much more vital for Mages in elite maps (and hell even PvP although I haven't used it PvP in a while up until recently). The dmg reduction and 2sec invulnerability AND extra absorbtion, all helps to survive in Elite PvE maps (not so much in PvP imo). I use my pets for heals and crits for parties. Comes in handy!

I just don't like ANY player who leeches or expects me to tank just cuz my toon is lvl26. -.- Come on, if you're a tank then TANK, if you're a Rogue then ninja them with crits and kite, if you're a Mage then pwn with dmg & dps and also kite... AND for the love of being team players.. Use pets wisely!! 2 Ribbits plus one Nexus/Konga and one Colton or Hazel (all lvled up) in each run = PWNAGE PPL.. PWNAGE! That is of course if players would actually SPAM the freaken pet's arcane abilities as much as they spam any other skill they use. Geeze... They're not there to run/fly around & look pretty!! Put them to use!! Lol


Not everything is for 'myself', this is a co op game. Mana and health heal is for the team, warriors put valuable points into taunt skills for the team.

Tank warrior, DPS rogue, heal HEALTH and MANA mage
You expect warriors to tank but you don't heal, double standards.
That's what make other warriors tank only with rogues.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

02-26-2013, 02:47 AM
You expect warriors to tank, warriors expect mages to heal both health and mana. Warriors take ALOT of damage with elite update they aren't invincible and need healing to survive.

Not everything is for 'myself', this is a co op game. Mana and health heal is for the team, warriors put valuable points into taunt skills for the team.

Tank warrior, DPS rogue, heal HEALTH and MANA mage
You expect warriors to tank but you don't heal, double standards.
That's what make other warriors tank only with rogues.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

Errr...no. STS has stated that it is not any single classes job to heal (for AL anyway). Thus, every class has heals. A warrior's heal is actually better than a sorc's heal.

Warriors tank.
Rogues do DPS.
Sorcs have CC.

As a Sorc, I am constantly fireballing/frostbolting/gale forcing/dropping grandfather clocks on mobs. I am doing damage and preventing mobs from doing damage to the tank, and I am not shy about downing pots to keep up the damage and cc.

And if you point to my post above about warrior's not healing me, that's because they are NOT TANKING and trying to do DPS, and a warrior's DPS is crap compared to rogue or sorc. Instead of standing around watching me tank (do his job) and down pots while he slowly whittles away, he could at least throw me a HoR.

02-26-2013, 02:58 AM
Errr...no. STS has stated that it is not any single classes job to heal (for AL anyway). Thus, every class has heals. A warrior's heal is actually better than a sorc's heal.

Warriors tank.
Rogues do DPS.
Sorcs have CC.

As a Sorc, I am constantly fireballing/frostbolting/gale forcing/dropping grandfather clocks on mobs. I am doing damage and preventing mobs from doing damage to the tank, and I am not shy about downing pots to keep up the damage and cc.

And if you point to my post above about warrior's not healing me, that's because they are NOT TANKING and trying to do DPS, and a warrior's DPS is crap compared to rogue or sorc. Instead of standing around watching me tank (do his job) and down pots while he slowly whittles away, he could at least throw me a HoR.

How is a warrior suppose to compete with the combined DPS of mages and rouges in terms of threat? The taunt skills warriors have are average at best. Have you tried tanking? Its not possible to keep mobs on you when socs or rouges are spamming non stop.

Part of socs and rogues role is NOT GETTING AGGRO, they run into fight first attack out aggro anything a warrior can do and wonder why warrior is not tanking.

Warriors need to go first, give them at least four seconds to be able to tank and get aggro. Then attack and use skills without spamming or getting aggro. When you get it you need to stop attacking so warriors can get aggro.

Warriors lvl 25 all have DPS builds to level up, go for a lvl 26 for better warriors with decent elite builds.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

02-26-2013, 04:22 PM
You expect warriors to tank, warriors expect mages to heal both health and mana. Warriors take ALOT of damage with elite update they aren't invincible and need healing to survive.

Mages that don't heal should tank and experience it from a warriors perspective.

In AL Mages aren't meant to heal because all classes have that ability (besides Mages heal sucks). Mages are meant to impact a lot of dps & dmg while doing a lot of cc. Tanks are meant to take a lot of dmg, i.e. TANK. Rogues are obviously meant for hella high crits on single targets. Again, its working with what we got.

Not everything is for 'myself', this is a co op game. Mana and health heal is for the team, warriors put valuable points into taunt skills for the team.

Tank warrior, DPS rogue, heal HEALTH and MANA mage
You expect warriors to tank but you don't heal, double standards.
That's what make other warriors tank only with rogues.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

*points at what I just said* lol

How is a warrior suppose to compete with the combined DPS of mages and rouges in terms of threat? The taunt skills warriors have are average at best. Have you tried tanking? Its not possible to keep mobs on you when socs or rouges are spamming non stop.

Part of socs and rogues role is NOT GETTING AGGRO, they run into fight first attack out aggro anything a warrior can do and wonder why warrior is not tanking.

Warriors need to go first, give them at least four seconds to be able to tank and get aggro. Then attack and use skills without spamming or getting aggro. When you get it you need to stop attacking so warriors can get aggro.

Warriors lvl 25 all have DPS builds to level up, go for a lvl 26 for better warriors with decent elite builds.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

Blu is correct. However, I agree that the tanks need slightly better taunts. Still, I am able to be in a group with a good Tank who can actually hold the aggro in elite maps despite my Mage's hight dps and dmg, and out Rogue friends crits and dps. It aint easy for him but he manages to pull it off. Its a team effort! Which means we can't just spam the skills as he tanks or the aggro pulls to us. Find better team players to help you out! :)

02-26-2013, 04:28 PM
I hate when rogues and mages die on the way to boss so they rage quit and leave, and then the entire party leaves. I understand that your squishy, but don't just rage quit, suck it up. Pack pots, follow me, and lets see if we can get some phat lootz.

02-26-2013, 04:36 PM
I hate when rogues and mages die on the way to boss so they rage quit and leave, and then the entire party leaves. I understand that your squishy, but don't just rage quit, suck it up. Pack pots, follow me, and lets see if we can get some phat lootz.
The problem there is that the mobs reset up to a certain point on the map while the rest bunch up together in the middle. Like in elite mariner, right when you're about to make a hard right on the map, the mobs be all over that place so its hard to get past them (especially with a full party cuz dmg is increased when more players are on the map with you). Takes some getting used to and using a nice build plus pets that help your strategies out to make it work. I can get past them with my Mage.... Had to adjust my build and the rest of them already at the boss need to move to the south end (near chests) while I aggro mobs to the portal so they reset. Then I can join them and help pwn.

Its hard but hey, thats what elite is all about. Never easy but not impossible either. :)

02-26-2013, 04:36 PM
PuG? what is it :confusion:

Liquid Ice
02-26-2013, 04:41 PM
It's getting harder for warriors to tank with each successive expansion even with the four taunt build. There is something systematically different between a taunt and threat output I believe. It seems a taunt will pull aggro but it's lost instantly and not maintained. I've asked for an explanation on the mechanics numerous times but I never got an answer.

Edit: Also, the warrior's PvE and PvP builds are by far the most different builds than any other class. I feel set into playing either aspect of the game for long periods of time. If two builds were aloud, more warriors might move away from the DPS build.

02-26-2013, 04:42 PM
PuG? what is it :confusion:

Pick up group, or randoms, call it whatever you want :P

02-26-2013, 10:18 PM
My twink warrior has a build to PvP and PvE in. Its not impossible.. X.x

02-26-2013, 10:42 PM
Whats worse is warriors expecting rogues and mages to go first and tank.. T_T

that pisses me off so much (even on my warrior). Or the ones that join then just stand around making it harder on everyone. >:/

02-26-2013, 10:56 PM
Ohhh how I relate. I am not in any guild yet so all I run are pugs. It gets soooo frustrating. Sorc that don't heal, warriors that don't tank... People that rush into a boss without waiting for the rest, die, respawn, rush before team gets there again, rinse and repeat.... As if it doesn't click that... Hey we might need the whole team to defeat the boss... A novel idea indeed.

I'm also getting bored that no one talks. Hit me up if ya want. Ig name chilicrush 22, chiliblush 10

02-26-2013, 11:14 PM
Ohhh how I relate. I am not in any guild yet so all I run are pugs. It gets soooo frustrating. Sorc that don't heal, warriors that don't tank... People that rush into a boss without waiting for the rest, die, respawn, rush before team gets there again, rinse and repeat.... As if it doesn't click that... Hey we might need the whole team to defeat the boss... A novel idea indeed.

I'm also getting bored that no one talks. Hit me up if ya want. Ig name chilicrush 22, chiliblush 10

Talking is difficult in game, most people are busy playing, this seems more like a hate topic, people are not going to listen unless you can be constructive and positive. Until then nothing will change.

Spec how ever you want, just choose friends that complement your build, play style.

Playing with random will always be risky, inviting friends is your best bet.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

02-26-2013, 11:43 PM
Naw... Talking isn't so hard. At least it isn't for me, just takes a bit of multitasking and something to say.

02-26-2013, 11:49 PM
Naw... Talking isn't so hard. At least it isn't for me, just takes a bit of multitasking and something to say.

Try doing it when fighting a boss.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

02-27-2013, 12:19 AM
Try doing it when fighting a boss.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

Ummm lol... I was assuming everyone knew that wasn't the best time to talk. I've played many of games. Chat in games really isn't that rare.

02-27-2013, 12:43 AM
im off pvp until they fix things not possible to be good when friends and guildees teaming up with warriors to kill us rogues omg

02-27-2013, 12:48 AM
im off pvp until they fix things not possible to be good when friends and guildees teaming up with warriors to kill us rogues omg

This is PVE, anyways welcome back.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

02-27-2013, 12:51 AM
Yea random parties are pretty useless now...

When you make a party, just make sure that you have some experienced players that know what they're doing. Ending up with inexperienced players will only lengthen your time for leveling. I personally find leveling really boring when the party is slow

02-27-2013, 12:59 AM
oh lol i dont read all the posts sometimes sorry, ty but do i know you?

I am sneaky so I doubt it.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

02-27-2013, 03:37 AM
Naw... Talking isn't so hard. At least it isn't for me, just takes a bit of multitasking and something to say.
Its hard for me to do on my phone. I either wait until all the mobs are dead or were dead. If I was on a pc I would chit chat while running dungeons.

02-27-2013, 05:57 AM
Lets get this straight... This is NOT a hate topic. It is a discussion.

Back on topic though.... I hope that as more people get the hang of things, there will be less issues in PUGs. However, considering the fact that on elite Tower PUGs were also having the same issues... Then I believe it won't really change. If players would just listen, or find a way to work together better.. Then perhaps it would work out.

Ugh... Then again maybe StS should just allow us to host maps already! Then these problems could be avoided better.

02-27-2013, 10:22 PM
Pick up group, or randoms, call it whatever you want :P

Oh, thanks. I learned something new!

02-27-2013, 10:24 PM
Also PuG tend to quit even on normal map in middle of game. If you quit, then what is the point of joining the game in first place?

02-27-2013, 10:40 PM
That's why all I do is solo, my 15m cash pile says I'm doing fine without any people holding me back. I started soloing cause I'm a rouge and I can outtank 99% of warriors out there if I'm ganna waste a ton of pots its ganna be to my benefit.

02-27-2013, 11:38 PM
^ agreed. Good team>solo>pugs usually. Which is why I do solo farming too, since elite arcanum grounds.
Sometimes, if you can't find a good group, soloing is recommended for rogues who can afford pots, you just need to practice the map a few times.

02-27-2013, 11:45 PM
The worst has to be wt4. I can't tell you the number of times people just go running off and attracting more mobs. Or someone does something dumb and instead of facing a manageable size, you are overwhelmed by the sheer numbers. Then they give up and quit after they die. Also what is irritating is when you are killing yourself trying to take down some boss. And some one runs away and resets the boss more then once. I am thinking of joining a guild cause most PuGs are getting frustrating in hopes to play with some quality people.

02-28-2013, 04:31 AM

Liquid Ice
02-28-2013, 06:29 AM
My twink warrior has a build to PvP and PvE in. Its not impossible.. X.x

A twink is not an end game character. That adds nothing to the discussion about elite farming. When I level up against scrubs on regular maps, then a PvP build is actually what you want. It works great against enemies. In end game farming, the two builds, the tank warrior nd the PvP DPS warrior are by far completely different. I mean almost entirely.

02-28-2013, 09:17 AM
The worst has to be wt4. I can't tell you the number of times people just go running off and attracting more mobs. Or someone does something dumb and instead of facing a manageable size, you are overwhelmed by the sheer numbers. Then they give up and quit after they die. Also what is irritating is when you are killing yourself trying to take down some boss. And some one runs away and resets the boss more then once. I am thinking of joining a guild cause most PuGs are getting frustrating in hopes to play with some quality people.

I loled at this... in wt4 you are mesnt to pull massive mobs to finish quickly. Any time i go there I'll pull all there is to help us finish faster. However if the tank cant handle it and die, then I'll quit without even feeling bad about it :)

Back on topic, being a sorc I am so jealous of rogues being able to take down bosses quickly on solo... whenever i solo im really happy until hitting the boss... so just stick to guild parties :)

02-28-2013, 03:41 PM

02-28-2013, 03:55 PM
I loled at this... in wt4 you are mesnt to pull massive mobs to finish quickly. Any time i go there I'll pull all there is to help us finish faster. However if the tank cant handle it and die, then I'll quit without even feeling bad about it :)

Back on topic, being a sorc I am so jealous of rogues being able to take down bosses quickly on solo... whenever i solo im really happy until hitting the boss... so just stick to guild parties :)

I can't stand players like you. You're the kind that everyone is talking about in this thread. Just do whatever you want and once you get everyone killed you quit.

Hope I never run into you in game.

02-28-2013, 04:10 PM
I loled at this... in wt4 you are mesnt to pull massive mobs to finish quickly. Any time i go there I'll pull all there is to help us finish faster. However if the tank cant handle it and die, then I'll quit without even feeling bad about it :)

Back on topic, being a sorc I am so jealous of rogues being able to take down bosses quickly on solo... whenever i solo im really happy until hitting the boss... so just stick to guild parties :)

You are the worst type of player. I hate dps classes that pull in the first place. But you're even worse. You kill your party and bail. What's your ign so I can put you on ignore lol. Hope I never run into you.

02-28-2013, 04:28 PM
^ agreed. Good team>solo>pugs usually. Which is why I do solo farming too, since elite arcanum grounds.
Sometimes, if you can't find a good group, soloing is recommended for rogues who can afford pots, you just need to practice the map a few times.

This. Its better sometimes solo as in pt with warrior whos all full of himself and tell u what to do and bows r not good and why run there and i end it in this time and i soloed it... meh more fun alone :) with bow

02-28-2013, 07:47 PM
I loled at this... in wt4 you are mesnt to pull massive mobs to finish quickly. Any time i go there I'll pull all there is to help us finish faster. However if the tank cant handle it and die, then I'll quit without even feeling bad about it :)

Back on topic, being a sorc I am so jealous of rogues being able to take down bosses quickly on solo... whenever i solo im really happy until hitting the boss... so just stick to guild parties :)

Its easy to rush in, then run away and hide behind someone else while they take all of the damage. Then blame them if it doesn't work. And players like you are the reason why I run solo most of the time.

02-28-2013, 10:39 PM
My twink warrior has a build to PvP and PvE in. Its not impossible.. X.x

A twink is not an end game character. That adds nothing to the discussion about elite farming. When I level up against scrubs on regular maps, then a PvP build is actually what you want. It works great against enemies. In end game farming, the two builds, the tank warrior nd the PvP DPS warrior are by far completely different. I mean almost entirely.

if my twink can use that build for both PvP and PvE then it can also do it at cap so yes it adds to the discussion.

03-01-2013, 02:39 AM
if my twink can use that build for both PvP and PvE then it can also do it at cap so yes it adds to the discussion.

My only question is, why are you running pve with your twink?

03-01-2013, 04:48 PM
if my twink can use that build for both PvP and PvE then it can also do it at cap so yes it adds to the discussion.

My only question is, why are you running pve with your twink?
Its fun! Besides, I can farm some dungeons for gold a lil or even drops to merch with. :)

Still PuGs at twink lvl aren't that bad to me (oddly enough). Im not sure if its worse at twink lvl or at cap for everyone else. Is it??? *curious* lol

03-01-2013, 05:14 PM
Fair enough. I'd guess pugs are better at lower level because the content is easier. The only pugs I come across that are terrible are elite runs. Because players actually have to play well or get destroyed.

03-02-2013, 05:52 PM
Yeah, thats how I think of it as well. Problem is, this game seems to be headed ibto the PL direction of needing Plat to compete or even finish certain levels with elixirs. Right now, non-plat elixirs don't even last for half -of- HALF an elite maps. Its really money consuming. Especially when all the real free TrialPlay and W3i promotions are done & the purchase ones are all thats left. So frustrating... I mean if I didn't want to pay through the app, wth makes you think I'd want tobpay a 3rd party?! Lol nurr.

Oh and speaking of the elixirs in PUGs... Its annoying when players with elixirs pull other mobs in elite maps. Just because you got a freaken combo pack or elixirs with more dmg and dmg reduction, doesn't mean the rest of us can handle them all at once!!! Geeze.