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View Full Version : Boss duo

09-29-2010, 10:17 AM
I think it'd be pretty cool if 2 bosses were like twins, and fought side by side, but there were two of them. Just a simple suggestion, a balance should be set to make them more balanced amongst the other bosses. I think it'd be cool to see. :)

Feedback? Thanks!

09-29-2010, 10:20 AM
Even better 1 boss, that when you defeat it, splits into two smaller bosses that you must then defeat simultaneously.

09-29-2010, 10:21 AM
That'd be legit. Maybe by then end you would have to kill like 100 microscopic bosses;)

09-29-2010, 10:36 AM
100 lesser djins I could solo that with a broken sword :D

09-29-2010, 10:45 AM
Even better 1 boss, that when you defeat it, splits into two smaller bosses that you must then defeat simultaneously.

Im gonna make a runescape reference to give an example of the idea... wish me luck
Theres a lv 46 that when killed, splits into two lv 23s
K now ur bleeding from ur eyes =/ soo to put this in PL reference
Big mega sexy boss = Fridge
Little Less sexy boss= 2x Microwave

09-29-2010, 10:47 AM
Fridge-splits into 2 ice trolls also the ELITE ice trolls should look different same with troops I reakon the troops should havd the elite weapons and ice trolls have same stats but look like fridge

09-29-2010, 10:48 AM
Im gonna make a runescape reference to give an example of the idea... wish me luck
Theres a lv 46 that when killed, splits into two lv 23s
K now ur bleeding from ur eyes =/ soo to put this in PL reference
Big mega sexy boss = Fridge
Little Less sexy boss= 2x Microwave

4X blender
6X toaster
8X stove

I see where this is going;)

09-29-2010, 12:30 PM
LOL i think multiple is a good idea, just not the splitting part.

09-29-2010, 12:50 PM
4X blender
6X toaster
8X stove

I see where this is going;)
HAHAS!! not offensive but, i dont see how splitting would get u 6 from 4?? 1-2-4-8-16-32-64-128-256-512-1024-2048-4096 ok thats madness enough already HAHAS. numbers makes me berserk

LOL i think multiple is a good idea, just not the splitting part.

then it be endless, omg how long will clearing a map takes??hahs