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View Full Version : Are Doors Next?

09-29-2010, 11:15 AM
A little history of farming for the newbies:

Swamps:Bayou Boss Brawl
The bosses were in the corners, with an open space in the middle. This led to the Pull, whereby one player 'leashes' a boss, brings it to the open space and the other players kill it. Then they remake without killing most mobs.

AO1: (Last board)
There were two bosses very close to the beginning, so players would kill those two, and remake without killing most mobs.

AO2: 4+5
The Dev's decide to counter this by putting the bosses at the end of corridors of mobs so the players would have to kill them to get to the bosses. The players counter this with rushing techniques where they use stuns and ice skills to run to the bosses and kill them, and then remake without killing most mobs.

AO3+ : Doors? Could there be doors that can only open after killing the mobs in the room? Would this prevent players from remaking without killing most mobs? If so, will it be countered?

09-29-2010, 11:25 AM
Zzzzz. Hope not.

09-29-2010, 11:58 AM
Either boss won't spawn until a percentage of mobs have died or just nerf the rush by making mobs unrushable. Somehow, they really need to prevent it. Rush farming pretty much killed AO2 for me (along with Mynas powerleveling). I think there are probably even better solutions, but these seem the simplest.

09-29-2010, 12:06 PM
Power leveling lol, rushing was no fun. But I did enjoy seeing everyone but me get pinks.

09-29-2010, 01:55 PM
A little history of farming for the newbies:

Swamps:Bayou Boss Brawl
The bosses were in the corners, with an open space in the middle. This led to the Pull, whereby one player 'leashes' a boss, brings it to the open space and the other players kill it. Then they remake without killing most mobs.

AO1: (Last board)
There were two bosses very close to the beginning, so players would kill those two, and remake without killing most mobs.

AO2: 4+5
The Dev's decide to counter this by putting the bosses at the end of corridors of mobs so the players would have to kill them to get to the bosses. The players counter this with rushing techniques where they use stuns and ice skills to run to the bosses and kill them, and then remake without killing most mobs.

AO3+ : Doors? Could there be doors that can only open after killing the mobs in the room? Would this prevent players from remaking without killing most mobs? If so, will it be countered?
Wow this is a first! i HATE this thread! I usually love everything u write! -blindfolds devs-
And,. heres my totally trollish picture which i HAD to make!

09-29-2010, 11:17 PM
Naw this is actually a good idea. Combine mobs that cant be rushes with doors.

Though until they make str stat add lots of hp so that mobs can do damage to tanks rather that 0 damage by armor or dodge... Pve combat will always be an easy mode snooze fest time sink... And pvp will continue to suck. Seriously.. How do u scale up a mob if they cant so more damage cause the players only gained 10 hp in 5 levels... Armor mitigation has clearly failed on its own.

09-29-2010, 11:21 PM
Love the art piece.