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View Full Version : Experience changes

02-27-2013, 02:41 PM
Hello sts .. its not just me but many other arcane legends players feel that the experience changes are really bad.

We used to run tombs.. levels etc and earn quite Lot of experience but now we earn next to nothing.. and thats with playing hours upon hours per day.

So yes not to include wasting plat etc on elixers to gain experience quicker. And see hardly any improvements so please fix this.

For example .. people used to earn 400-500 experience per run of watchers tomb 4..
With elixers .. around 600-750..

Now we cant earn even around 150-250 with or without elixers..

Costing people more plat.. in which u brought chests into the game to persuade players to unlock now this..


02-27-2013, 02:52 PM
Everything perfect here :) You all just want level up in one day and then what? Then all screaming we want new level cap!!!

02-27-2013, 05:23 PM
Obvioisly not but im one of the few who contribute very highly buying plat and on that case... i want what i pay for.. 50% more exp not 5%.