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View Full Version : Direct question to STS, what team play style is AL made for?

03-01-2013, 09:18 PM
I have played the game with all three classes and I'm still confused about what the game is made for in terms of team play and strategy. This questions is for ELITE maps.

Is the game made like guild wars 2 where everyone needs to be self sufficient in healing, attacking, controlling and taking damage.

Or is it for the holy trinity tanking, DPS, heal/crowd control.

Maybe both?

I am sure lots of people are confused about this.

People need more longer, detailed facts about stats, weapons, proc, skills and classes from the people that make the game. To be able to make elite builds that are efficient in game.

For example, weapon x has a proc, people want to know proc chance %, length of proc and how to get proc in the first place. When proc increase stats I want to know how much and compare with other proc.

When you do have an answer please give out a lot more detailed information about it on your website. Arcanelegendsgame where everyone can see, thank you for time and for making Arcane Legends.

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