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View Full Version : Whats up with teleporting?!?!

Andy Knight
04-26-2010, 01:00 PM
WHATS UP WITH THIS TELEPORTING. do you know how hard it is to solo when the enemies keep teleporting you to them? i mean i was soloing 2 ice trolls (which have 3200 health each) and they kept randomly teleporting me to them. can you like remove this teleporting stuff?!?!?!?.... plz...

King Richie
04-26-2010, 01:03 PM
its them using beckon dude they have magic to !

04-26-2010, 08:21 PM
It is lag.

Basically you run away, but your phone is lagging, so the "dear server, I is running away now" message comes late.
And since it comes late, the monster send a message "dear server, I is smacking this annoying elf"

You can solve this with evade though. If a monster misses you, it wont make you lag teleport back.