View Full Version : Daily blessings bug

03-07-2013, 08:04 AM
First of all, sry for my English, my 3rd language.

Here is the bug: Yesterday, i collect my daily blessing at ~6:15pm GMT+7 and got a x1.5 combo elixir. Today at 6:16 Pm GMT+7 i got the notification for the Daily Blessing, but the x1.5 Combo Elixir i got from yesterday still active for 10min more, then i took the today blessing (the x1.5 Combo Elixir still active) and got another x1.5 Combo Blessing, but then i was thinking that the combo i got from today will be active for like 24h more but after ~ 10 min farming at BSM i got my combo disapear and i ended up with nothing. That means that if you take your daily blessing at the same time as yesterday (and when your elixir from yesterday still active) and got the same elixir that you got from yesterday blessing, it gonna disapear after 10min.

03-07-2013, 09:11 AM
There's a way to evade this bug: when you're going to collect new blessing, remove the previous one so the new elixir won't get deleted if you get the same one.

03-08-2013, 03:37 AM
There's a way to evade this bug: when you're going to collect new blessing, remove the previous one so the new elixir won't get deleted if you get the same one.
I just want to let dev know and fix it :)

03-09-2013, 05:25 AM
Fusionstrike already posted this