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View Full Version : dodge vs. health/armour

03-07-2013, 08:40 AM
Which is more valuable to a rogue?. Dodge or health/armour? I assume dodge as it may be cheaper to raise in terms of gold and skill points, but just wondering.

That being said, doesit seems that dodge improves survivability less because it comes down to chance really. In pvp you can still get 1 shot. Maybe matters less in pve where there are weaker, blows by npc enemies.

Any rogues out there who sacrifice dodge for health and armour while still maintaining dps? do you find yourself surviving better than other rogues?

03-07-2013, 08:59 AM
My opinion is that dodge is worthwhile in PvE, but not a significant stat in PvP.

At this point, playing at levels > 20, I would assume everyone has better than a 100% hit chance, so the probability of a dodge is very, very low. Maybe at Twink levels it has a benefit for PvP, but at upper levels, I equip for Crit instead. My build has about a 25% Dodge at lv 24, and I don't think I've ever Dodged in the the Arena....ever.

I do, however, dodge a lot in PvE when I change my build to get to 30% Dodge. Even then, I still prefer DMG and Crit over Dodge and don't use that build too often. It's better to have HP and armor (especially in Kraken Isles) or DMG and Crit. Dodge is a luck stat (as is Crit), but DMG works every time.

03-07-2013, 09:36 AM
hp/armor more important in overall, in end-game pvp especially
dodge is good in pve where mobs are either weak and plenty (thus you reduce 30% of hits and less use ur pots), or where boss can one-shot you with all your armor/hp, so better you will have a chance to avoid the death.

03-07-2013, 10:15 AM
hp/armor more important in overall, in end-game pvp especially
dodge is good in pve where mobs are either weak and plenty (thus you reduce 30% of hits and less use ur pots), or where boss can one-shot you with all your armor/hp, so better you will have a chance to avoid the death.

Thats why we need different skill loadouts ;)

I tried build without razor shield but came back to it soon bc that dodge chance in pve very sagnificantly decreases usage of pots or give u a time to use the pots lol (u know new elite maps r hard) :biggrin:

pvp not much difference if u have high dodge or not. fights still last few sec so u dont even have the time to dodge.

03-07-2013, 11:00 PM
Best is to have multiple armor sets and pet combos!

I don't really invest in dodge that much. I'm focused on damage and crit. But I do have a dodge armorset.
Best (AFFORDABLE) set for me right now would be read beard's cap of security (health and armor) and red beard's vest of tactics (crit and mana).

I'd like to get my hands on a rogue mythic helm of course. :)