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03-08-2013, 01:44 PM
Ok... I'm going to make a suggestion that I think a lot of people will disagree with. But I think a LOT MORE people will agree with.

This awkard party system in Arcane Legends. I think its time for a revamp. The idea behind it was well intended but I don't think its working. Let me explain.

For people that socialize a lot and spend a lot of time in game it may be great. They meet tons of people. Its fun for them. For a lot of us that don't have the time to do this, this party system is very cumbersome. It's nearly impossible to run elite pugs now. I can't tell you how many maps I've run half way and had to quit because people left. Even the "easy" map takes 3-4 times as long if you aren't in a good party.

Lets looks at the pros and cons:


Ok. Honestly, I can't really think of any pros right now. Maybe someone can help out with this.


1. Severely limits the way we meet new players. In PL, we could join instances together and follow each other around. Later on, when I log on, if I see an instance with someone I know, I can join. I don't have to spend time trying to get a group together to run a map. "Hey man, want to run" "No sorry group is full". All the while there are 500 people just like me at the same skill level wanting to run these maps that are in the exact same position. Like I said, its harder for me because I'm not really a social butterfly in game (except certain people :D). I love playing, I don't much love the social aspect. If I wanted that, I'd mostly sit in town and talk.

2. Requires you to have a full 4 team party if you want to run a map effectively since randoms cannot join.

Honestly, I think the difficulty of the elite maps is not THAT bad right now. The problem is you really need a good party to run it efficiently. My solution if you don't want to nerf the elites... get rid of this party system. Allow us to host games and maybe save spots. You don't even have to boot people. Just save spots for invites or something. I am sure that at any given time there are MANY very good players wanting to run these maps. But it is time consuming and difficult for us to meet each other without having a lobby that we can look at the see who all is running.

I know, this topic might not be very organized and is incomplete. I'm at work. So maybe through conversation (constructive I hope) we can make it better.

03-08-2013, 01:49 PM
O what I see as a pro is that it is actually quite helpful at getting friends and guildies together to run. I have no problem finding a party in AF. But then again I don't need to know anymore people..... Ill start forgetting names :p

The con as u stated is it is hard to pug elite and there for makes it hard to find new friends, I think that this has more to do with guild structure more than anything else. If guilds got a fix there would be no need to Chang the party system.


03-08-2013, 02:07 PM
I agree with Vys. I also remember you saying that even PUGs have difficulty in runs before this expansion (like on elite tower runs). So I think the problem doesn't have to do with the Party System itself, its the players and lack of knowledge on how to run those maps. Not everyone from the game come on these forums and read the info provided.

However, -adding- a host map feature would be nice for solo runs.

03-08-2013, 02:13 PM
I agree with Vys. I also remember you saying that even PUGs have difficulty in runs before this expansion (like on elite tower runs). So I think the problem doesn't have to do with the Party System itself, its the players and lack of knowledge on how to run those maps. Not everyone from the game come on these forums and read the info provided.

However, -adding- a host map feature would be nice for solo runs.

They do... but those were at least still doable. Pugs have always been tough in this game. But with this expansion, elite pugs are almost unplayable. I join, waste 50 or so pots, everyone leaves and I have to start over. I say "I" but I'm SURE almost everyone sees this.

I don't see how the party system encourages guildies to play together more than hosting password locked games.

Maybe its not the "party system" as much as it is the inability to host/join games from the lobby. I just always thought of those two as mutually exclusive. I'm not very interested in running solo. I much prefer group mechanics to solo running.

Like I said... there may be many people in the same boat as me trying to find teams to run with. But, because its very difficult to find the right people in this game by trial and error, people just won't do it.

03-08-2013, 02:15 PM
They do... but those were at least still doable. Pugs have always been tough in this game. But with this expansion, elite pugs are almost unplayable. I join, waste 50 or so pots, everyone leaves and I have to start over. I say "I" but I'm SURE almost everyone sees this.

I don't see how the party system encourages guildies to play together more than hosting password locked games.

It doesn't any more than a password locked game, but it is just another way of doing it. I actually don't see a need for the change but I guess that's just me. I have a great guild and many friends and nvr need to look long for a party....


03-08-2013, 02:16 PM
I couldn't agree more. One of the things that turned me off, almost to the point of quitting, was the inability to join towns and games as I see fit, based off of an instance list (as they have (had?) in PL). I honestly have had maybe one time when I've actually joined a party and done more than a few runs with that given party. I pug. The party system SUCKS for pugging. It also sucks if you're with just one friend you want to do runs with...You can go around and try to find people to join the two of you in a party but if you have 30 minutes to play and it takes 10-15 minutes of your play time to actually get together a party with two random members who know what they're doing, you've just wasted nearly half of your available time trying to get a team together. For a mobile MMO, the system is clunky and really not player friendly.

My guild is me and a few other people. It's not a huge, popular guild. That's okay. I'm not looking to be part of a big guild. I'm an officer in COT in PL. That was great, I enjoyed being in that guild. I am not looking for the same type of guild experience in this game, though. I shouldn't be penalized by being figuratively neutered when attempting to join worthwhile runs by a system that is just not casual-user friendly.

03-08-2013, 02:26 PM
But... Whats the point of changing the party system for that since the devs are already working on the KI elite maps to lower the difficulty? It was on one of Samhayne's threads and other threads...

Lets wait it out and see what they do before we jump down on the PUG party system. :)

03-08-2013, 02:26 PM
It doesn't any more than a password locked game, but it is just another way of doing it. I actually don't see a need for the change but I guess that's just me. I have a great guild and many friends and nvr need to look long for a party....


Well... you're one of the people I was talking about. Works out great for you. Unfortunately, it doesn't for me. So I made this suggestion. I just see the benefits of the PL/SL style lobby as being much greater than the party system we have in AL.

03-08-2013, 02:27 PM
But... Whats the point of changing the party system for that since the devs are already working on the KI elite maps to lower the difficulty? It was on one of Samhayne's threads and other threads...

Lets wait it out and see what they do before we jump down on the PUG party system. :)

Because regardless of the difficulty, I think the benefits are still greater with the other maps. Of course, if there was a great benefit to having the party system, I'm all ears.

03-08-2013, 02:30 PM
But... Whats the point of changing the party system for that since the devs are already working on the KI elite maps to lower the difficulty? It was on one of Samhayne's threads and other threads...

Lets wait it out and see what they do before we jump down on the PUG party system. :)

I tend to be someone who doesn't embrace change but if it's sensical change I can definitely get on board and eventually grow to appreciate the changes. I find the party system to be nonsensical in a mobile MMO unless the goal is to get everyone into guilds and only have people do runs with their own guilds.

I wouldn't even mind the party system for those people from whom it works but if they could give the option to search for games and towns to join, as you can in PL, I'd be thrilled.

I just don't see the benefits to the party system being the ONLY way to be able to do set runs with people. And I think it's a huge flaw that if you are in a party with one other person, no one else can join. I'd love to be able to be in a party with one or two others, join a run and have other people be allowed to join, too.

(edited because I wrote joint instead of join haha)

03-08-2013, 02:34 PM
I wouldn't even mind the party system for those people from whom it works but if they could give the option to search for games and towns to join, as you can in PL, I'd be thrilled.

I just don't see the benefits to the party system being the ONLY way to be able to do set runs with people. And I think it's a huge flaw that if you are in a party with one other person, no one else can join. I'd love to be able to be in a party with one or two others, join a run and have other people be allowed to joint, too.

This is what I meant when I said it maybe wasn't a problem with the party system directly. Maybe just the way it is configured now.

And yes, if we have a 2 person party and we host a map, it should allow two other people to join us. That would actually alleviate a lot of the problem. Unlike Vys, I find it exponentially more difficult to find that 4th person. But if we could party 3, then a random could join. It would probably work out.

03-08-2013, 02:39 PM
I agree it shouldn't be the -only- option but still it shouldn't be wiped out either. For me, I'd rather join a party where we can go on any map and it automaticly locks the map to other players except those in the party. It takes out the hassle out of making a solo map on the other StS games & having to individually invite players you're running with so they can enter the map. That (for me) is the best benefit of the party system on AL.

03-08-2013, 02:42 PM
I just had a chuckle because we could sit here and think of all of these great ways to improve it but I doubt any change will occur. I'm still crossing my arms, pissed off that they messed up my ability to chat while running because my keyboard pops up and my toon stops moving now. I will forever be bitter and shake my fists at STS for that one.

03-08-2013, 02:52 PM
I agree it shouldn't be the -only- option but still it shouldn't be wiped out either. For me, I'd rather join a party where we can go on any map and it automaticly locks the map to other players except those in the party. It takes out the hassle out of making a solo map on the other StS games & having to individually invite players you're running with so they can enter the map. That (for me) is the best benefit of the party system on AL.

Was it that way in SL? I can't remember. I'm not counting DL because that's a whole different beast. The only MMO I know of where its more effective to run solo.

For PL, you give the password to your group... then each time to host creates the map they put in the password. Everyone else can join either through the join map or FL and enter the password. No invitation necessary.

But I agree. The party system would be cool in addition to the join/host game lobby. Then there's not need for a password. Just keep remaking and joining.

03-08-2013, 03:15 PM
I love pugs, but it IS strange that if I want to run w/ 1 or 2 friends, I can't then play and sometimes have a random person join my group.

It's the random joinings that made PL so much fun. And since those randoms can always just join, if they're fast on the draw, lots of times you end up with a fast fixed group. PL's system was quick. AL's does feel clunky by comparison.

03-09-2013, 04:21 PM
I have to agree with the OP. The party system, and I'm only talking about my own experience, well... sucks. Why not allow random people to join after 1 person decides to leave all of a sudden? This happens a lot in PUG's. Why not allow people to form a party with 1 or 2 friends and allow random people to jump in at any time?

It's great to hear that some of you don't care because you all made tons of friends or are in an active guild, but that doesn't take away the fact that it's hard for new people to start running anywhere. Personally, I want to be able to just jump in the game and do some elite runs whenever I want to, and with the current party system it's cumbersome to say the least.

I don't see how it would hurt anybody to allow randoms to join an uncomplete party/run. Would it? The way I see it is that it would only make playing the actual game a lot easier for people who just want to log on and kill stuff (that would be me lol).

I'd also love to see making your own locked/unlocked games being implemented. It would make testing out procs, stats... a whole lot easier.

At least that's my opinion about the current party system :)

03-12-2013, 09:58 AM
Hosted maps would be nice, but I also really like the party system. Yes it does mean you need either friends or an active guild. But once you have it, parties are much better and practical than hosted maps, especially if it's not only about one run. You often end up farming with the same people (okay 1-2 might leave but you just invite new ones) for hours at times. Think about all the time that would be lost while having to host a map and then having to join to that specific one. When you have a lix running, you don't want to waste your time with idling in Paradise Pier waiting.

So as an option, hosted parties would be nice, but please keep the party system. And the meanwhile get friends and a guild ;)

03-12-2013, 10:33 AM
Hosted maps would be nice, but I also really like the party system. Yes it does mean you need either friends or an active guild. But once you have it, parties are much better and practical than hosted maps, especially if it's not only about one run. You often end up farming with the same people (okay 1-2 might leave but you just invite new ones) for hours at times. Think about all the time that would be lost while having to host a map and then having to join to that specific one. When you have a lix running, you don't want to waste your time with idling in Paradise Pier waiting.

So as an option, hosted parties would be nice, but please keep the party system. And the meanwhile get friends and a guild ;)

I have plenty of friends (not as many as some, but I prefer to keep my list with actual friends that I run with). That's not the problem. Its finding 3 of them that are available at the same time as me and want to run the same maps as me. Personally, I feel like a jerk if I try to get a group together for just one or two runs.

I don't think the party system needs to be done away with. But it needs a revamp. Like Pandamoni and Jaytb said... we should be able to allow random people to join if we don't have a full party. Also, combined with the game lobby, the party system could be awesome.

03-12-2013, 10:34 AM
I really dislike the party system. The system in PL/SL works way better. In the guild there, we just password protected it so only guildies could join. If we wanted anyone to join so we had a full group, we did not use a password.

This also limits the ability to join a friend unless they ask first.

Not to mention, numerous times I would get an invite, say yes and still not be able to join the group because the join buttom is greyed out.

I think this system is a real limitation to AL and it discourages me from playing more.

03-12-2013, 10:49 AM
Don't know about the elite maps (only 17), but I want to mention the tombs. Most maps you go in and others naturally join, but there, unless you party ahead of time, you end up by your self. I swear, the place looks like a junior high dance with people standing against the wall not wanting to ask anyone else to dance. It feels really awkward there while all the cool kids with their parties go running in to have fun and your just not the type of person to randomly ask players to join you. The thing is, you can tell there is a bunch of players standing there thinking the same thing.
So question, why can't there be an auto party lobby for the tombs like the hauntlet? Are elites like this where you have to ~find~ a pre-party?

03-12-2013, 10:52 AM
Don't know about the elite maps (only 17), but I want to mention the tombs. Most maps you go in and others naturally join, but there, unless you party ahead of time, you end up by your self. I swear, the place looks like a junior high dance with people standing against the wall not wanting to ask anyone else to dance. It feels really awkward there while all the cool kids with their parties go running in to have fun and your just not the type of person to randomly ask players to join you. The thing is, you can tell there is a bunch of players standing there thinking the same thing.
So question, why can't there be an auto party lobby for the tombs like the hauntlet? Are elites like this where you have to ~find~ a pre-party?

You don't HAVE to find a party. You can risk PUGs and potentially wait around for 5 minutes for people to join.

In any case, I don't expect a change. But I think its good to have the dialogue so the developers can understand where I feel the major bottleneck for AL is.

03-12-2013, 10:53 AM
What if you do want to run solo, duo, trio? Allowing randoms to join there would ruin the experience. The current system is not perfect but it is better than these alternative suggestions, because it would take away too much from the game...

03-12-2013, 10:55 AM
What if you do want to run solo, duo, trio? Allowing randoms to join there would ruin the experience. The current system is not perfect but it is better than these alternative suggestions, because it would take away too much from the game...

Well, there are plenty of possible solutions. Allow locked games. So random's can't join. Just a check box that keeps it the way it is now when you host a game. Only your party can enter. If its unchecked, allow randoms to join. Besides... in elite all you need to do is set off the timer to prevent people from joining.

03-12-2013, 01:35 PM
I posted this in another thread and wanted to throw this out here:

Hey Snakespeare,

I'm not sure that simply adding the somewhat confusing (especially for a "casual" player) Host/Join system from PL into the mix would really fix the issue of bad pick up groups.

Is the better overall solution making Guilds more visible and systems for likeminded players to get into guilds so they have more quality players to run with?

Looking for Group / Looking for More
Other MMOs have systems for players to advertise their group or to say they are a player looking for a group. Would adding those sorts of systems make a difference?

Forming a Party Global Chat
Another idea might be having a global chat for people to find a good party or people to make a party. The problem is that such global chats quickly turn to other topics (many of which are not the most appropriate for our game).

Bottom line is - what are real solutions to the universal problem of poor players (they are there in any online multiplayer game)?

03-12-2013, 02:24 PM
I posted this in another thread and wanted to throw this out here:

Thanks Sam. I saw it it and gave a little feedback there too!

Like I was saying... I think parts of the party system could be great. But I think alone it is hindering more people than it is helping. Of course, there are many people that don't have any problem, as evidence by some in this thread. I speak for the little people? We are many.

05-02-2013, 12:37 PM
Lets talk about this again. Its still relevant, so I'm bumping it.

05-02-2013, 12:40 PM
Yea agreed!

05-02-2013, 12:46 PM
i'm supporting it. the party system isn't near as good as PL's system. Do away with the timed elite runs and the leaderboard for timed runs and let's let people join at anytime. Yes, some people would be upset if u did away with the timed runs but I feel like way more people would enjoy and benefit from it. Pugging in elites would greatly increase other people would be able to join when someone rage quits. The way it is now you have to try to finish the run a player short or rage quit yourself. If you didn't have enough friends online for a team someone can host and invite the other player(s) and wait for a random person(s) to join. I've made A LOT of friends in PL doing this.

I know STS implemented the timed runs to foster competitiveness and to increase people playing but I feel like giving the masses a chance to finish runs would increase overall playtime a lot more than the relatively few people who compete for leaderboard spots (i'm sure you guys have noticed the same team often has many of the top times).

I honestly don't know why PL's system was scrapped in favor of the party system in the first place.

05-02-2013, 12:52 PM
In pocket legends, I'd say 85% of my friends were made from

1. Running pugs.
2. Joining friends games with new people I haven't met before.

Neither of these is really possible in arcane legends. The only place to meet people is either in town or in one of the tombs. It REALLY isn't worth it, especially in Nordr, to even try elite pugs. The probability is very high that someone will get mad and leave. Then, like wvhills said, you probably have to leave. Wasting however much time you put in.

The party system does have its benefits, but in its current state, its more of a hinderance for people that are not in one of the few mega guilds.

05-03-2013, 08:19 AM
i hear crickets...

05-03-2013, 09:01 AM
i'm supporting it. the party system isn't near as good as PL's system. Do away with the timed elite runs and the leaderboard for timed runs and let's let people join at anytime. Yes, some people would be upset if u did away with the timed runs but I feel like way more people would enjoy and benefit from it. Pugging in elites would greatly increase other people would be able to join when someone rage quits. The way it is now you have to try to finish the run a player short or rage quit yourself. If you didn't have enough friends online for a team someone can host and invite the other player(s) and wait for a random person(s) to join. I've made A LOT of friends in PL doing this.

I know STS implemented the timed runs to foster competitiveness and to increase people playing but I feel like giving the masses a chance to finish runs would increase overall playtime a lot more than the relatively few people who compete for leaderboard spots (i'm sure you guys have noticed the same team often has many of the top times).

I honestly don't know why PL's system was scrapped in favor of the party system in the first place.

Supporting this. elite with that timer is really hard to complete. i dont have all day just to acomplish one map. so making elite that ppl can always join will be high appreciated.

also i would like to run with a frend in a party but also other ppl can join. as many here said not always is possible to run with 4 frends or guildies.

05-03-2013, 01:36 PM
I posted this in another thread and wanted to throw this out here:

I feel that adding the Host/Join system from PL would absolutely make the game more enjoyable and enhance the social aspect of the game. I did not find the system confusing at all when I played PL and none of my friends did either. If it is confusing to some, there is not all that much to it. You could add a short tutorial for it.

Making guilds more visible will not fix the problems brought up in this thread. When I first started playing this game I did not join a guild for some time. I looked on the forums but could not really tell from the different guild threads which one would be a good fit for me. Honestly I feel that playing with people from a guild is the only way to determine if it is really a good fit for you. If people in a guild are running in a party of two or three I will never see them even though we might be able to help each other. I joined a few guilds and caught up with some friends from PL. We didn't feel we could find a guild that was quite what we wanted, so we made our own. Great! We put together a nice thread in the forum and we try to spend a little time where we can actively trying to find new members in game. It is much, much tougher to find good new members for a guild in this game than it was in PL. I can't do some runs with 1 or 2 other guildmates in a party and have a random person join that may be the next great guild member. In this game recruiting new members is work. I have a full-time job. I don't need another. I play this game to have fun, but I want our guild to grow. In PL we found new guild members while we had fun running maps.

The looking for group/looking for more isn't exactly a good solution either. We could spend time finding the party and then someone drops mid map. Now we have to start the map over. Again, more work/less fun.

The Party Global Chat idea, see above about the last idea. Same concern, not to mention the concern you already mentioned.

In PL I could log on, grab my friends whether there were two of us or four and start playing and people would join as needed. If we liked playing with those that joined, we would add them to our friends list and/or guild. The party system here takes away from the fun, adds work and takes away from the social aspect of the game.

Yes every game has poor players, just like PL. But the party system in PL made the game much more fun and served as a social lubricant. All you had to do was a very simple search and click the host or join button.

05-03-2013, 01:48 PM
Man. Ever. I couldn't have said it better myself. Great post. I agree with everything you said.

05-03-2013, 04:10 PM
I feel that adding the Host/Join system from PL would absolutely make the game more enjoyable and enhance the social aspect of the game. I did not find the system confusing at all when I played PL and none of my friends did either. If it is confusing to some, there is not all that much to it. You could add a short tutorial for it.

Making guilds more visible will not fix the problems brought up in this thread. When I first started playing this game I did not join a guild for some time. I looked on the forums but could not really tell from the different guild threads which one would be a good fit for me. Honestly I feel that playing with people from a guild is the only way to determine if it is really a good fit for you. If people in a guild are running in a party of two or three I will never see them even though we might be able to help each other. I joined a few guilds and caught up with some friends from PL. We didn't feel we could find a guild that was quite what we wanted, so we made our own. Great! We put together a nice thread in the forum and we try to spend a little time where we can actively trying to find new members in game. It is much, much tougher to find good new members for a guild in this game than it was in PL. I can't do some runs with 1 or 2 other guildmates in a party and have a random person join that may be the next great guild member. In this game recruiting new members is work. I have a full-time job. I don't need another. I play this game to have fun, but I want our guild to grow. In PL we found new guild members while we had fun running maps.

The looking for group/looking for more isn't exactly a good solution either. We could spend time finding the party and then someone drops mid map. Now we have to start the map over. Again, more work/less fun.

The Party Global Chat idea, see above about the last idea. Same concern, not to mention the concern you already mentioned.

In PL I could log on, grab my friends whether there were two of us or four and start playing and people would join as needed. If we liked playing with those that joined, we would add them to our friends list and/or guild. The party system here takes away from the fun, adds work and takes away from the social aspect of the game.

Yes every game has poor players, just like PL. But the party system in PL made the game much more fun and served as a social lubricant. All you had to do was a very simple search and click the host or join button.

Wow, just wow. I was out of thanks, but this post was so good I removed my thanks from another post and gave it to you :P

05-03-2013, 04:19 PM
I think an easy solution is to add two check box options on the party page which can only be modified by the party leader:

1) "Allow non party members to join maps."
This would allow people to form a party of two or three players with close friends and still allow random players to join them in runs. Some of my best friends in PL were made this way...

2) "Disable timer."
When not selected this would still allow players to compete for timed runs if they wanted to, but when selected it would also allow random people to join a party of 2 or 3 midway through an elite map. This would be excellent for those elite maps in which you disconnect half way through the run and cannot rejoin. It would also be excellent for those elite maps in which people bail halfway through the map, forcing you to restart the level. I loved it in PL when you could shout out to a friend, or someone could reach out to you and say "hey please help me with this boss."

I think these two simple additions will make a huge improvement in the party system. I will try to post a picture of what I mean later today :)

05-03-2013, 04:48 PM
I feel that adding the Host/Join system from PL would absolutely make the game more enjoyable and enhance the social aspect of the game. I did not find the system confusing at all when I played PL and none of my friends did either. If it is confusing to some, there is not all that much to it. You could add a short tutorial for it.

Making guilds more visible will not fix the problems brought up in this thread. When I first started playing this game I did not join a guild for some time. I looked on the forums but could not really tell from the different guild threads which one would be a good fit for me. Honestly I feel that playing with people from a guild is the only way to determine if it is really a good fit for you. If people in a guild are running in a party of two or three I will never see them even though we might be able to help each other. I joined a few guilds and caught up with some friends from PL. We didn't feel we could find a guild that was quite what we wanted, so we made our own. Great! We put together a nice thread in the forum and we try to spend a little time where we can actively trying to find new members in game. It is much, much tougher to find good new members for a guild in this game than it was in PL. I can't do some runs with 1 or 2 other guildmates in a party and have a random person join that may be the next great guild member. In this game recruiting new members is work. I have a full-time job. I don't need another. I play this game to have fun, but I want our guild to grow. In PL we found new guild members while we had fun running maps.

The looking for group/looking for more isn't exactly a good solution either. We could spend time finding the party and then someone drops mid map. Now we have to start the map over. Again, more work/less fun.

The Party Global Chat idea, see above about the last idea. Same concern, not to mention the concern you already mentioned.

In PL I could log on, grab my friends whether there were two of us or four and start playing and people would join as needed. If we liked playing with those that joined, we would add them to our friends list and/or guild. The party system here takes away from the fun, adds work and takes away from the social aspect of the game.

Yes every game has poor players, just like PL. But the party system in PL made the game much more fun and served as a social lubricant. All you had to do was a very simple search and click the host or join button.

Great post, Ever. I couldn't agree more.

I think an easy solution is to add two check box options on the party page which can only be modified by the party leader:

1) "Allow non party members to join maps."
This would allow people to form a party of two or three players with close friends and still allow random players to join them in runs. Some of my best friends in PL were made this way...

2) "Disable timer."
When not selected this would still allow players to compete for timed runs if they wanted to, but when selected it would also allow random people to join a party of 2 or 3 midway through an elite map. This would be excellent for those elite maps in which you disconnect half way through the run and cannot rejoin. It would also be excellent for those elite maps in which people bail halfway through the map, forcing you to restart the level. I loved it in PL when you could shout out to a friend, or someone could reach out to you and say "hey please help me with this boss."

I think these two simple additions will make a huge improvement in the party system. I will try to post a picture of what I mean later today :)

:applause: Great suggestions, Drgrimmy!

I think these suggestions would be amazing if implimented. Devs, please take note. While some are happy with the current system, this is a totally viable option that would make another subset of your paying customers very happy. This is a solution that wouldn't take away from other's play experience while enhancing the play experience of many others.

05-03-2013, 05:16 PM
Will not seeing instances of active games take care of the JOINING issue?

I suppose having a small party is ok, but personally, I think it's unnecessary. If you sync with someone time-wise on instance starts, you almost always end up being able to join that person's games. Or you end up rotating with other stalkers! (Hehe)

As for waiting around looking for a party, I must be extra impatient because I almost never do that. I also almost never wait more than a minute or two for PUGs to fill up before I start or look elsewhere for people to play with. Either that or sit around snuggling with the Auction House, in which case I really hate all the party invites :p

So that means, yeah, the PL join system is MUCH better than AL's! Definitely much less clunky and tedious, and much more functional.

05-04-2013, 03:11 AM
I'm glad to with the OP's willingness to give life to this wonderful suggestion. Let's face if, the party system isn't as good as it seems in AL, unlike it's predecessors; this game proves to be somehow a little bit excruciating when it comes to that one very important aspect of any MMO: the party system.

Pretty much everything suggested on the previous posts above would speak for me. With the large pool of players here in A.L, I'm sure a revamped version of the party system would give more color to the game.

05-04-2013, 04:28 PM
I'm glad to with the OP's willingness to give life to this wonderful suggestion. Let's face if, the party system isn't as good as it seems in AL, unlike it's predecessors; this game proves to be somehow a little bit excruciating when it comes to that one very important aspect of any MMO: the party system.

Pretty much everything suggested on the previous posts above would speak for me. With the large pool of players here in A.L, I'm sure a revamped version of the party system would give more color to the game.

Well said

05-04-2013, 07:46 PM
I think an easy solution is to add two check box options on the party page which can only be modified by the party leader:

1) "Allow non party members to join maps."
This would allow people to form a party of two or three players with close friends and still allow random players to join them in runs. Some of my best friends in PL were made this way...

2) "Disable timer."
When not selected this would still allow players to compete for timed runs if they wanted to, but when selected it would also allow random people to join a party of 2 or 3 midway through an elite map. This would be excellent for those elite maps in which you disconnect half way through the run and cannot rejoin. It would also be excellent for those elite maps in which people bail halfway through the map, forcing you to restart the level. I loved it in PL when you could shout out to a friend, or someone could reach out to you and say "hey please help me with this boss."

I think these two simple additions will make a huge improvement in the party system. I will try to post a picture of what I mean later today :)

Like this...


Sorry for the limited photo editing on my phone :)

05-06-2013, 12:19 PM
So when can we expect some changes? Or better can we expect some changes?

05-06-2013, 12:52 PM
Unfortunately, I see lots of people posting about this in other threads. Sadly, with everything so spaced out, why would they take notice of it?

This is why a lot of suggestions go unheard in the forums. One giant voice is a lot more powerful than 50 little tiny voices.

05-07-2013, 10:31 AM
Can I point out that Eversor used the term "social lubricant" a few posts back?

This is not a shameless bump for a very legitimate concern. Not at all.

05-07-2013, 11:02 AM
Can I point out that Eversor used the term "social lubricant" a few posts back?

This is not a shameless bump for a very legitimate concern. Not at all.

I saw... I tried... my.. hardest... to... not... deraaaail.

05-07-2013, 01:32 PM
The thing is that they have a party system in both pocket and star legends but for some reason they haven't implemented it here and don't think dl has one either.

05-09-2013, 07:25 AM
The thing is that they have a party system in both pocket and star legends but for some reason they haven't implemented it here and don't think dl has one either.

Samhayne mentioned in another thread to look out for a big change coming. I know its a slim chance, but I'm hoping it is this. I could really see this game take off if they added a game lobby with a boot feature (or even without a boot feature). So I'm holding out hope that they realize the current party system is really holding the game back.

05-09-2013, 12:35 PM
I hope so getting annoyed with people constantly reseting bosses or standing there doing absolutely nothing.

05-09-2013, 02:36 PM
If StS adds this I bet more players will come back/join and plus a lot of current players will be happy

05-20-2013, 09:07 AM
I'm not going to lie. Its gotten really bad. The game is almost unplayable for me at times. Sure, its great when guildies are on. At those times when I'm playing though, and they aren't, its dreadful.

The last few days. If I log in, and no guildies are on. I check CS, then log out. In fact, just to actually get some game time in I spent 30 minutes yesterday hopping around to different elite maps JUST TO FIND A PUG. Its really not working guys. I personally would love to see some statistics for the number of players versus the number of players that run elite maps on a consistent basis. I don't have any numbers to support, but, as expected, it seems to have gotten considerably worse after the introduction of the plat dungeon.

I'm sure there are number of people that don't have this problem. However, for the vast majority, it is a very real issue. And it is very discouraging.

There is no lobby that you can go to to find pugs. There are a number of maps I would run, but I'm not going to spend 1/4 of my gaming time just finding a pug that may or may not fail. Lets say, for example, there are 10 different maps to run. There are 8 people trying to run these maps. Its very likely 4 of them will not find eachother.

Additionally, if I run a map with a group, it doesn't necessarily mean I want to add them to my FL. I don't know after one map if they are the type of person I'd run with. And with no ability to remake maps and follow people, there is no real opportunity to meet new people to grow your friend list with capable bodies.

Let me also add this. What does it say about elite maps in general when you go to a popular elite map in the latest campaign (Mt. Spyre) and it takes 20 minutes to get 3 more people to join? Please don't tell me I need a better guild. I've been playing this game since it was released. I've been in a couple very large guilds (KOI, Deviant Misfits). It is always the same problem. I have a lot of friends that run elite, a lot. And I have this problem. Imagine people that haven't been playing as long.

BTW, this is no knock on KOI (RIP) or DM. I love you guys. Great guilds. But we all know how it works. My clock is not the same as everyone else's clock. And I don't expect people to drop whatever they are doing to give me the attention I want. :p

05-20-2013, 06:01 PM
Yeah, I don't think I have run an elite pug since jarl in season two. Just not worth it the way things are currently set up. I think this is a serious flaw of the game. It makes it really hard to play the game casually or to meet people. You can't just log on and do one or two elite runs. It takes a while to form a party, and once you get a party going it is a little disappointing to everyone if you leave after one or two runs. I know I unfortunately somewhat hold a grudge if someone leaves my party after a run or two (unless an close friend) and this is not healthy. I also find it hard to meet new people. I too often find myself logging on and the quickly leaving if none of my farming partners are on, similar to aedenos. Also it is very hard to meet new people to farm with that are outside your guild. Unless you develop a system that better enables people to develop social networks and play together, people will stop playing and this game will die. I myself am seriously considering quitting after most of my in game friends have already left and it is much harder to make new friends in game than it was in season 1 or 2 when pugs were a much more viable option. STS, I think this is something you need to seriously consider and quickly address for the overall health of this game.

05-20-2013, 11:37 PM
I'm not going to lie. Its gotten really bad. The game is almost unplayable for me at times. Sure, its great when guildies are on. At those times when I'm playing though, and they aren't, its dreadful.

The last few days. If I log in, and no guildies are on. I check CS, then log out. In fact, just to actually get some game time in I spent 30 minutes yesterday hopping around to different elite maps JUST TO FIND A PUG. Its really not working guys. I personally would love to see some statistics for the number of players versus the number of players that run elite maps on a consistent basis. I don't have any numbers to support, but, as expected, it seems to have gotten considerably worse after the introduction of the plat dungeon.

I'm sure there are number of people that don't have this problem. However, for the vast majority, it is a very real issue. And it is very discouraging.

There is no lobby that you can go to to find pugs. There are a number of maps I would run, but I'm not going to spend 1/4 of my gaming time just finding a pug that may or may not fail. Lets say, for example, there are 10 different maps to run. There are 8 people trying to run these maps. Its very likely 4 of them will not find eachother.

Additionally, if I run a map with a group, it doesn't necessarily mean I want to add them to my FL. I don't know after one map if they are the type of person I'd run with. And with no ability to remake maps and follow people, there is no real opportunity to meet new people to grow your friend list with capable bodies.

Let me also add this. What does it say about elite maps in general when you go to a popular elite map in the latest campaign (Mt. Spyre) and it takes 20 minutes to get 3 more people to join? Please don't tell me I need a better guild. I've been playing this game since it was released. I've been in a couple very large guilds (KOI, Deviant Misfits). It is always the same problem. I have a lot of friends that run elite, a lot. And I have this problem. Imagine people that haven't been playing as long.

BTW, this is no knock on KOI (RIP) or DM. I love you guys. Great guilds. But we all know how it works. My clock is not the same as everyone else's clock. And I don't expect people to drop whatever they are doing to give me the attention I want. :p

I couldn't have said it better.
However if they implement it it will probably be 10 plat to go into the lobby and 50 plat to boot someone LOL

05-20-2013, 11:42 PM
Aedenous and drgrimmy make some valid points and i agree with you both 100%. Finding a decent party seems almost impossible lately because one of 3-4 things generally seem to happen, they are horrible and make you burn through hundreds of potions, they quit halfway through the map or just before or at the boss, they kill the boss before you can get back which has happened to me many many timesin public runs and sucks because you get nothing for all of your hard work and time.

Also when you combine this with the current loot system makes running elite even more frustrating, annoying and unrewarding.

One of the best ways to fix this is by combining the current party system with the one in both pocket and star legends.

This would allow you to create private runs if you want to by having a password or have it opened to the public but giving you the ability to boot players who do nothing but stand there or are doing or behaving badly.

05-21-2013, 12:27 PM

I couldn't have said it better.
However if they implement it it will probably be 10 plat to go into the lobby and 50 plat to boot someone LOL

Uh why would they start here when they never did it before in Pocket and Star legends ?

05-21-2013, 10:59 PM
Uh why would they start here when they never did it before in Pocket and Star legends ?

it's arcane
a.k.a spend real life money and plat !

05-31-2013, 07:34 AM
this needs a fresh bump

05-31-2013, 08:51 AM
this needs a fresh bump

I agree. But I am giving up hope for any real change :( no comment from a Dev in a long, long time about this subject (well at least in AL time, not RL time :)) and a whole bunch of recent updates really only focused on getting people to open crates and spend plat, aside from a few minor changes.... Why make a good party system when all you have to be good at in this game to be successful is to open a ton of crates and be massively lucky... Sorry for being a little cynical about things as I do want to keep the thread positive, but I just couldn't help myself...

05-31-2013, 01:16 PM
I agree. But I am giving up hope for any real change :( no comment from a Dev in a long, long time about this subject (well at least in AL time, not RL time :)) and a whole bunch of recent updates really only focused on getting people to open crates and spend plat, aside from a few minor changes.... Why make a good party system when all you have to be good at in this game to be successful is to open a ton of crates and be massively lucky... Sorry for being a little cynical about things as I do want to keep the thread positive, but I just couldn't help myself...

What makes no sense is if there was a great join system I'd be spending a ton more plat. If I was constantly running elites (which I don't because it is WAY too frustrating to PUG elites when people bail halfway through, wasting 20 minutes of my time) I would be spending a lot more plat on luck elixirs. I'm sitting on a bunch of plat that I probably would have normally burned through much more rapidly. If there was a smooth way to run, PUG and meet new people I'd play more and spend more. From a business stand point it makes sense.

I can't quite figure out why the heels are being dug in re: giving us a better way to play and meet new people.

05-31-2013, 01:39 PM
Well, I believe part of the problem is that there are 1100 views on this thread and only ~60 responses. Yet people pm me all the time in game saying they agree and I see people posting in other threads about it.

I could care less if I started this thread or someone else. I just want it to change. And that isn't going to happen unless there are a lot of people asking for it unfortunately.

06-03-2013, 07:44 AM
Add one more to that list.

AL's party system needs a serious revamp. Like others above me have stated, its hard finding a pug and, in my experience, more than describable when that person leaves in the middle of a long elite run (once had a pick up group warrior leave in the middle of a Hall of Valheim run :O).

I understand that the boot system might be abused (like I could boot everyone out of an elite map just before the boss is dead) but you, STS, could just disable booting in elites or something along those lines.

I'm an AL person and recently checked out PL...its party system was darn close to perfect. I love it. We need AL's party system changed. The way it is currently is pathetic. I mean, I guess its nice and all to meet new people, blah, blah, but sometimes its just plain annoying.

I know I rambled, sorry if I strayed too far off from the topic.

06-03-2013, 11:50 AM
This is like "waiting on Godot" sigh

06-03-2013, 04:33 PM
Lojack usually says not to bump, however, I must bump and say, please change pt system :)

06-03-2013, 05:49 PM
It has come to a point where I just check my guild/friend list and if I can't find anyone there to run with, I just log off.

Finding a party takes a lot of time when pugging it up. Finding one that actually finishes a run, with all members present for the entire run, seems seriously hard.

When I come home from a days work, I just want to log in for an hour or 2 and be able to get some farming done. As it stands now, I can be lucky if I finish 2 runs in that time.

Why aren't other people allowed to join when someone else leaves mid way or at the boss? Only this small change would make running a pug already better for me.

06-03-2013, 06:14 PM
It has come to a point where I just check my guild/friend list and if I can't find anyone there to run with, I just log off.

Finding a party takes a lot of time when pugging it up. Finding one that actually finishes a run, with all members present for the entire run, seems seriously hard.

When I come home from a days work, I just want to log in for an hour or 2 and be able to get some farming done. As it stands now, I can be lucky if I finish 2 runs in that time.

Why aren't other people allowed to join when someone else leaves mid way or at the boss? Only this small change would make running a pug already better for me.

Yep, I just stood in town dreading the thought of trying to find a good pug. Logged out and napped for 15 mins instead

06-03-2013, 08:27 PM
The game is losing valuable players (not including me, unfortunately I don't pay much) so something needs to be done.

06-03-2013, 10:26 PM
Hi, Rouge they have higher critic,DEX,Damage,DPS than warriors, is like rouge are warriors. I dont know why rouge should have all higher stats than warriors, only warriors have slightly higher HP which higher DEX of rouge can be same as higher HP, so in my point of view rouges are warrior with high critic,DEX,DAMAGE,DPS.
I still dont understand why warriors should have lower damage and DPS than rouges, rouges should only have high critic and DEX...

06-03-2013, 10:29 PM
Hi, Rouge they have higher critic,DEX,Damage,DPS than warriors, is like rouge are warriors. I dont know why rouge should have all higher stats than warriors, only warriors have slightly higher HP which higher DEX of rouge can be same as higher HP, so in my point of view rouges are warrior with high critic,DEX,DAMAGE,DPS.
I still dont understand why warriors should have lower damage and DPS than rouges, rouges should only have high critic and DEX...


06-04-2013, 03:12 AM
Hi, Rouge they have higher critic,DEX,Damage,DPS than warriors, is like rouge are warriors. I dont know why rouge should have all higher stats than warriors, only warriors have slightly higher HP which higher DEX of rouge can be same as higher HP, so in my point of view rouges are warrior with high critic,DEX,DAMAGE,DPS.
I still dont understand why warriors should have lower damage and DPS than rouges, rouges should only have high critic and DEX...

And what exactly has this to do with the party system? O.o

06-04-2013, 03:22 AM
And what exactly has this to do with the party system? O.o


06-04-2013, 03:29 AM

^Fixed that for you

06-04-2013, 03:30 AM
^Fixed that for you

Thanks. That darn auto-correct.

06-04-2013, 08:07 AM
Hi, Rouge they have higher critic,DEX,Damage,DPS than warriors, is like rouge are warriors. I dont know why rouge should have all higher stats than warriors, only warriors have slightly higher HP which higher DEX of rouge can be same as higher HP, so in my point of view rouges are warrior with high critic,DEX,DAMAGE,DPS.
I still dont understand why warriors should have lower damage and DPS than rouges, rouges should only have high critic and DEX...
Okay. That would be cuz rogues are already kind of OP and to do this would make them even more OP.

Oops. Wrong thread.

06-18-2013, 06:45 PM
I played PL the other day and making maps was like a breath of fresh air. ahhhhhh

06-18-2013, 07:47 PM
Lojack usually says not to bump, however, I must bump and say, please change pt system :)

Agreed. STS did a wonderful job making SL's party system. Why did this game totally ignore that development? :(

06-19-2013, 08:54 AM
Sadly, I doubt anything will change in this regard. I've become slightly jaded with Arcance Legends. Ok. Maybe slight isn't the right word. I think "very" would be better.

Elite is very boring for me now. Its not worth the effort to try to put together a group. The elite maps are generally too hard to be worth trying in Pugs. I find that in PUGs maybe 1 of 10 instances I finish in elite Nordr. Most people will bail after a short time. 45 minutes later I log out or just chat, having accomplished nothing. Not to mention my plat elixir has expired because I've wasted so much time in bad runs.

At least in previous expansions we could still farm the elite maps. Seems to me, and most people that I've seen, season 2 was the best. At this time, elite maps were sufficiently difficult for normal people (PUGS) to play. Now, with the combination of so many things, elite Nordr is a empty. And since the elite content is being so heavily targeted to hardcore players and with so many of those players also becoming jaded and/or quitting, well, I can see where its headed.

I remember the days of PL (and season 1 and 2 of AL) where you could actually just pick up and play the game. Where you didn't have to search for a party for 30 minutes.

I don't really want to talk about it anymore.

06-19-2013, 10:16 AM
Ikr season 2 was da best...for now the only way to go is with guildies. I used to belong to the epitome of silentkill whereparties were easier to find but now in my smaller guild, its almost impossible. Needs fixing.

06-19-2013, 10:36 AM
i have a "GREAT" idea! when you join a place (tomb) then you go into this screen shows you level guild ext. in one bar.
Theres a tab you go to, to find pre-party and people that are alone. if in pre party you send a request to the party (whole party average or just party leader dis/agrees) you join
Mean while on the pre-party end you get a request(pop up or alert somin like dat) you see there stats (level guild ext...) say yes.
party leader clicks/tap (depends on platform) go!
the partees (party members) say ready or not. readys will go through non readys drops off. party leader tap/click confirm and here we go.
and add a tab for random with same levels (still need confermin)
and a tab for strangers, random groups of 4 first come first serve (no confirm just join and kill) like now
then a tab for quick invite (world message <may introduce tokens or something> or invite whole guild or friends) and maybe even a nice touch would be that when you invite someone to party but they are already in a party, they get a message saying leave the current and join the invite.

06-19-2013, 11:58 AM
i have a "GREAT" idea! when you join a place (tomb) then you go into this screen shows you level guild ext. in one bar.
Theres a tab you go to, to find pre-party and people that are alone. if in pre party you send a request to the party (whole party average or just party leader dis/agrees) you join
Mean while on the pre-party end you get a request(pop up or alert somin like dat) you see there stats (level guild ext...) say yes.
party leader clicks/tap (depends on platform) go!
the partees (party members) say ready or not. readys will go through non readys drops off. party leader tap/click confirm and here we go.
and add a tab for random with same levels (still need confermin)
and a tab for strangers, random groups of 4 first come first serve (no confirm just join and kill) like now
then a tab for quick invite (world message <may introduce tokens or something> or invite whole guild or friends) and maybe even a nice touch would be that when you invite someone to party but they are already in a party, they get a message saying leave the current and join the invite.

I have always whished there was a way to talk to all of your friends that are online at once like there is for guild chat. As it is now, if there are three members in my party and I need a rogue: 1) I use guild chat "/g need one rogue for arena;" 2) when that fails I then have to send a pm to every rogue on my friends list one at a time. Very painful and often time consuming. Why can't there be another command that sends a message to everyone in your friends list? Like "/fc looking for one rogue for arena." With /fc or some other command for friend chat. Just a suggestion. Don't know how hard it would be to implement, but would make organizing a party a little easier.

06-19-2013, 01:40 PM
I have always whished there was a way to talk to all of your friends that are online at once like there is for guild chat. As it is now, if there are three members in my party and I need a rogue: 1) I use guild chat "/g need one rogue for arena;" 2) when that fails I then have to send a pm to every rogue on my friends list one at a time. Very painful and often time consuming. Why can't there be another command that sends a message to everyone in your friends list? Like "/fc looking for one rogue for arena." With /fc or some other command for friend chat. Just a suggestion. Don't know how hard it would be to implement, but would make organizing a party a little easier.

We used to request this for PL a lot. It never happened but WOULD be awesome

06-19-2013, 02:29 PM
I'm still in support of this. It seems the devs either don't think there's a problem with the way things are going now or they are too stubborn to admit they messed up, the AL party system sucks and they should have went with PL's system. Since they basically did a complete 180 in DL and went away with the original energy system I tend to believe they aren't that stubborn. So it makes me believe they don't think there's a problem with the way things are now. I think this is because they test the game together on their in house servers. If they would log into the actual game everyone else plays and spent time trying to pug in an elite map they would see how difficult it is and do away with the timers and implement PL's system.

06-22-2013, 12:08 PM
It's very evident now. There are hardly any elite runs. People are quitting. This could change it all. Make it easy for us to meet new people and run elite. Please.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2

06-22-2013, 02:25 PM
I wish they will do it. everything was said already. find sl and pl system way better. that is.