View Full Version : What would happen if....

03-09-2013, 10:59 AM
Asking a few questions for fun..XD

1) What do you think would happen if a crazy rich guy converted his entire fortune to plat and then to gold, after that buying everything listed in the consignment store?

2) What do you think AL will be like now if plat to gold conversion is not available since AL started?

3) What do you think would happen if your gear has a chance to drop and get looted by the enemy when you are killed in PVP?

03-09-2013, 11:28 AM
1) never gonna happen crazy rich people are like that because they don't spend wastefully. Everything they do is either for a tax break, or a profit.

2) plat to gold conversion is always possible as long as they have plat bundle placks for sale that you can sell.

3) people with good gear will stop playing pvp, or it will become pvp naked.

03-09-2013, 01:00 PM
Agreeing with everything KillaSkillz said

1. Now if this rich guy is a big fan of this game, he'll probably just offer to buy the company or at least become a partner/sponsor so he can then create a GM account and just magically make appear all the gears he want...no need for plat or gold

2. Gold seller will pop up in every city and spam the screen...like an infestation. Seen it happened. Not a pretty sight.

3. Exactly as KillaSkillz said. Again, seen it happened. Not a pretty sight.

03-09-2013, 04:40 PM
1. ......

2. there will be no OP items. highest will prolly be 500k

3. pvp will be the best farming ground or perhaps easy farming ground. lol