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03-10-2013, 01:12 PM
Has anyone tested the combinations for the final 5 points? I have put in Damage and I'd like to hear feedback from people who tried more than one of Crit/Damage/Armor. Please share :)


03-10-2013, 09:53 PM
I did crit... I think at this point crit > dmg.
But higher lvl dmg will beat crit because the modifier is linear

At 1100 armor 5% is only 55 armor (previous armor post referenced 100 armor= -33 damage so you would roughly prevent 17 damage per hit. less than .45% of you max sustainable life @ 4000hp

At damage 170 5% = 8.5 damage approx 13-14 dps

For the sake of crit number crunching imma use round numbers to compare.
Lets say a crit is worth x2 a reg att/skill roughly adding 5% crit straight increases your damage output making 10 hits produce 11-12 worth at least.

Anyine with awesomer math skills please correct me :-P

03-11-2013, 03:31 AM
Thanks for the reply!

I did crit... I think at this point crit > dmg.
But higher lvl dmg will beat crit because the modifier is linear

Please elaborate .. which modifier?

At 1100 armor 5% is only 55 armor (previous armor post referenced 100 armor= -33 damage so you would roughly prevent 17 damage per hit. less than .45% of you max sustainable life @ 4000hp

Armor<->Damage reduction ... this might not be a linear relation, so 100 : 33 :: 55 : [X = 33 * 0.55 = 18] might not be true.

For the sake of crit number crunching imma use round numbers to compare.
Lets say a crit is worth x2 a reg att/skill roughly adding 5% crit straight increases your damage output making 10 hits produce 11-12 worth at least.

I fail to understand where this number 11-12 comes from. Unlike damage/armor, crit is based on chance/probability .. so it does not have a simple formula.

I was just wondering if people have tried and tested different passives, found any difference ...

03-11-2013, 03:32 AM
oops .. 2ble post

03-11-2013, 09:31 AM
First your actual base damage will increase forever as modifier

Crit % is solid period capping at 100% dmg%+ can theoretically grow forever as cap increases

100armor=33 damage @21 cap as i referenced in paranthesis Your point is valid but in my favor ;-)

Here are 10 swings at 100 damage ( no crit)
here are 10 swings at 5-10% crit
thus 11 swings and sky/cs/axe all do added crit dmg as a skill

Again these are fake numbers for crit reference*

03-11-2013, 09:36 AM
Btw add me id love to chat ingame about war builds and such.;-)

03-11-2013, 03:02 PM
Thanks again, I added u :)

03-11-2013, 05:09 PM
Raxin is correct on a lot of stuff here.

1) Armor - is not a flat reduction to damage done, it is a % reduction. At level 16 max, there was a modifier of .00047xxxx*Armor = damage reduction (sorry i don't remember past the .00047). This modifier number may change as cap changes (only STS knows). So it is hard to quantify what 5% armor really does as far as damage reduction %

2) Dam% - it may not show up on your Avatar page, but it does calculate (similar to pets). This is still the best thing to take because it is a constant increase, vs. the randomness of crits. For example Skyward Smash with the 10% upgrade does average damage = Damage *1.83. Then the range of damage is 89%-111% of average damage. Lets say your Damage is 150, so Skyward would do 244-305(274.5). Now add 5% damage, your Damage goes up to 7.5 to 157.5. Skyward would then do 256.5-320(288). The benefit of Dam% > Crit% is a constant dps boost. which over time, ends up being slightly better than crit.

3) Crit% - Crits (when not bugged, cough windmill) do about 130% normal damage for weapon attacks, and 140% for skills (with increased damage on crit skills) and obviously if a skill specifies something higher. In a game of using just average damage with no miss/dodges crit may be better than damage over a period of time. In AL however, crits will cause spikier total DPS (weapon+skill usage). high highs and low lows. If you crit with the initial Skyward in the example above your crits will range from 342-427(384.5) but 5% more often than the warrior who took 5% damage and crits 5% less often at 359-448(403.5). Over 20 attacks you will get 1 more crit with 5% additional crit. Doing average damage over 20 hits, the 5% crit warr will do 5820 damage (3 crits) while the 5% warrior will do 5991. Choosing neither would average 5710. Crit nets an average increase of about 2% and Dam% nets an avg increase of about 5% increase.

Hope this helps. You can reference some posts I made in this thread (response 18) http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?88746-Warriors-with-190-dps

03-11-2013, 07:41 PM
Ty cosmo i truly enjoy your posts they are always informative and accurate. How do they calculate.emnity/aggro? Is it straight compiled damage stat or is.there a % pie chart the engaged players share?

03-11-2013, 07:46 PM
Sorry Raxin. I don't know this. :)

03-12-2013, 08:53 AM
So I should go with %dmg?

03-12-2013, 09:30 AM
Yes edges out crit skightly

03-12-2013, 11:42 AM
Cosmo - thank you for taking the time to give out those details .. really helpful .. appreciate it :)

Ty cosmo i truly enjoy your posts they are always informative and accurate. How do they calculate.emnity/aggro? Is it straight compiled damage stat or is.there a % pie chart the engaged players share?

As i see it - it can not be derived from pure damage since there are skill upgrades that enable players get aggro without doing damage to enemy - prime example is the HOR taunt upgrade.

03-12-2013, 01:53 PM
Thanks for the thanks and rep everyone!

Also, currently the Lifegiver skill of sorcerers draws aggro. For each NPC they must have a separate table of aggro. I would guess something like this:

Has any mob attacked me or healed anyone yet?

If no, the attack nearest player.
if yes, then it is probably some equation like (total damage done to NPC X + heals)* modifier where the player with the highest total has aggro. If STS doesn't use a modifier or they aren't balanced right then that is why it's so easy for rog/sorc to get aggro.

Was a taunt used?

If no, then see 2.2 above.
if yes, then player who casts taunt gains attention of NPC for X seconds. After X seconds runs out the NPC will switch back to player at the top of its aggro board based on 2.2.

The way I see it they should fix the modifier of warriors to be higher or lower the other classes. Also, when a taunt does happen, that players aggro should immediately jump put to 110% of the highest aggro on the list. This would allow the tank to possibly recapture control and could allow tanking rotations on a boss.

an STS comment would be appreciated on this topic...

03-12-2013, 11:58 PM
Thanks for the thanks and rep everyone!

Also, currently the Lifegiver skill of sorcerers draws aggro. For each NPC they must have a separate table of aggro. I would guess something like this:

Has any mob attacked me or healed anyone yet?

If no, the attack nearest player.
if yes, then it is probably some equation like (total damage done to NPC X + heals)* modifier where the player with the highest total has aggro. If STS doesn't use a modifier or they aren't balanced right then that is why it's so easy for rog/sorc to get aggro.

Was a taunt used?

If no, then see 2.2 above.
if yes, then player who casts taunt gains attention of NPC for X seconds. After X seconds runs out the NPC will switch back to player at the top of its aggro board based on 2.2.

The way I see it they should fix the modifier of warriors to be higher or lower the other classes. Also, when a taunt does happen, that players aggro should immediately jump put to 110% of the highest aggro on the list. This would allow the tank to possibly recapture control and could allow tanking rotations on a boss.

an STS comment would be appreciated on this topic...

Yes, this makes sense .. Also with yesterday's upgrade, warriors have got better taunt and some additional taunt skill upgrades .. So this should not be an issue any more ..

03-13-2013, 11:30 AM
No, it works great having heal taunt and windmill taunt