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View Full Version : A list of suggestions please give ratings.

03-11-2013, 10:20 AM
1. Guild wars in pvp arena

2. a guild notice board in the social section window

atm I see a slight problem, its hard for leaders to communicate with members especially this is a MMORPG for a mobile phone people aren't online all the time. It would be cool to have a guild noticeboard section in the social guild window, so leaders and officers of the guild could leave messages and prompts for the members.

2.scoreboard during game for pvp arenas and previous death, damage done etc.

during a game of pvp CTF I don't think we can check our kill death situation and score situation, would be nice if that is possible and possibly a display of damage done and damage received in proportion to our health/ our attackers health. So we have an idea what is lacking or how close we were in getting them.

3. longer lasting pets/ lower costs for pets feeding

An argument stated against this I see previously has been that plat or rich players would have really good pets to keep them going in pvp or pve so it is just fair to force them to compulsorarily change pets around. Well.....I find this argument rediculous. If a rich player could spend thousands of plats trying to get a hammerjaw it don't think it would be at their disturbance to get 100k gold to keep his hammerjaw automatically fed for a whole week. Whereas i must say normal players which have a pet say colton, or meep moop, it might be their only decent pet in their poccession and forcing them to rotate they would be using useless pets with no useful boost stats for over 90% or more of the time.

a pet hardly last more than a full game of watchers 4 for me, maybe im just bad so....

5. warrior pvp nerf / rogue and mage buff?

the situation is obvious..I rest my case. I think this is coming up in the next update anyways to buff the rogues to pre-nerf and buff the mages as well.

6. new dagger skill or buffed dagger skill for rogue

it seems weird that it is usually daggers which the rogues (us) would use and yet there are 3 bow skills but only 1 dagger skill...and quite a weak one.

7. a dual button on characters so we can dual in cities or random maps and not just in arena?

personal preference to be able to mess around with mates in cities or so and not get 2v1 , 3v1ed in arenas which is most common situation recently with players in the same guild with top perked items sticking together on 1 team and a whole team of random normal players getting owned and quitting...

8. A nerf in the kraken isle maps or a increase of reward e.g. higher drop rate?

I'm a rogue with 1.8k hp and the majority of the time i get 1 hit by the bosses from lag, even if i am out of the red zone it still hits.....hope that STS understand that this is a mobile MMORPG and connection wouldn't be top notch majority of the time and maybe advice them to change the bosses so they cast skills more oftenly but lower damage...its still do-able with lots of tanks...but with most of us including the tanks dying 20times each :(

So at least upgrade the drop rate....4 hours of runs and nobody got anything but greenies...rested our case.

03-12-2013, 02:26 AM
i agree with 1, 2 and 7.
Guild wars would be fun!

Also, the guild message board is brilliant, or an Arcane Mailbox. Communication between GM and ALL officers/recruiters/members is important, we have updates and notifications too, lol.

Attacking each other in cities for 1 on 1 would be fun too! like a fight club ;-)

03-12-2013, 03:37 AM
I agree with 1 the first #2 7 and 8

The second #2 would cause a lot more people to check their deaths instead of playing, which would decrease teamwork even more in random games

#3 I like the current price for feeding its not too much once you get to elite runs

#5 I think they should nerf warriors and rogues down to a mages lvl, or nerf everyone even further than that to increase battle time and make pvp require more skill

#6 you can still use bow skills with daggers so I don't see it as an issue

Just my opinion, some good ideas though

03-12-2013, 02:58 PM
however the damage is much lower, it really makes no sense. to equip a bow which gives higher dmg to dagger skills....

03-17-2013, 06:14 AM
True but it goes both ways, it also doesn't make sense to have lightning fast daggers add more damage than a slow bow