View Full Version : Favourite Books?!?

03-12-2013, 05:47 PM
Some people read and some people hate reading. I for one love reading because my Grandma read to me as a kid, therefor I grew up loving it. But I'm not any book worm, I just mean I enjoy it. I read in my free time when I'm not playing AL. But what are your favourite books if you do read? Right now I am currently reading The Hobbit and I love it! What's your favourite book?

03-12-2013, 06:05 PM
I don't always read..
but when I do..

I read Hunger Games!

03-12-2013, 06:07 PM
Hmmm..hard to choose!!! For best teen fiction, artemis fowl and hunger games..along with bartimaeus trilogy...for adult fiction, ALL jeff archer books..especially "as the crow flies"!! I so loved that book! Even "paths of glory"! Oh and jane austen! Her Mansfiled Park was great! Then there's Mitch Albom..the philosopher XD his "five people you meet in heaven" was moving but even more moving was "have a little faith"...!! Oh and Brisinger! John Grisham, "A painted house"! And "The lovers"!! :D books!! :love_heart:

03-12-2013, 06:09 PM
I don't always read..
but when I do..

I read Hunger Games!
I LOVE HUNGER GAMES!! :D wow..i cud go on and on!

03-12-2013, 06:24 PM
Books I read are mostly full of photographs.

03-12-2013, 06:33 PM
People? We all know what the best book series is.... Twi-

03-13-2013, 02:29 AM
I have a list :) So nerdy :D

Harry Potter, Of course
Inheritance Cycle (Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, Inheritance)
Skulduggery Pleasant Series
Gone Series
Series of Unfortunate Events

AND All of Graeme Base's Picture Books - Beautifully drawn, Lovely Poetry and all the "I Spy" and Hidden Secrets are a bonus :D
OH YEAH and I Spy books :P

03-13-2013, 08:10 AM
you should check out dragonlance chronicles, I haven't read any of the other series but these 3 books are excellent. They're very similar to the hobbit but not a rip off by any means. I'm one of those people who hates reading, I only read the first one for a book report back in high school and just had to finish the series.

Here's the dragonlance wiki it shows all their books:

03-13-2013, 08:28 AM
Circle Series - Ted Dekker

no one writes like he does.

03-13-2013, 08:56 AM
Series that I love:

Tolkien, J.R.R:
Lord of The Rings, The Hobbit, Silmarillion, The Children of Hurin, The Books of Lost Tales, The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun, Tales from a Perilous Realm, and Unfinished Tales of Numenor and Middle-Earth.

Paolini, Christopher:
Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, Inheritance.

Flanagan, John:
Ranger's Apprentice Series. (11 books)

Collins, Suzanne:
The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mocking Jay.

Harry Potter was alright, but the ending to the last book absolutely is a fail.

03-13-2013, 07:25 PM
I was huge fan of Suzanne Collins first book series that no one has heard of. I read the final book the day it came out, it's called Gregor The Overlander.

03-13-2013, 07:31 PM
I have a list :) So nerdy :D

Harry Potter, Of course
Inheritance Cycle (Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, Inheritance)
Skulduggery Pleasant Series
Gone Series
Series of Unfortunate Events

AND All of Graeme Base's Picture Books - Beautifully drawn, Lovely Poetry and all the "I Spy" and Hidden Secrets are a bonus :D
OH YEAH and I Spy books :P

Hey Tracy,
Its Will.

03-13-2013, 07:34 PM
Even though its a comic/graphic novel, I love The Walking Dead.

03-13-2013, 10:06 PM
When I read the Harry Potter series, I couldn't take my eyes off it. Then after years go by, I watch the last Harry Potter movie. In my Top 5 saddest days of my life.

The Happiness
03-14-2013, 02:16 AM
Circle Series - Ted Dekker

no one writes like he does.

I am reading that at the moment.

My favourite books of all time are Robin Hobb's Farseer Trilogy ...Assassin's Apprentice, Royal Assassin and Assassin's Quest.

03-14-2013, 03:12 AM
Hey Tracy,
Its Will.

Lmao, Hey o.o You so random :D

03-14-2013, 08:12 AM
All Jules Verne books,
All Thomas Mayne Reid books,
All books about Sherlock Holmes,
All James Fenimore Cooper books,
Charles Dickens - A Tale of Two Cities, The Adventures of Oliver Twist, The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, David Copperfield, Little Dorrit
Wilkie Collins - The Moonstone
Robert Louise Stevenson - Treasure Island
Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Idiot, Crime and Punishment, The Brothers Karamazov
Daniel Defou - Robinson Crusou
Anton Chekhov - Short Stories
Goethe - Faust
Harper Lee - To Kill A Mockingbird
Richard Adams - Watership Down
Thomas Harris - The Silence of The Lambs
Mark Twain - Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer,
Harriet Beecher Stowe - Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Off the top of my head.

03-16-2013, 04:58 AM
hah, this makes me sad, no one reads these days, only a few posts and 100 views, that's why there are so many idiots that roam these forums and games. I've lived in 3 different countries and i can tell you one thing, never have i met an intelligent person who doesn't read. Those who don't are simply stupid, with dumb faces, remarks and actions.

One such cretin can say 'oh yeah man, what has reading got to do with being smart duh', or even worse...'man i get straight As in my subjects'...yet they don,t understand one thing, it's about being 'smart' or have a right to say 'oh yeah i've read books', it's about learning and anylizing situations/feelings and experiences.

Bah, who am i writing this for, i guess for the very few that care.

03-16-2013, 08:37 AM
All Jules Verne books,
All Thomas Mayne Reid books,
All books about Sherlock Holmes,
All James Fenimore Cooper books,
Charles Dickens - A Tale of Two Cities, The Adventures of Oliver Twist, The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, David Copperfield, Little Dorrit
Wilkie Collins - The Moonstone
Robert Louise Stevenson - Treasure Island
Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Idiot, Crime and Punishment, The Brothers Karamazov
Daniel Defou - Robinson Crusou
Anton Chekhov - Short Stories
Goethe - Faust
Harper Lee - To Kill A Mockingbird
Richard Adams - Watership Down
Thomas Harris - The Silence of The Lambs
Mark Twain - Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer,
Harriet Beecher Stowe - Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Off the top of my head.

I'm surprised out of all those Charles Dickens books you've yet to read Great Expectations!

Great Expectations, classic, loved it. (Curse you Havisham)

Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn

Hunger Games Series

Eragon Series (better than the movie)

Harry Potter (of course)

There are many more, these just popped into my head first.

Sent using spray paint on the city walls.

03-16-2013, 07:06 PM
hah, this makes me sad, no one reads these days, only a few posts and 100 views, that's why there are so many idiots that roam these forums and games. I've lived in 3 different countries and i can tell you one thing, never have i met an intelligent person who doesn't read. Those who don't are simply stupid, with dumb faces, remarks and actions.

One such cretin can say 'oh yeah man, what has reading got to do with being smart duh', or even worse...'man i get straight As in my subjects'...yet they don,t understand one thing, it's about being 'smart' or have a right to say 'oh yeah i've read books', it's about learning and anylizing situations/feelings and experiences.

Bah, who am i writing this for, i guess for the very few that care.
I don't agree with the "people who don't read are stupid" part of your comment but I agree with part of it. More people need to read!

03-16-2013, 08:15 PM
39 clues
Kingdom Hearts
Calvin and Hobbes

03-16-2013, 08:34 PM
I don't agree with the "people who don't read are stupid" part of your comment but I agree with part of it. More people need to read!

Just experience of the people i've met and talked to when i lived in Kazakhstan, Russia and Australia, i could tell if one does or not by exchanging 10 words with them. I'm not talking about high level of spoken language, no, just their behaviour and sense of tact/dececy, you know what i mean.

03-20-2013, 01:18 AM
I'm a big fan of Jurassic Park. The movie is fantastic too but completely different than the movie. Pretty much anything by Michael Crichton is a winner. Stephen King is another great author and I've enjoyed most of his modern books, 11/22/63 is great.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

03-20-2013, 01:50 AM
I love reading. I especially love reading war time novels like "Maus", "A Farewell to Arms", "Milkweed" and so many more.

03-21-2013, 02:44 AM
I liked:

Hero.com // Villian.net series
Antony horowitz books, night bus, pointblanc, stormbreaker, eagle strike etc - best spy books

03-22-2013, 01:39 PM
I finished the harry potter series LOVED IT saw all the movies, then I started Percy Jackson.

After the third book, my honors teacher recommended reading Jefferson's sons it's rlly good. It's about Thomas Jefferson's secret slave children whose mom is a slave. When they're 21 they get released. Still in the process! Go reading!!!!

03-22-2013, 01:45 PM
Well reading does help increase vocabulary. I see the football jocks in high school who never read. Boys like that, my age barely read. U know, I get excluded a lot cause I'm not like that. I read and I feel different so ppl c I don't fit in and they kick me our from thier cool group.

03-22-2013, 04:26 PM
Before I had children I read all of the time. After I had children it was like the part of my brain that enjoys reading was shifted over to be used for mothering so I don't have a lot of current recommendations but some I've enjoyed at various stages of my life are:

by Anne Rice:
The Vampire Chronicles
The Mummy
The Mayfair Witches series
Game of Thrones, Song of Fire and Ice series by George R.R. Martin
The Devery Novels by Katharine Kerr
Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan is good but he died before he finished it and it got boring around the 8th or 9th novel.
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
The Time Traveler's Wife
Stones from the River
Cider House Rules
Joy Luck Club
Me Talk Pretty One Day
A Wrinkle in Time
The Chronicles of Narnia
A Portrait in Sepia
Welsh Princes Trilogy by Sharon Kay Penman
The Red Tent
Memoirs of a Geisha

There are books I've enjoyed, such as Grapes of Wrath, that are way too depressing to ever read again.

I like most stuff by Barbara Kingsolver, Amy Tan, Alice Walker, John Irving, David Sedaris. I love fantasy novels and have read more than I can ever attempt to remember. I've gotten almost to the end of a book before realizing I've already read it. Growing up I had to escape a lot through reading so I really relied on it to get me through. Now I have this cool little game when I need a bit of escapism.

I hope to one day rediscover my love of reading. There was a time in my life when the scent of books, of a book store, would put me in an almost hypnotized state I'd get so relaxed. I miss being able to walk into a book store, spend 5 hours, walk out with 5 or 6 new books and just get lost for the week it takes to read them.

BUT, I wouldn't trade it since the shift happened when I had kids :)

03-22-2013, 04:30 PM
Well reading does help increase vocabulary. I see the football jocks in high school who never read. Boys like that, my age barely read. U know, I get excluded a lot cause I'm not like that. I read and I feel different so ppl c I don't fit in and they kick me our from thier cool group.

Cool's overrated. I was cool in school but had to kind of hide my intelligence because I'd get ostracised if I used, "big words". I could fight, though, and would kick someone's butt if they really bugged me about being smart or using a rich vocabulary.

I found that being a social chameleon, being able to fit in to any group, has been one of my strongest skills I've ever developed. I read people, gauge what the acceptable social behavior for said group is, and follow suit. It can be exhausting sometimes, though, and I often wonder just who the REAL me is, so embrace that you know yourself, that you're you and forge some strong friendships with a few others who feel like the odd men out and make your own cool group. Seriously, Cool is all relative.

03-22-2013, 05:12 PM
Also, cool changes as you get older. Just be patient. You'll realize when your time comes that if you spend so much time trying to be cool... You will have wasted it. Kind of like farming for arcane hooks.

Just do what you like. (As long as its legal :D)

03-22-2013, 09:43 PM
All Jules Verne books,
All Thomas Mayne Reid books,
All books about Sherlock Holmes,
All James Fenimore Cooper books,
Charles Dickens - A Tale of Two Cities, The Adventures of Oliver Twist, The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, David Copperfield, Little Dorrit
Wilkie Collins - The Moonstone
Robert Louise Stevenson - Treasure Island
Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Idiot, Crime and Punishment, The Brothers Karamazov
Daniel Defou - Robinson Crusou
Anton Chekhov - Short Stories
Goethe - Faust
Harper Lee - To Kill A Mockingbird
Richard Adams - Watership Down
Thomas Harris - The Silence of The Lambs
Mark Twain - Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer,
Harriet Beecher Stowe - Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Off the top of my head.

I didn't know you were a bookworm! I'm one myself! :)

03-24-2013, 01:33 PM
my new favorites r a song of fire and ice books...aka game of thrones....Only if u are into the tv show don't read. Ruined the TV show for me

03-25-2013, 06:57 AM
Great Expectations

03-25-2013, 07:06 AM
Hunger games, for the win!

03-25-2013, 07:08 AM
Carl Hiaasen, he writes some pretty good stuff

03-25-2013, 03:00 PM
uh too many
Droozle is a fav atm, its a free ebook, tiny and quick read

from the ones mentioned,
bartimaeus, artemis fowl, tolkein, watership down and some jules verne books
theres a one-off book called Airman by Colfer for those who liked Artemis Fowl

03-25-2013, 03:14 PM
I haven't read in a while, mostly because I finished reading my collection of books. From that list though, I have some favorites! My mini-collection of Anne Rice books, a book called "Pride, Prejudice, & Zombies" (a nice take on the Jane Austin series), and some others... Hmm "The Green and The Grey" by Timothy Zahn... Oh yeah and the Shadows Inquiries Novels by Lyn Benedict are also good!

Oh oh oh! & my mini collection of Stephen King books. Loooove them. :) Annnnd "Tantalize" by Cynthia Leitich Smith... "Why I Commited Suicide" by Sam Paul... "The Birth of A Venus" by Sarah Dunant... "Desiree" by Annemarie Selinko....

I got a huge list. x.x

03-25-2013, 04:05 PM
hah, this makes me sad, no one reads these days, only a few posts and 100 views, that's why there are so many idiots that roam these forums and games. I've lived in 3 different countries and i can tell you one thing, never have i met an intelligent person who doesn't read. Those who don't are simply stupid, with dumb faces, remarks and actions.

One such cretin can say 'oh yeah man, what has reading got to do with being smart duh', or even worse...'man i get straight As in my subjects'...yet they don,t understand one thing, it's about being 'smart' or have a right to say 'oh yeah i've read books', it's about learning and anylizing situations/feelings and experiences.

Bah, who am i writing this for, i guess for the very few that care.

Cynical, much? I have to agree though, reading, especially as a pastime, isn't as popular as it used to be. I can and often do read just about any genre of books that is well written. Dragonlance was mentioned earlier...and I can certainly vouch for it as a solid series. Death gate cycle (Weis/Hickman) are also very good.

03-26-2013, 03:26 AM
you should check out dragonlance chronicles, I haven't read any of the other series but these 3 books are excellent. They're very similar to the hobbit but not a rip off by any means. I'm one of those people who hates reading, I only read the first one for a book report back in high school and just had to finish the series.

Here's the dragonlance wiki it shows all their books:

Dude, you are awesome >.<

My top 5 books, from 5 to 1, and reasons for their places:

5) Dragonlance Saga: Dark Disciple Book 3. This book is particularly cool, because it takes all that is known to the world of Krynn, and screws with it. Just completely messes everything up. Since most of you haven't read the other 2, I won't go into detail.

4) Hunger Games. I usually don't follow the "in-crowd". However, I particularly liked this series because it could be related. In particular, number 3: Mockingjay. Katniss grew so detached from everyone, and yet, you could still feel her emotions.

3) Magics Pawn. This is the first book in a Valdemar trilogy written by Mercedes Lackey. If you don't like gay's, don't read it. However, the emotions are very clearly described, and it is just an incredibly well written book.

2) The Thrill Club. This is a Fear Street novel (kid books. I still love it though). It's about a girl who apparently is murdering all of her friends. However, the twist at the end is what makes it so good.

1) Daughter of The Forest. This is by far the best written book I have EVER read. It is so unbelievably well written, I actually felt like I was the main character.

Essentially, the main character is the 1st daughter (or 7th child) of a 7th son. Her mother died giving birth to her, so there was to be no 7th son of a 7th son (those who know mythology, know there is significance to this in the Celtic religion).

Her father remarries, she cast's a spell on the girl and her brother's. Throughout the majority of the book, the main character has to be silent while making thread out of a very sharp plant called Starwort. (As a young child, she had a run in with the prickly plant). About halfway through the book, she is captured by her kingdom's enemy, and she ends up falling in love with the ruler.

Throughout the whole book, I never spoke a word. I have read it 3 or 4 times. I read it for about 3 hours, finishing it. Never saying a word, because I feel as though my brother's will die if I speak.

I have many other books that I like, but those are my top 5. I am currently reading The Passage by Justin Cronin. It's a post-appocalypse/vampire book >.< pretty epic tbh.

03-26-2013, 11:15 AM
Father Time

03-30-2013, 01:20 AM
I like the ones with the shiny pictures:)