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View Full Version : New Elite Items from the Lost Cove and Palm Rock Island

03-13-2013, 05:24 PM
The end boss in the new Elite Palm Rock Island has a chance to drop a new Sorcerer weapon: the Firesquid Rod.

The end boss in the new Elite Lost Cove has a chance to drop the new Fangmaster's Ring.

Here are the different versions available:

Firesquid Rod:


lvl 26 Firesquid Rod of Assault 129.9 DPS, 16 Dex, 31 Int, Chance to light target on fire.
lvl 26 Firesquid Rod of Force 124.0 DPS, 8 Str, 31 Int, 2.18% Crit. Chance to light target on fire.
lvl 26 Firesquid Rod of Savvy 113.3 DPS, 31 Str, 11 Int, 2.42 Dodge Chance to light target on fire.

lvl 25 Firesquid Rod of Assault 124.2 DPS, 15 Dex, 30 Int, Chance to light target on fire.
lvl 25 Firesquid Rod of Force 119.4 DPS, 8 Str, 30 Int, 2.11% Crit. Chance to light target on fire.
lvl 25 Firesquid Rod of Savvy 109.5 DPS, 30 Str, 11 Int, 2.34 Dodge Chance to light target on fire.

Fangmaster's Ring


lvl 26 Fangmaster's Ring of Grace 11 Dex, 31 Int, 2.42% Dodge, 1.17% Crit, 9 Armor
lvl 26 Fangmaster's Ring of Savvy 31 Dex, 11 Int, 2.42% Dodge, 1.17% Crit, 9 Armor
lvl 26 Fangmaster's Ring of Savvy 31 Str, 11 Int, 2.42% Dodge, 1.17% Crit, 9 Armor
lvl 26 Fangmaster's Ring of Warfare 30 Str, 1.17% Crit, 1.9 Damage 40 Armor
lvl 26 Fangmaster's Ring of Warfare 30 Int, 1.17% Crit, 1.9 Damage 40 Armor
lvl 26 Fangmaster's Ring of Warfare 30 Dex, 1.17% Crit, 1.9 Damage 40 Armor

lvl 25 Fangmaster's Ring of Grace 11 Dex, 30 Int, 2.34% Dodge, 1.17% Crit, 8 Armor
lvl 25 Fangmaster's Ring of Savvy 30 Dex, 11 Int, 2.34% Dodge, 1.17% Crit, 8 Armor
lvl 25 Fangmaster's Ring of Savvy 30 Str, 11 Int, 2.34% Dodge, 1.17% Crit, 8 Armor
lvl 25 Fangmaster's Ring of Warfare 29 Str, 1.17% Crit, 1.9 Damage 38 Armor
lvl 25 Fangmaster's Ring of Warfare 29 Int, 1.17% Crit, 1.9 Damage 38 Armor
lvl 25 Fangmaster's Ring of Warfare 29 Dex, 1.17% Crit, 1.9 Damage 38 Armor

03-13-2013, 05:30 PM
oh, i like this..


03-13-2013, 05:31 PM
Good thing for the smurfies out there!

03-13-2013, 05:53 PM
Why new weapon only for sorcerers? Or you planning on releasing new weapons for warrior and rogue too soon? Seems kinda unfair imo. And all who say rogues already have 2 new weapons this expansion, yes, but all classes will get their arcane weapons in future. And not that even 5% of rogues will ever get arcane weapon for themselves.

03-13-2013, 06:27 PM
In this particular case we felt that Sorcerers got the low end of the stick with the Expansion release when they were gunning for the lvl 25 Charward rod, so they need a more appropriate item to chase in the end game at this time.

03-13-2013, 06:30 PM
Why new weapon only for sorcerers? Or you planning on releasing new weapons for warrior and rogue too soon? Seems kinda unfair imo. And all who say rogues already have 2 new weapons this expansion, yes, but all classes will get their arcane weapons in future. And not that even 5% of rogues will ever get arcane weapon for themselves.

What Map did the rogue weapon drop from? wasn't it the first map? Guess what map the Kraken Skewer dropped on...Last map.

03-13-2013, 06:48 PM
In this particular case we felt that Sorcerers got the low end of the stick with the Expansion release when they were gunning for the lvl 25 Charward rod, so they need a more appropriate item to chase in the end game at this time.

Fair enough, considering kraken skewer drops from skull cove. But that just proves the flaws in design. Best items should drop from hardest maps all together. And worst items from easiest maps etc. You catching my drift? But i have to say i like the way items are dropping from bosses and not only from chests :) Keep heading this way and in couple of expansions game will be plain awesome.

03-13-2013, 08:13 PM
You guys going to make a new weapon for warrior? You made the arcane item only for rogues and then this one only for mages.

03-13-2013, 08:23 PM
You guys going to make a new weapon for warrior? You made the arcane item only for rogues and then this one only for mages.
Elite reff drop absysal flameberge.
Hmm, interesing rings... But hard map too... :-)

03-13-2013, 09:32 PM
Guys, I can confirm that the Kraken Skewer of Brutality is still a much harder hitting weapon than the Firesquid Rods listed above. As mentioned above, the Firesquid Rods are more of a replacement for the Flamestrike Rods in that they are high DPS, low Damage. The Kraken Skewer is high Damage which I think most prefer as it causes higher skill damage.

03-13-2013, 09:50 PM
how do i get to palm rock island and cove

03-13-2013, 09:52 PM
how do i get to palm rock island and cove

Do the Gypsy line of quests, kill Bloodhammer and then talk to the captain of the Dragon's Jewel and use the "Explore" option. Most everyone who's played the content does the Gypsy quests and runs Boodhammer through for good measure, so really, just see tha 'Captain ;)

03-13-2013, 10:02 PM
I'm liking those stats for the rings ;)

03-13-2013, 10:29 PM
Yea, I need one of those rings to compensate my lack of mana ^_^

03-13-2013, 11:21 PM
im glad theres finally a sorc weapon worth farming since skrewer is from cove and also not that impressive compared to lvl25 flamestrike. to all you cry baby rougues out there... do you really need MORE new weapons? just be happy for us smurfs for now =]

03-14-2013, 03:18 AM
I don't understand why sorcerers get new high-DPS/low-DMG weapons. For sorcerers in general Dmg>DPS. So why do we keep getting weapons that make our DPS look cool, while in fact allowing us to deal LESS Dmg as compared to, for example, a cheap oracle crystal gun?

No wonder people are so misinformed about DPS vs Dmg, when STS makes those high-DPS weapons to appear the next best thing to own.

I'd suggest giving sorcerers a truly better weapon than anything already in game. This would be a high Dmg weapon, not a high DPS one.

Just to prove my point, I pasted the comparison of DPS vs Dmg for mages below...


Come on STS, give sorcerers something that's actually better to play with and not something that's worse than existing weapons but only makes our DPS look cool :/

03-14-2013, 03:54 AM
I don't understand why sorcerers get new high-DPS/low-DMG weapons. For sorcerers in general Dmg>DPS. So why do we keep getting weapons that make our DPS look cool, while in fact allowing us to deal LESS Dmg as compared to, for example, a cheap oracle crystal gun?

No wonder people are so misinformed about DPS vs Dmg, when STS makes those high-DPS weapons to appear the next best thing to own.

I'd suggest giving sorcerers a truly better weapon than anything already in game. This would be a high Dmg weapon, not a high DPS one.

Just to prove my point, I pasted the comparison of DPS vs Dmg for mages below...


Come on STS, give sorcerers something that's actually better to play with and not something that's worse than existing weapons but only makes our DPS look cool :/


03-14-2013, 11:03 AM
I don't understand why sorcerers get new high-DPS/low-DMG weapons. For sorcerers in general Dmg>DPS. So why do we keep getting weapons that make our DPS look cool, while in fact allowing us to deal LESS Dmg as compared to, for example, a cheap oracle crystal gun?

No wonder people are so misinformed about DPS vs Dmg, when STS makes those high-DPS weapons to appear the next best thing to own.

I'd suggest giving sorcerers a truly better weapon than anything already in game. This would be a high Dmg weapon, not a high DPS one.

Just to prove my point, I pasted the comparison of DPS vs Dmg for mages below...


Come on STS, give sorcerers something that's actually better to play with and not something that's worse than existing weapons but only makes our DPS look cool :/

I have come to conclusion that dmg>dps for rogues also now that lifethiefs are out of the picture. I do better dps overall (mobs die faster) with slicing flintlocks of brutality than with depraved blades. And i see many rogues spouting that dbp are better than sfb when its the other way around. Needless to say I'm happy sts kept their promises to make new elite weapons the best available.

03-14-2013, 11:13 AM
I don't understand why sorcerers get new high-DPS/low-DMG weapons. For sorcerers in general Dmg>DPS. So why do we keep getting weapons that make our DPS look cool, while in fact allowing us to deal LESS Dmg as compared to, for example, a cheap oracle crystal gun?

No wonder people are so misinformed about DPS vs Dmg, when STS makes those high-DPS weapons to appear the next best thing to own.

I'd suggest giving sorcerers a truly better weapon than anything already in game. This would be a high Dmg weapon, not a high DPS one.

Just to prove my point, I pasted the comparison of DPS vs Dmg for mages below...


Come on STS, give sorcerers something that's actually better to play with and not something that's worse than existing weapons but only makes our DPS look cool :/

How about a Kraken Skewer?


03-14-2013, 11:19 AM
How about a Kraken Skewer?


You're Osaw.. :p

03-14-2013, 11:22 AM
How about a Kraken Skewer?


you should compare the skewer to the existing (cheap) oracle crystal of fatality, not the other rod :)

Here's a pic of my Dmg, with that gun. I compared it with both the skewer and this new rod (no skewer in cs atm to show you the difference) and it blows both out of the water in therms of Dmg (or skill Dmg).


03-14-2013, 11:32 AM
Look he gave him sell all the good stuff lol 3 skewers u know u didnt farm those sam:devilish:

03-14-2013, 11:35 AM
Yeah, good point on the gun. Here's the difference to the Skewer. The Dex has a higher contribution to DMG post balance patch, which has a bit of the disparity. It's not that huge of a gap. You are also losing the 120 hp and the Skewer's + INT Proc.


03-14-2013, 11:36 AM
Look he gave him sell all the good stuff lol 3 skewers u know u didnt farm those sam:devilish:

No, I'm not Osaw on the live server - it's on my Dev server - I don't think anyone but me is buying them :surprise:

03-14-2013, 11:42 AM
You have 3 skewers... is that so you can hand them out when you are in game? You know, kind of like the sample people at Target.

03-14-2013, 11:45 AM
You have 3 skewers... is that so you can hand them out when you are in game? You know, kind of like the sample people at Target.

It's because I went to look at the difference and wanted to make sure I had the item in that character's inventory. Lol, I knew I should have cleaned out my inventory before taking screenies. It's all in dev land guys, not the live servers.

03-14-2013, 11:49 AM
Yeah, good point on the gun. Here's the difference to the Skewer. The Dex has a higher contribution to DMG post balance patch, which has a bit of the disparity. It's not that huge of a gap. You are also losing the 120 hp and the Skewer's + INT Proc.


4.8 Dmg difference in your stats screen should translate into much more skill Dmg difference. I don't have the exact numbers, but you should loose about 15'ish skill Dmg (possible more on your highest Dmg skills) with the new rod. Although that may not sound like a lot, the point is that they aren't any better than the existing weapons, in fact they are worse in therms of dealing Dmg.

Maybe they contribute different to skill Dmg though, I couldn't test that myself. You could give me access to that dev server, so I could test them out :p

03-14-2013, 12:00 PM
4.8 Dmg difference in your stats screen should translate into much more skill Dmg difference. I don't have the exact numbers, but you should loose about 15'ish skill Dmg (possible more on your highest Dmg skills) with the new rod. Although that may not sound like a lot, the point is that they aren't any better than the existing weapons, in fact they are worse in therms of dealing Dmg.

Maybe they contribute different to skill Dmg though, I couldn't test that myself. You could give me access to that dev server, so I could test them out :p

Jay: I guess you don't need those pics from me anymore....

Regarding the Kraken Skewer, you are forgetting two things...

1) With the proc you actually make up the dmg difference

2) The proc also lowers enemy armor. I have no idea by how much, but I can tell you that it seems to have an effect. I notice when using the Kraken Skewer in PvE that enemies die faster than when I use the oracle. If you charge the regular attack, it has an AoE effect so all nearby enemies in the direction you shoot get hit by the proc. So I tend to lead with a charged regular attack, and then unload my skills. It seems to be very effective.

03-14-2013, 12:02 PM
Sam: just a question, but is there any way for you to know how many Kraken Skewer of Brutality exist in game at this time? I am aware someone is selling one lvl25 in the traders forum, and I have a level 26, but I've never seen another one in the CS or equipped by another player, so I'm just wondering how rare this item really is. I'm guessing only a few have dropped. It seems like this is even more rare than the arcane items due to where it drops.

03-14-2013, 12:10 PM
Jay: I guess you don't need those pics from me anymore....

Regarding the Kraken Skewer, you are forgetting two things...

1) With the proc you actually make up the dmg difference

2) The proc also lowers enemy armor. I have no idea by how much, but I can tell you that it seems to have an effect. I notice when using the Kraken Skewer in PvE that enemies die faster than when I use the oracle. If you charge the regular attack, it has an AoE effect so all nearby enemies in the direction you shoot get hit by the proc. So I tend to lead with a charged regular attack, and then unload my skills. It seems to be very effective.

1) I guess that would depend on how often it actually procs and what the actual amount of armor decrease is, and how long the proc lasts.

2) Wouldn't it be better to run in by charging a skill (like for example fireball, doing more dmg and knocking enemies down), instead of charging your weapon for a 'chance' to proc? I think you could be wasting a lot of potential Dmg from your skills if you'd have to charge your weapon all the time during a fight, just for a 'chance' for it to proc.

03-14-2013, 12:17 PM
It appears from both my experience and from the weapon description that the proc for the armor & dmg reduction happens 100% of the time. The blue smoke and the INT boost is what only happens some of the time.

Just to experiment I've tried fighting a boss by just using skills, and then alternatively by just using the charged attack with no skills, and for some reason the charged attack causes me to chop down the boss slightly faster. So it's obviously doing something.

Sam: any way you could post more specifics of the proc, like perhaps how much the armor/damage reduction is?

03-14-2013, 12:25 PM
It appears from both my experience and from the weapon description that the proc for the armor & dmg reduction happens 100% of the time. The blue smoke and the INT boost is what only happens some of the time.

Just to experiment I've tried fighting a boss by just using skills, and then alternatively by just using the charged attack with no skills, and for some reason the charged attack causes me to chop down the boss slightly faster. So it's obviously doing something.

Sam: any way you could post more specifics of the proc, like perhaps how much the armor/damage reduction is?

Are you specced as max dmg mage?

03-14-2013, 01:32 PM
Are you specced as max dmg mage?

No, not even close. I'm more of a tanking mage with much higher STR & Armor, and no DEX.

03-14-2013, 01:55 PM
No, not even close. I'm more of a tanking mage with much higher STR & Armor, and no DEX.

Haha, figured. I can assure you that as a Dmg mage, your skills would kill of things way faster as compared to your weapon attacks.

IMO, for a pure Dmg mage (which I see as the best build for farming elites quick) those new rods and the existing skewer of brutality aren't worth it, as compared to the existing crystal gun. Skill Dmg is what makes (elite) runs quicker, and I'm not convinced those new rods help in that department. Which brings us back to the point I was trying to make lol.

03-14-2013, 02:40 PM
Heya Sam is osaw one of ur toons?

Anindu Bandara
03-14-2013, 03:07 PM
lol just one thing.. you guys NEED to stop these "common item" drops in elite maps.. it will be awesome if you take away all the "common" and "rare" quality items after level 24 all together.. i mean who uses these after level 24? :/

03-15-2013, 12:12 AM
Haha, figured. I can assure you that as a Dmg mage, your skills would kill of things way faster as compared to your weapon attacks.

IMO, for a pure Dmg mage (which I see as the best build for farming elites quick) those new rods and the existing skewer of brutality aren't worth it, as compared to the existing crystal gun. Skill Dmg is what makes (elite) runs quicker, and I'm not convinced those new rods help in that department. Which brings us back to the point I was trying to make lol.

Interesting thing I discovered today when soloing the new tombs...

When using a charged attack with the Kraken Skewer I'm hitting for 450-550 points of damage each time, yet my damage stat is around 185-195 depending on pet. I have no other buffs or elixirs, so this seems very high. Any thoughts?

03-15-2013, 02:24 AM
Interesting thing I discovered today when soloing the new tombs...

When using a charged attack with the Kraken Skewer I'm hitting for 450-550 points of damage each time, yet my damage stat is around 185-195 depending on pet. I have no other buffs or elixirs, so this seems very high. Any thoughts?
Charging staves always did 2-4 times your base dmg.

03-15-2013, 04:38 AM
I think the new weapon for sorc ... is just amazing...

Ring rocks too: )

Im happy that is still something new in this game.

P.S. u saw the 'red jellyfish' on top of firesquid?


03-16-2013, 05:10 AM
Does the ring drop from the lost cove and palm rock island?

03-16-2013, 08:29 AM
Does the ring drop from the lost cove and palm rock island?

Ring only drops from elite lost cove.

03-16-2013, 04:01 PM
Ring only drops from elite lost cove.

The amulet I mean. where does the Swirling amulet of potency drops sam?

03-16-2013, 04:15 PM
The amulet I mean. where does the Swirling amulet of potency drops sam?

It drops from gold pirate chest .

03-17-2013, 02:43 AM
It drops from gold pirate chest .

elite golden pirate chest or gold pirate chest only?

03-18-2013, 02:17 AM
Swirling amulet of potency drops from copper, silver or golden pirate chests

03-18-2013, 02:32 AM
Swirling amulet of potency drops from copper, silver or golden pirate chests

He is correct

03-19-2013, 02:16 AM
Guys, I can confirm that the Kraken Skewer of Brutality is still a much harder hitting weapon than the Firesquid Rods listed above. As mentioned above, the Firesquid Rods are more of a replacement for the Flamestrike Rods in that they are high DPS, low Damage. The Kraken Skewer is high Damage which I think most prefer as it causes higher skill damage.

where can i get the kraken skewer?

03-19-2013, 02:25 AM
Guys, I can confirm that the Kraken Skewer of Brutality is still a much harder hitting weapon than the Firesquid Rods listed above. As mentioned above, the Firesquid Rods are more of a replacement for the Flamestrike Rods in that they are high DPS, low Damage. The Kraken Skewer is high Damage which I think most prefer as it causes higher skill damage.

where can i get the kraken skewer?

03-19-2013, 03:43 AM
From me cause im selling one =), or wait for it ....wait for it . Elite skull cove ...

03-19-2013, 03:48 AM
From me cause im selling one =), or wait for it ....wait for it . Elite skull cove ...


03-20-2013, 09:57 PM
In this particular case we felt that Sorcerers got the low end of the stick with the Expansion release when they were gunning for the lvl 25 Charward rod, so they need a more appropriate item to chase in the end game at this time.

Where do i get drop mythic helm for warrior since i spend a,lot of plat to open locked n i do make a run elite maps is this call not luck, for ur info alot players has been give up to players this game because u all dev not making them happy but u pressing players to buy plat n too stink to give out more mythic helm u can check my account how much i spend to buying plat for get mythic helm achivement but i really upset with what hv u program it, I am urs good customer those purchase plat 5 or more than a month, im not treaten al but if u all staff of dev still keeping mythic helm could be i also quit this game n stop purchase plat even my chrac still at sl and al i really upset n give up with this setting


03-20-2013, 10:27 PM
Where do i get drop mythic helm for warrior since i spend a,lot of plat to open locked n i do make a run elite maps is this call not luck, for ur info alot players has been give up to players this game because u all dev not making them happy but u pressing players to buy plat n too stink to give out more mythic helm u can check my account how much i spend to buying plat for get mythic helm achivement but i really upset with what hv u program it, I am urs good customer those purchase plat 5 or more than a month, im not treaten al but if u all staff of dev still keeping mythic helm could be i also quit this game n stop purchase plat even my chrac still at sl and al i really upset n give up with this setting


Hi, You realize the mythic helms also come from Elite Golden Pirate Chests too right? They have a rare drop but that was intentional because they wanted the mythic helms to be rare, not something that everyone gets on their first try. Also, if your complaining about spending tons of platinum on getting the mythic achievement why don't you buy Ripmaw in the stable for 250 Platinum where you are guaranteed the achievement?

03-20-2013, 10:36 PM
its just a matter of luck some ppl have more luck than others, for example, zojak got a mythic helm by opening 10 locked chests some ppl open billions and billions and get nothing. eventually u are going to get a mythic item, so if u dont like the system dont buy plat and use the system.

03-21-2013, 05:32 PM
Hi, You realize the mythic helms also come from Elite Golden Pirate Chests too right? They have a rare drop but that was intentional because they wanted the mythic helms to be rare, not something that everyone gets on their first try. Also, if your complaining about spending tons of platinum on getting the mythic achievement why don't you buy Ripmaw in the stable for 250 Platinum where you are guaranteed the achievement?

I buy ripmaw already and i right now asking al dev not u ok so ty very much

03-21-2013, 05:34 PM
its just a matter of luck some ppl have more luck than others, for example, zojak got a mythic helm by opening 10 locked chests some ppl open billions and billions and get nothing. eventually u are going to get a mythic item, so if u dont like the system dont buy plat and use the system.

Yes im not buy anymore and i know is rare drop i also no need your advise ty

04-09-2013, 03:02 AM
In this particular case we felt that Sorcerers got the low end of the stick with the Expansion release when they were gunning for the lvl 25 Charward rod, so they need a more appropriate item to chase in the end game at this time.