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View Full Version : Heal not going off properly

03-13-2013, 11:22 PM
Ive been noticing a problem in pvp alot. Sometimes when I use heal, it doesn't go off. I use it, the cooldown starts, but I never get my health. Even when im not stunned, it doesnt work. This is what happens:
1. Warrior uses skyward smash. I get stunned
2. I use fireball at the same time, causing him to be stunned as well.
3. I use lifegiver
4. Cooldown starts, but I never get the health, even when I recovered from stun and the warrior wasnt attacking
5. Warrior uses sky mill (skyward smash and windmill) and I die.
Countless times I have died because of this. Now that I have more deaths than kills, ppl assume im bad. When I explain that heal doesnt work, they laugh it off.
Can you fix this? Its becoming very annoying.

03-14-2013, 01:19 AM
Same problem with rogue health packs, I drop them but they apparently invisible. So I end up without health :)

03-14-2013, 08:28 PM
Healing sometimes not working cause of lag. Same with VB, SS, dunno why.
Ofc when they stun u just after releasing charged skill, it wont work too, dunno why. Bug? Or intended maybe, dunno?

03-14-2013, 09:41 PM
I have 100 ping. No lag. No stun. It just doesnt go off

03-16-2013, 08:51 PM
BAMP. Heal still not going off. It goes off, I see the effects, but it doesnt heal me. Even when im outside of a fight