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03-14-2013, 12:51 AM
Greetings SpaceTime Studios Developers,

This is a plea from your loyal customers at end game: Player vs. Player is getting out of hand. The high dodge/high damage combination of the new sets is causing luck to become the prevalent factor in determining matches.

The Main Problems with Pocket Legends Player vs. Player:

• Damage coefficient is nearing the range of a birds health and has already surpassed the standard pure intelligence mage’s health points.

• Armor has not gone up in the same ratio as damage. This means that damage is slowly increasing over armor.

This cap is a big indication of that. In earlier caps, the armor to damage ratio was pretty even and debuffs would take care of the excess damage. This is non-existent this cap, thus leading to many lucky one hit kills.

• Debuffs cannot debuff. Why? The high dodge factor. If a debuff does happen to land, it often determines the fate of the match, as the debuff is rather large and the damage is already way out of proportion. This calls for insane 1-2 hit kills.

• Dodge is becoming too prevalent of a factor towards determining matches. As a general rule in MMOs, the luck based stats should not be the reason why a person wins or not.

Example: Take a look at my L35 bear Voodoovillain before the release of forgotten bows. It did not rely on the dodge skills, but instead relied on the debuffs of the copperhead set, skill debuffs, and iron blood. The logical skill build would be the reason of winning or losing, not something that was left up to sheer luck.

• Hit Percent debuffs are becoming too powerful. A bird’s blind shot can reduce a bear’s hit percent by 60+ and then the weapon of the bird (elite phoenix bow) also reduces hit occasionally. Hit percent for classes is not going up high enough in the same proportion to counteract dodge.

I believe there was a developer quote somewhere that higher hit percent counteracts dodge, even if dodge is in the 100s. I do not remember the ratio, but the current ratio is clearly not working.

My opinions on the solutions to this Critical Problem:

• Once again, the developers can do an game-wide nerf, rebalancing PvE and PvP to account for the increasing stats as they did during the L50 cap. This worked out rather well and stalled the problem until it became apparent again this cap.

• Certain skills should be set to land more often, thus decreasing the dodge factor.

• Greatly increasing the hit percent to break through the dodge factor. This one seems more manageable as it does not involve reworking the entire game.

• Decreasing L9 skills. Coupled with high armor and dodge, it makes matches way more luck based than they should be.

Pocket Legends is your founding game, the reason why Arcane Legends is able to be here today. Please, show your old players some love and show us that you still care about Pocket Legends as well as the other Legends titles.

I believe a developer mentioned that they have a staff of 30+. I remember when Pocket Legends first started out, they had a staff of 10 plus. Now, there are 4 legends titles, so can’t the staff be split evenly so all of the games can receive constant updates instead of 3 being ignored and one getting all the attention? I’m sure this would increase revenue as well since people would be satisfied in purchasing platinum in every game.



03-14-2013, 01:00 AM

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall

03-14-2013, 01:01 AM
Seems your request is out of supports hands.

Hope they help fix stuff i dont pvp so ill be leaving this thread , gl :)

03-14-2013, 01:07 AM
All levels pvp are ruined.
2-9: no laddering ruined it, very unbalanced between classes
10+: all depends on equipment and luck, forgotten bows ruined it
High levels: unbalanced, all depends on luck

The only good level for PVP left is level 1.

@Level 1 twinks ftw

03-14-2013, 01:08 AM
Level 6's can join^

03-14-2013, 01:20 AM
Level 6's can join^

Join my guild. We have locked games.

We sometimes don't lock games intentionally, so higher lvls can join. Then we gang them and when they die, wie can call him a noob and puke on him. It's pretty fun to watch him raging at us afterwards.

03-14-2013, 07:29 AM
Well said Apollo

03-14-2013, 07:47 AM
This Is one of the reasons I switched over to AL.

03-14-2013, 07:52 AM

03-14-2013, 07:56 AM
This Is one of the reasons I switched over to AL.
I tried Al,Sl,DL, and I just can't get into them. My love is in PL and I hope they do something about it, soon!

03-14-2013, 07:59 AM
Then we gang them and when they die, wie can call him a noob and puke on him. It's pretty fun to watch him raging at us afterwards.

sounds like a clear cut case of harassment

Seriously developers, this game has been dropping from balanced for past 2 caps
I remember fang everyone complaining about lilith mages' ridiculous armour and 100 critical chance, you didn't fix that and just made everything 1000x worse by completely ignoring the problem. Humania's gear was ridiculous still with tons of dodge for all specs of gear, but you didn't completely ruin it till making rank 9 skills.
And you increased damage and critical now almost every one, excluding rhinos and paladins(still no idea why you added these), get 100 critical chance at level 65. That means all damage is double, which I'm am honestly not sure if you are aware of, making the damage buffs even stronger. But the armour buffs are still increasing only linearly, but you boost dodge to a ridiculous amount.
Rank 9 skills have too much damage for the low armour we have. Your primary defense should not be dodge, boost health and armour

For example let's compare the balanced cap of 55 gear
-a 55 bird with the crafted customized recurve set
Damage: 225-270
Armour: 85
Buffed critical: 81

-a 76 bird max gear bow set
Damage: 450-491
Armour: 210
Buffed Critical: 105

Damage increased over 200 points while armour was only increased 125 points, not to mention the custom bird even had a low chance of not hitting a critical shot

Also on skills, I know I have said this several times before, but since nothing has been changed, I will repeat myself. The debuffs, primarily relating to hit chance, are too extreme. They need to be evened out such as having a small hit debuff and a critical debuff as well, maybe even for some skills like blind shot, add a small chance of stunning the enemy.

I know Technoemail had tried to a point but didn't realize the game was already messed up before she came, anyways no idea where she went, but I really haven't seen any signs of legitimate concern for these numerous problems. By legitimate, I mean more than 'Nice thoughts' or 'Thanks for input'.

03-14-2013, 08:07 AM
Yo, we got 99 problems but the devs care none.

03-14-2013, 08:12 AM
Yo, we got 99 problems but the devs care none.

lmao I would quote the rest of the song but I might get banned.

03-14-2013, 08:22 AM
The Game Lags is getting worst too and during PVP the ping going up and down non stop, this is getting boring and im getting to the point of losing my interest.

03-14-2013, 08:40 AM
When is the expansion lol ? There's one for arcane every month and we haven't got a update for a 5 months

03-14-2013, 08:43 AM
[QUOTE=Apollo;1006802]m]Pocket Legends is your founding game, the reason why Arcane Legends is able to be here today. Please, show your old players some love and show us that you still care about Pocket Legends as well as the other Legends titles.

I believe a developer mentioned that they have a staff of 30+. I remember when Pocket Legends first started out, they had a staff of 10 plus. Now, there are 4 legends titles, so can’t the staff be split evenly so all of the games can receive constant updates instead of 3 being ignored and one getting all the attention? I’m sure this would increase revenue as well since people would be satisfied in purchasing platinum in every game.

What I've been trying to say these last months :)

03-14-2013, 08:49 AM
My opinions on the solutions to this Critical Problem:

• Once again, the developers can do an game-wide nerf, rebalancing PvE and PvP to account for the increasing stats as they did during the L50 cap. This worked out rather well and stalled the problem until it became apparent again this cap.

• Certain skills should be set to land more often, thus decreasing the dodge factor.

• Greatly increasing the hit percent to break through the dodge factor. This one seems more manageable as it does not involve reworking the entire game.

• Decreasing L9 skills. Coupled with high armor and dodge, it makes matches way more luck based than they should be.

Pocket Legends is your founding game, the reason why Arcane Legends is able to be here today. Please, show your old players some love and show us that you still care about Pocket Legends as well as the other Legends titles.

I believe a developer mentioned that they have a staff of 30+. I remember when Pocket Legends first started out, they had a staff of 10 plus. Now, there are 4 legends titles, so can’t the staff be split evenly so all of the games can receive constant updates instead of 3 being ignored and one getting all the attention? I’m sure this would increase revenue as well since people would be satisfied in purchasing platinum in every game.



Boom! +1 to everything! Lvl 9 skills I think we should keep, but after lvl 6 make the skills only increase by half as much as they did (instead of +10 damage only +5)

If they rebalance pvp it would be such a fun challenge!
And yeah, they did say they had over 30 people. I don't think it's to much to ask to put 1-2 people on fixing pl.

03-14-2013, 08:53 AM
Yo, we got 99 problems but the devs care none.


03-14-2013, 08:54 AM
My opinions on the solutions to this Critical Problem:

• Once again, the developers can do an game-wide nerf, rebalancing PvE and PvP to account for the increasing stats as they did during the L50 cap. This worked out rather well and stalled the problem until it became apparent again this cap.

• Certain skills should be set to land more often, thus decreasing the dodge factor.

• Greatly increasing the hit percent to break through the dodge factor. This one seems more manageable as it does not involve reworking the entire game.

• Decreasing L9 skills. Coupled with high armor and dodge, it makes matches way more luck based than they should be.

Pocket Legends is your founding game, the reason why Arcane Legends is able to be here today. Please, show your old players some love and show us that you still care about Pocket Legends as well as the other Legends titles.

I believe a developer mentioned that they have a staff of 30+. I remember when Pocket Legends first started out, they had a staff of 10 plus. Now, there are 4 legends titles, so can’t the staff be split evenly so all of the games can receive constant updates instead of 3 being ignored and one getting all the attention? I’m sure this would increase revenue as well since people would be satisfied in purchasing platinum in every game.



Boom! +1 to everything! Lvl 9 skills I think we should keep, but after lvl 6 make the skills only increase by half as much as they did (instead of +10 damage only +5)

If they rebalance pvp it would be such a fun challenge!
And yeah, they did say they had over 30 people. I don't think it's to much to ask to put 1-2 people on fixing pl.

Sounds good, but who ever came up with the forgotten event should be workin on AL.

03-14-2013, 08:56 AM
Sounds good, but who ever came up with the forgotten event should be workin on AL.
Good call, sir
We don't need those trolls in PL mechanics anymore, pretty sure they made a solid dent in the game already

03-14-2013, 09:02 AM
This thread is useless; I should not have wasted my time writing it.

03-14-2013, 09:18 AM
It would be wonderful if all levels got balanced except just for endgame. Specifically speaking level 35 pvp=)

03-14-2013, 09:18 AM
I think these posts are supposed to go here:

Where it will probably get the same kind of attention it does here.

Thanks for your well thought out suggestions Apollo, I guarantee that there is a silent majority who appreciates it. :) PL is still by far the most entertaining STS title, and the community is still very strong despite the extreme favoritism being given to the new kid. Fingers crossed for forthcoming refinements and expansions....!

03-14-2013, 09:26 AM
This thread is useless; I should not have wasted my time writing it.
I applause your attempt, it shows your love for the game!
Edit: they changed the title, so it's not falling on completely def ears

03-14-2013, 09:31 AM
A Plea from End Game Community

Greetings SpaceTime Studios Developers,

This is a plea from your loyal customers at end game: Player vs. Player is getting out of hand. The high dodge/high damage combination of the new sets is causing luck to become the prevalent factor in determining matches.

The Main Problems with Pocket Legends Player vs. Player:

• Damage coefficient is nearing the range of a birds health and has already surpassed the standard pure intelligence mage’s health points.

• Armor has not gone up in the same ratio as damage. This means that damage is slowly increasing over armor.

This cap is a big indication of that. In earlier caps, the armor to damage ratio was pretty even and debuffs would take care of the excess damage. This is non-existent this cap, thus leading to many lucky one hit kills.

• Debuffs cannot debuff. Why? The high dodge factor. If a debuff does happen to land, it often determines the fate of the match, as the debuff is rather large and the damage is already way out of proportion. This calls for insane 1-2 hit kills.

• Dodge is becoming too prevalent of a factor towards determining matches. As a general rule in MMOs, the luck based stats should not be the reason why a person wins or not.

Example: Take a look at my L35 bear Voodoovillain before the release of forgotten bows. It did not rely on the dodge skills, but instead relied on the debuffs of the copperhead set, skill debuffs, and iron blood. The logical skill build would be the reason of winning or losing, not something that was left up to sheer luck.

• Hit Percent debuffs are becoming too powerful. A bird’s blind shot can reduce a bear’s hit percent by 60+ and then the weapon of the bird (elite phoenix bow) also reduces hit occasionally. Hit percent for classes is not going up high enough in the same proportion to counteract dodge.

I believe there was a developer quote somewhere that higher hit percent counteracts dodge, even if dodge is in the 100s. I do not remember the ratio, but the current ratio is clearly not working.

The Solutions to this Critical Problem:

• Once again, the developers can do an game-wide nerf, rebalancing PvE and PvP to account for the increasing stats as they did during the L50 cap. This worked out rather well and stalled the problem until it became apparent again this cap.

• Certain skills should be set to land more often, thus decreasing the dodge factor.

• Greatly increasing the hit percent to break through the dodge factor. This one seems more manageable as it does not involve reworking the entire game.

• Decreasing L9 skills. Coupled with high armor and dodge, it makes matches way more luck based than they should be.

Please, developers, it is an insult when you ignore or loyal customers that have been with you since the start of the game. Pocket Legends is your founding game, the reason why Arcane Legends is able to be here today. Please, show your old players some love and show us that you still care about Pocket Legends as well as the other Legends titles.

I believe a developer mentioned that they have a staff of 30+. I remember when Pocket Legends first started out, they had a staff of 10 plus. Now, there are 4 legends titles, so can’t the staff be split evenly so all of the games can receive constant updates instead of 3 being ignored and one getting all the attention? I’m sure this would increase revenue as well since people would be satisfied in purchasing platinum in every game.

Do not ignore us, or this thread… Many players are at their last wits and it shows in the forums community. Players are bitter to each other because they are bored of the game and disappointed. Many feel as they’ve been forgotten. All these negative feelings combined with boredom result in an increase of trolling.

And guess you guys are working together on this

I have a sinch that the developers are gonna fix the balancing issues in one big update along with the next cap, or before that:)

03-14-2013, 09:37 AM
JustG, you retitled it but did not bother to reply, or offer any assurance of change.

I have lost all faith/respect for PL/devs as of now.

03-14-2013, 09:52 AM
JustG, you retitled it but did not bother to reply, or offer any assurance of change.

I have lost all faith/respect for PL/devs as of now.

Perhaps he's so busy fixing the problem he didn't bother wasting time to tell anyone about it.

03-14-2013, 10:05 AM
JustG, you retitled it but did not bother to reply, or offer any assurance of change.

I have lost all faith/respect for PL/devs as of now.

Same...I'm just disappointed

03-14-2013, 10:16 AM
JustG, you retitled it but did not bother to reply, or offer any assurance of change.

I have lost all faith/respect for PL/devs as of now.

He took the time to send me a personal PM explaining intentions. Only reason why I haven't disclosed it is for respect of privacy and forums TOS.

03-14-2013, 10:19 AM
JustG, you retitled it but did not bother to reply, or offer any assurance of change.

I have lost all faith/respect for PL/devs as of now.

He took the time to send me a personal PM explaining intentions. Only reason why I haven't disclosed it is for respect of privacy and forums TOS.
I wanna take that as good news!

03-14-2013, 10:22 AM
Hope so the endgame pvp become balance and not to op....:)

03-14-2013, 10:22 AM
He took the time to send me a personal PM explaining intentions. Only reason why I haven't disclosed it is for respect of privacy and forums TOS.

IMO, we all play the games..so it should be disclosed (What there plans are, help dissolve guessing/flame threads)....sorry found this thread interesting...GJ Apollo.

Suentous PO
03-14-2013, 10:29 AM
This thread is useless; I should not have wasted my time writing it.
I respectfully disagree, and further extend my appreciation.

03-14-2013, 10:46 AM
My thread's titled get changed without notification, my replied get deleted without a notification and my sig got deleted twice without a notification.

They are working in the Shadows.

FLIP IS BACK. (for all of u who don't know who Flip is, he is a dev and in his sig he claims to be "QA Ninja". Get it? Working in shadows = ninja!! IM SO FUNNY)

03-14-2013, 10:54 AM
My thread's titled get changed without notification, my replied get deleted without a notification and my sig got deleted twice without a notification.

They are working in the Shadows.

FLIP IS BACK. (for all of u who don't know who Flip is, he is a dev and in his sig he claims to be "QA Ninja". Get it? Working in shadows = ninja!! IM SO FUNNY)

Your posts have no effect without that signature... You should stop posting.

03-14-2013, 10:56 AM
My thread's titled get changed without notification, my replied get deleted without a notification and my sig got deleted twice without a notification.

They are working in the Shadows.

FLIP IS BACK. (for all of u who don't know who Flip is, he is a dev and in his sig he claims to be "QA Ninja". Get it? Working in shadows = ninja!! IM SO FUNNY)


03-14-2013, 11:55 AM
Thats why i dont do much pvp on this cap. Op birds are op.

03-14-2013, 12:06 PM
My thread's titled get changed without notification, my replied get deleted without a notification and my sig got deleted twice without a notification.

They are working in the Shadows.

FLIP IS BACK. (for all of u who don't know who Flip is, he is a dev and in his sig he claims to be "QA Ninja". Get it? Working in shadows = ninja!! IM SO FUNNY)

Oh gawd he's naked! No sig! Ewww!

03-14-2013, 12:39 PM
I wanna take that as good news!

It's not, but at least it shows they read it.

03-14-2013, 12:47 PM
I wanna take that as good news!

It's not, but at least it shows they read it.
Ouch, :(

03-14-2013, 01:38 PM
He did say they will attempt to address these issues when they get time for it. That's the silver lining, I guess.

03-14-2013, 01:41 PM
He did say they will attempt to address these issues when they get time for it. That's the silver lining, I guess.

The belief is in the actions...Seeing is believing...once again thz for the post Apollo.

03-14-2013, 01:48 PM
Post deleted... Just want to ask, where does our money invested go? Does it go to AL? Im pretty sure lots of people still buy just for the hopes to make this game better, but clearly it doesn't.

03-14-2013, 03:16 PM
And like a thief in the night, the devs have come and taken all the bad posts away with them back to STS HQ.

03-14-2013, 03:52 PM
Well said, Parth. We've hit up the issue in the PvP section too - it's both PvP and PvE that is getting bad.

I like the way the approach is being taken. With enough player feedback (quality feedback, of course) perhaps we can convince the devs.

I'm not ready to give up on my old, favorite game :)

03-14-2013, 04:21 PM
So tempted, but will refrain.

03-14-2013, 04:27 PM
Is the game really bad?

03-14-2013, 04:31 PM
Is the game really bad?

No. The game is lacking. A lot.

03-14-2013, 05:17 PM
So tempted, but will refrain.

Crim, everyone loves to hear what you have to say ._. Spit it out, my friend.

03-14-2013, 05:35 PM
Crim, everyone loves to hear what you have to say ._. Spit it out, my friend.

I would be insta-banned if I expressed my disappointment in a game I almost personally financed. Live and learn.

03-14-2013, 05:49 PM
I would be insta-banned if I expressed my disappointment in a game I almost personally financed. Live and learn.

Doubt you would for one thing, bro. You're one of the most respected and valued members on forums. I personally think if you were gone, you'd be missed more than anybody else here, including me.

03-14-2013, 05:54 PM
They already fixed the end game balance problem by using bonus damage in AL. What more do you want ;)

03-14-2013, 05:56 PM
Doubt you would for one thing, bro. You're one of the most respected and valued members on forums. I personally think if you were gone, you'd be missed more than anybody else here, including me.

prolly not

03-14-2013, 08:50 PM
I would be insta-banned if I expressed my disappointment in a game I almost personally financed. Live and learn.

Trust me, Crim. Without a doubt in my top 3 most respected forumers. But I'll take you word :D

03-14-2013, 09:54 PM
God help us, sts start caring for us :D

03-14-2013, 09:57 PM
Trust me, Crim. Without a doubt in my top 3 most respected forumers. But I'll take you word :D

Do I make top 1000?

03-15-2013, 12:22 AM
Now I'm not really eager to level my 66 anymore :/

03-15-2013, 06:35 AM
Trust me, Crim. Without a doubt in my top 3 most respected forumers. But I'll take you word :D

Ik u love me the most.

03-15-2013, 07:35 AM
Greetings SpaceTime Studios Developers,

This is a plea from your loyal customers at end game: Player vs. Player is getting out of hand. The high dodge/high damage combination of the new sets is causing luck to become the prevalent factor in determining matches.

The Main Problems with Pocket Legends Player vs. Player:

• Damage coefficient is nearing the range of a birds health and has already surpassed the standard pure intelligence mage’s health points.

• Armor has not gone up in the same ratio as damage. This means that damage is slowly increasing over armor.

This cap is a big indication of that. In earlier caps, the armor to damage ratio was pretty even and debuffs would take care of the excess damage. This is non-existent this cap, thus leading to many lucky one hit kills.

• Debuffs cannot debuff. Why? The high dodge factor. If a debuff does happen to land, it often determines the fate of the match, as the debuff is rather large and the damage is already way out of proportion. This calls for insane 1-2 hit kills.

• Dodge is becoming too prevalent of a factor towards determining matches. As a general rule in MMOs, the luck based stats should not be the reason why a person wins or not.

Example: Take a look at my L35 bear Voodoovillain before the release of forgotten bows. It did not rely on the dodge skills, but instead relied on the debuffs of the copperhead set, skill debuffs, and iron blood. The logical skill build would be the reason of winning or losing, not something that was left up to sheer luck.

• Hit Percent debuffs are becoming too powerful. A bird’s blind shot can reduce a bear’s hit percent by 60+ and then the weapon of the bird (elite phoenix bow) also reduces hit occasionally. Hit percent for classes is not going up high enough in the same proportion to counteract dodge.

I believe there was a developer quote somewhere that higher hit percent counteracts dodge, even if dodge is in the 100s. I do not remember the ratio, but the current ratio is clearly not working.

My opinions on the solutions to this Critical Problem:

• Once again, the developers can do an game-wide nerf, rebalancing PvE and PvP to account for the increasing stats as they did during the L50 cap. This worked out rather well and stalled the problem until it became apparent again this cap.

• Certain skills should be set to land more often, thus decreasing the dodge factor.

• Greatly increasing the hit percent to break through the dodge factor. This one seems more manageable as it does not involve reworking the entire game.

• Decreasing L9 skills. Coupled with high armor and dodge, it makes matches way more luck based than they should be.

Pocket Legends is your founding game, the reason why Arcane Legends is able to be here today. Please, show your old players some love and show us that you still care about Pocket Legends as well as the other Legends titles.

I believe a developer mentioned that they have a staff of 30+. I remember when Pocket Legends first started out, they had a staff of 10 plus. Now, there are 4 legends titles, so can’t the staff be split evenly so all of the games can receive constant updates instead of 3 being ignored and one getting all the attention? I’m sure this would increase revenue as well since people would be satisfied in purchasing platinum in every game.



Nice post, please fix end-game pvp!

03-15-2013, 07:52 AM
Ik u love me the most.

Meh :D

03-15-2013, 08:29 AM

(Ask and ye shall receive.)

03-15-2013, 08:54 AM

(Ask and ye shall receive.)

The suspense is killing me...

03-15-2013, 08:55 AM
Blehhhhhhhhhhhh......no reply from dev on this thread or the other one just like this....

03-15-2013, 08:59 AM
Blehhhhhhhhhhhh......no reply from dev on this thread or the other one just like this....

They see it, bro.

03-15-2013, 09:30 AM
I have hope that theyre making a suprise update if not i will be the most dissapointed player, and so will everyone else.. Do your job while we give you money make us happy not make us play a game that requires luck, i might aswell go to the pokies and gamble there.. You devs better suprise us or there are going to a be a dam lot of unhappy customers.

03-15-2013, 09:31 AM
Meh :D

U bieberhaired wonderboy.

Always so funny.

03-15-2013, 04:56 PM
Where's the tl;dr version?

03-15-2013, 10:04 PM
U bieberhaired wonderboy.

Always so funny.

"When I wake up in the mornings I'll go to take a poopoo." - Dudetus.

03-15-2013, 11:26 PM
Well I just did some CTF for the first time in a LONG time with an angel set against other 76 players with crafted BSM sets. I have to say I did a lot better than I thought... mostly because of dodge...

03-16-2013, 05:40 AM
Where's the tl;dr version?

Dodgenubs, too high damage, low armor omg pls listen to us sts fix.

My own version. Apollo made it sound more smart tho.

03-16-2013, 10:03 AM
Here's what i think will happen:
They will fix the PvP balance issue WHEN NEW CAP COMES OUT so that there's just one mega-update. What i see wrong with this is that nobody will play 76 pvp anymore when there's new cap! Either of two things will happen:
1.) get new cap and no balance for 76, but hope that the new cap is balanced
2.) Get a balance, but wait a long time for new cap since PL doesn't get new content very often.

03-16-2013, 04:30 PM
Here's what i think will happen:
They will fix the PvP balance issue WHEN NEW CAP COMES OUT so that there's just one mega-update. What i see wrong with this is that nobody will play 76 pvp anymore when there's new cap! Either of two things will happen:
1.) get new cap and no balance for 76, but hope that the new cap is balanced
2.) Get a balance, but wait a long time for new cap since PL doesn't get new content very often.

We hoped for this in the last cap. Careful what you say, because this is out rumors are easily spread. :)

03-16-2013, 05:24 PM
"When I wake up in the mornings I'll go to take a poopoo." - Dudetus.

Poo is always funny :).

Regards, atm pooing while clubbin.

Suentous PO
03-16-2013, 06:07 PM
Poo is always funny :).

You will find your infant a constant source of humor.

Dear god.... The son of Dudetus! O.o

Edit-remembered this thread has a real purpose, and here I go just trying to have fun. I just proved Crim and Apollo correct. Ima "hop off".

03-16-2013, 08:57 PM

(Ask and ye shall receive.)

This post is the only reason why I'm constantly checking this thread. :o

03-16-2013, 08:58 PM
You will find your infant a constant source of humor.

Dear god.... The son of Dudetus! O.o

Edit-remembered this thread has a real purpose, and here I go just trying to have fun. I just proved Crim and Apollo correct. Ima "hop off".

From his party life, I'm sure he already has a bunch of sons that are trolling their mommies. I bet the mommies regret their days of partying... ;)

03-16-2013, 09:14 PM
This post is the only reason why I'm constantly checking this thread. :o

It is almost ready. March Madness has consumed my time today. :)

03-16-2013, 09:27 PM
Would this help:

03-16-2013, 10:25 PM
Off topic: Uh..whats endgame?
Just wondering..

03-16-2013, 10:57 PM
Off topic: Uh..whats endgame?
Just wondering..

L75-76, or in other words, the latest cap.

03-17-2013, 04:32 AM
Dayum no dev reply yet

03-17-2013, 05:32 AM
From his party life, I'm sure he already has a bunch of sons that are trolling their mommies. I bet the mommies regret their days of partying... ;)


I've been in a relationship for over 4 years now and ya can betcha Imma superydupery loyal even tho im clubbin quite a bit. Like fo sho, dat wasn't truly a joke.

Yesterday was a special evening. I had to come to university party as my gf's +1. One of the worst evening's I've ever had. Our main course was grilled salmon and rivercrab risotto. Pretty much sums up how boooring it was. And ofc our table consisted besides me and my gf 2 professors and 4 top students of each subject. All of their heads were up their butts till their necks. Sheesh.

Ofc after that in the afterparty I had to "celebrate" quite a bit. Usually university students are considered to party rly heavy but I had to show 'em what real partying is. I was challenged to "celebrate" the notorious "celebrating" course. I beat it in 1 hour while their unofficial record was around 2 hours. Ya, I showed them!

03-17-2013, 11:19 AM

I've been in a relationship for over 4 years now and ya can betcha Imma superydupery loyal even tho im clubbin quite a bit. Like fo sho, dat wasn't truly a joke.

Yesterday was a special evening. I had to come to university party as my gf's +1. One of the worst evening's I've ever had. Our main course was grilled salmon and rivercrab risotto. Pretty much sums up how boooring it was. And ofc our table consisted besides me and my gf 2 professors and 4 top students of each subject. All of their heads were up their butts till their necks. Sheesh.

Ofc after that in the afterparty I had to "celebrate" quite a bit. Usually university students are considered to party rly heavy but I had to show 'em what real partying is. I was challenged to "celebrate" the notorious "celebrating" course. I beat it in 1 hour while their unofficial record was around 2 hours. Ya, I showed them!

What about before those 4 years? ;) And the nights that you blacked out? :p

03-17-2013, 11:10 PM
From his party life, I'm sure he already has a bunch of sons that are trolling their mommies. I bet the mommies regret their days of partying... ;)


I've been in a relationship for over 4 years now and ya can betcha Imma superydupery loyal even tho im clubbin quite a bit. Like fo sho, dat wasn't truly a joke.

Yesterday was a special evening. I had to come to university party as my gf's +1. One of the worst evening's I've ever had. Our main course was grilled salmon and rivercrab risotto. Pretty much sums up how boooring it was. And ofc our table consisted besides me and my gf 2 professors and 4 top students of each subject. All of their heads were up their butts till their necks. Sheesh.

Ofc after that in the afterparty I had to "celebrate" quite a bit. Usually university students are considered to party rly heavy but I had to show 'em what real partying is. I was challenged to "celebrate" the notorious "celebrating" course. I beat it in 1 hour while their unofficial record was around 2 hours. Ya, I showed them!

Lol, I thought this was going to be a legit post because it was long. Lmfao.

Still, good job on the thread Parthy.

03-18-2013, 12:58 PM
Disclaimer:* The points, arguments, and opinions below are mine and mine alone.* This is not intended as a flame, nor will I engage in any "troll bait" once I have expressed my view point.* If anyone reading my post has "issues" towards my views or myself, feel free to send me a pm.* This is also a VERY long read.* If anyone responding to my post cannot take the time to read it in it's entirety, then I ask you to refrain from responding.* For STS Staff, please read my points COMPLETELY before making assumptions as to what my points/concerns are.

With that said, here we go...

As someone who has been around since AO3 (I am an Android user), I can say I have been honored to be a part of PL from the "glory days" til now.* I was lucky enough to be allowed to beta test 2 of STS's other games and have always been grateful for those opportunities.* As someone who has played video games his entire life (which includes the original Atari and Intelevision, to the introduction of Nintendo, and so on), I have spent a lot of time and resources doing stuff I enjoy.* Gaming to me is what model airplanes and baseball cards are to others.* Outside of my joy for endurance sports, gaming allows me to "get away", adds an option to spending time with my children, and can be a stress reliever.* Because of all the above points, I do not, and never will, have issues with spending money on gaming.*

It is of no secret how inactive I have been in-game in AL/PL.* As mentioned before, I have spent enough on AL/PL/SL to own a large amount of stock in STS.* I make the previous point to say this:* I have spent almost as much on STS games in the last 2.5 years as I have my ENTIRE life on other video games.* Some may say "OOMMGG."* I say, during that time, I played nothing but STS games.* They held my attention completely and the community was engaging and fun.* Content was original, fresh, exciting.* However, approximately a year ago, I took a step back and realized how things were not changing, and to this day, still haven't.* (This is where Parth's and Will's posts become relevant.)* So, I bought a family membership to Xbox Live and I slowly disappeared from STS.*

All of this was a preface for this:* Money has EVERYTHING to do with the issues within, not just PL, but ALL STS games.* I currently play Halo 4 for around 2-3 hours a day, based on my schedule.* Sometimes less, sometimes more.* My length of playing time has nothing to do with boredom.* It is always because I have other responsibilities which I have to attend to because I am an adult/parent/father/professional.* If it were not for life, I could spend 24 hours a day playing the Halo and all for a ONE time cost of $59.99.* Yes, I did pay $24.99 for some extra downloadable content which rounds my total moneys spent to approximately $85.* "Why do you mention this, Crim?"* Well, I am glad you asked.* Let's play a little game of compare and contrast.

For those who may not be familiar with Halo, the amount above provides each gamer with access to the Campaign (which comes with four levels of difficulty and the ability to customize each "difficulty" through "skull" selection), Matchmaking (also known as PvP) which contains cooperative and versus modes.* Within each of those are a vast variety of game play styles and levels.* I should also add 343 Industries (the owners to the rights of Halo) provide daily, weekly, and monthly objectives for players to run through which provide additional xp as each are completed.* Still only $85.* Each week, new challenges, maps, and Matchmaking styles are added to the game.* As individuals level, they gain not only xp, but new abilities, weapon skins, loadouts, armor, etc.* STILL only $85.

Why do I continue to harp on $85?* There was a recent thread where a few individuals posted how much platinum each has purchased in the various STS games he/she plays.* Thousands upon thousands of American dollars were posted, and this was only within a few individuals.* I personally know of about 5 people whom did not post pictures that would have put some of those figures to shame.* That statement is not made to brag or boast, but to prove a simple point:* When people are happy, they will spend their money on the things they enjoy.* I could have easily ranked in the top 3 in that thread and I have not bought plat in a looonnngggg time.* All of that is said to come to this point:* Lack of content.

PL (and though many won't admit, it is already happening in AL as well) has become STS' recycling bin.* Weapons, armor, vanities, events are all being more and more "remodeled" and less original.* Unbalance within PvP and PvE have been "modified" with new classes and increasing of skill levels.* Each original class in PL has numerous threads on skills which are not functional.* Physiologic, Ellyidol, and MrWallace all made very detailed threads describing the need for change.* Those changes appeared in new classes.* Instead of perfecting a good product, the water was diluted with more corrupted solution.* For $85 flat, unlimited updates and surprises.* To spend thousands, a lack of creativity and vague answers, if any, to increasingly documented issues/bugs/concerns.

There is reason for the heightened frustration in STS's largest and most loyal community.* A community, mind you, which have gravitated to AL solely because of disappointment within PL/SL/DL.* When the newness of AL wears off, all will be back to PL and more complaints will surface.* There is a loyal community here who are passionate about this game.* The other three games do not have the devoted fan base PL does.* A simple scan through the forums shows how devoted each fan base is.* The detailed guides, gear and skill breakdown, and consistent begging for change comes from PL.

Anyone still wonder why we aren't being heard?

03-18-2013, 01:14 PM
I think people just cryn cause they lose alot

03-18-2013, 01:56 PM
Me and my kids LOVE the Xbox !

03-18-2013, 04:14 PM
I think people just cryn cause they lose alot

Thank you for the journey down "Constructive Criticism Lane" where trolls stay away and true discussion takes place.

Oh wait....

03-18-2013, 04:39 PM
why have no devs responded to any of these threads?

03-18-2013, 04:50 PM
why have no devs responded to any of these threads?

They're not willing to argue (yet).

@Crim - Really well said. I'd almost suggest taking all of what you said and putting it into your own thread.

03-18-2013, 05:02 PM
They're not willing to argue (yet).

@Crim - Really well said. I'd almost suggest taking all of what you said and putting it into your own thread.

Thank you, but I figured you and Parth had enough threads going, I just chose one to add to.

03-18-2013, 10:13 PM
Thank you, but I figured you and Parth had enough threads going, I just chose one to add to.

I figured you'd say something like that :) But still, really well said, once again.

03-19-2013, 08:20 AM
XGhostX, AkA Will, Apollo, AkA Parth, and Crimsontider have done wonderful jobs explaining how PL is being negelected. You three know more than me about Pl and older than me (not sure about ghost). I will share my story.

A few years ago, I went to my friends house for fun. I came in and saw he was playing something on his device. I came over and saw he was playing a game, now known as PL as a bear. I asked if I could play. I had fun playing around in a "bobblehead" mage. I started a "guest" account and played around until I realized I had to pay to get rest of maps. Yes, I was a founder, but not an OFFICIAL founder.

I quit and a few months or a year I began to play again at sewers cap. I enjoyed it tremendously. I played in a guest account and NEVER turned off my device. I went to 56 and got the CoP. Now, I couldn't make my own account, because I didnt have an email cuz my parents didnt let me have one.

Again, I stopped , and a few months later I made an email and played again 3 days before humania cap. That was I offically started. Pl was my main game. Dl also came out, and I hated it, along with SL. I play up till now, until Bl. Mt. Expansion Came and AL also came,out.

I played Al and came back to pl. When I realized PL was really neglected, I went to AL. They had an expansion just the time blacksmoke mt. Expansion. A few months later, they had ANOTHER expansion, while PL hardly had any good updates at all, other than winterfest and Halloween, which is a copy of 2011 holidays, and new classes.

Al gets updates every single week. I basically rage quit PL. I'm trying to get back to it, but I keep having the thought, "whats the use of capping? Pvp endgame is unbalanced" even with that said, I continue to lvl my bird and ALTs.

Please sts, we hope, we BEG that you start actually noticing PL is your best game, the first, The FOUNDER! How would I know, im just a troll. I admit it, im a troll, considering what others have said about me.
But please sts, listen to me! If not, listen to the otger three! Ghost, Apollo, and Crimsontider!

03-19-2013, 09:23 AM
They're not willing to argue (yet).

not looking to argue about anything...just want some discourse on when / if some resources will be spent on improving PL. bleh.

03-19-2013, 11:27 AM
@Shadow: Better delete your heartwarming story quickly, if you dont want to go down in flames. :encouragement:
This thread doesn't need that.

03-19-2013, 12:30 PM
Updating with new content making pl more weak from within, the reason is that, they update the game skin only, meant to say, the inner game mechanism got neglected. When pl was made, the care they took to implemet all the algorithm that works behind the game and impact each and every step we take in pve and in pvp it's prominent, is missing completly.

Simply no step has been taken to revamp the game algorithm, which is adequate and extremly needed. Simple example, whatever I said in this post, and several hundred times said by me in older threads, the percentage stats such as crit, dodge, hit etc.

I strongly beleive whoever created the game algorithm/equations/stats, does not work anymore on sts studios, or is not active.

03-19-2013, 02:05 PM
I really fall in love with this game, its was my first online game that i have ever played and its also my first time i spend that much money on a game in my entire life, i first started playing PL when my son ask help to download a game on his iPod and teach him how to play it, since than i can't stop playing PL to this day, the game is fun and friends i made across the world it really makes me happy, but all the fun and good times surely will come to an end, is this the End????? i tried SL, DL and also AL but still my loyalty and love is with PL, I'm thinking is it my time to go, no i guest, so its time for me to hibernate?, the unbalance the lagg is destroying my interest, until new update see ya guys, maybe?? i will still log in but won't be much active just chit chat and say hi.

03-19-2013, 03:50 PM
Hey Shadow - I'm 15 if you were wondering. I appreciate the story you shared, same with you BG. This game means a lot to many people... You never know the stories you'll run into.

06-06-2013, 01:23 PM
And yet...

06-06-2013, 01:40 PM
And yet...


06-06-2013, 01:50 PM

That's what we call teamwork