View Full Version : End Game PvP - Devs

03-14-2013, 06:57 AM
**Special thanks to Apollo on writing this up.**

A Plea from End Game Community

Greetings SpaceTime Studios Developers,

This is a plea from your loyal customers at end game: Player vs. Player is getting out of hand. The high dodge/high damage combination of the new sets is causing luck to become the prevalent factor in determining matches.

The Main Problems with Pocket Legends Player vs. Player:

• Damage coefficient is nearing the range of a birds health and has already surpassed the standard pure intelligence mage’s health points.

• Armor has not gone up in the same ratio as damage. This means that damage is slowly increasing over armor.

This cap is a big indication of that. In earlier caps, the armor to damage ratio was pretty even and debuffs would take care of the excess damage. This is non-existent this cap, thus leading to many lucky one hit kills.

• Debuffs cannot debuff. Why? The high dodge factor. If a debuff does happen to land, it often determines the fate of the match, as the debuff is rather large and the damage is already way out of proportion. This calls for insane 1-2 hit kills.

• Dodge is becoming too prevalent of a factor towards determining matches. As a general rule in MMOs, the luck based stats should not be the reason why a person wins or not.

Example: Take a look at my L35 bear Voodoovillain before the release of forgotten bows. It did not rely on the dodge skills, but instead relied on the debuffs of the copperhead set, skill debuffs, and iron blood. The logical skill build would be the reason of winning or losing, not something that was left up to sheer luck.

• Hit Percent debuffs are becoming too powerful. A bird’s blind shot can reduce a bear’s hit percent by 60+ and then the weapon of the bird (elite phoenix bow) also reduces hit occasionally. Hit percent for classes is not going up high enough in the same proportion to counteract dodge.

I believe there was a developer quote somewhere that higher hit percent counteracts dodge, even if dodge is in the 100s. I do not remember the ratio, but the current ratio is clearly not working.

The Solutions to this Critical Problem:

• Once again, the developers can do an game-wide nerf, rebalancing PvE and PvP to account for the increasing stats as they did during the L50 cap. This worked out rather well and stalled the problem until it became apparent again this cap.

• Certain skills should be set to land more often, thus decreasing the dodge factor.

• Greatly increasing the hit percent to break through the dodge factor. This one seems more manageable as it does not involve reworking the entire game.

• Decreasing L9 skills. Coupled with high armor and dodge, it makes matches way more luck based than they should be.

Please, developers, it is an insult when you ignore loyal customers that have been with you since the start of the game. Pocket Legends is your founding game, the reason why Arcane Legends is able to be here today. Please, show your old players some love and show us that you still care about Pocket Legends as well as the other Legends titles.

I believe a developer mentioned that they have a staff of 30+. I remember when Pocket Legends first started out, they had a staff of 10 plus. Now, there are 4 legends titles, so can’t the staff be split evenly so all of the games can receive constant updates instead of 3 being ignored and one getting all the attention? I’m sure this would increase revenue as well since people would be satisfied in purchasing platinum in every game.

Do not ignore us, or this thread… Many players are at their last wits and it shows in the forums community. Players are bitter to each other because they are bored of the game and disappointed. Many feel as they’ve been forgotten. All these negative feelings combined with boredom result in an increase of trolling.

03-14-2013, 07:34 AM

03-14-2013, 07:43 AM
My thoughts in words. Ty

03-14-2013, 07:43 AM
Will you are the man. Still have the patience and persistance to do this...and i truly believe persistance of people like you will make the devs think and act.

03-14-2013, 07:45 AM
Yeah...This is one of the reasons I switched to AL.

03-14-2013, 11:20 AM
I absolutely agree with William.

I also want to share some experience by playing at this cap. Recently me and Apollo practiced 1Vs1 - bear fights. Bear fights about who dodging Heallscream and Crippling slash.

Bird fights purely about dodge, any burd who using elite phoenix set is more tanky than a bear, sometimes makes impossible to kill a bird with other classes. I just every day see dodge-streaks, like 15-20 skills dodged.

Bears cant really kill birds if they hit blinding shot, only unless blinding shot is dodged. That also makes almost impossible to defeat any phoenix set bird with a savage bear.

Mages are completely fail as int, they get killed by one or two hits by a bird, also cant kill any savage bear, cuz bears damage is also so op.

This cap everyone is pro because of all these insanse dodges and luck.

03-14-2013, 01:31 PM
This just got posted:

All Spacetime Games are a labor of love for us. Just to keep expectations in line, it's worth mentioning that Spacetime Studios is a small, independent developer (we're around 35 fun loving gamers working hard for your business). The other thing to keep in mind is that Arcane Legends is our biggest hit yet. It launched in November and we're already narrowing in on 5 Million downloads in 5 months! It took Pocket Legends almost 2 years to pull in that number! Hopefully that helps you understand why we're putting more of our efforts into Arcane Legends to keep it growing! We're doing what we can for all games, as Pocket Legends, Dark Legends and Star Legends continue to see thousands of new players every day. Not to the same order of magnitude that Arcane has, but still significant.

I know that some might say we should have just stuck with Pocket Legends and only improved it, rather than exploring and making Star Legends, Dark Legends and Arcane Legends. Who knows, maybe that would have paid off. However, maybe doing that could have led to Spacetime Studios having to close up shop because we couldn't make it work? That's all hindsight. What is clear is that if we can manage to continue making new content and making hit games that gamers like the play, we'll be around for a long while to come.

Kinda explains everything. It is sad that STS turned into one of those studios that only care about their download and profit numbers, rather than about the community needs...

*sorry for the same post in 2 threads.

03-14-2013, 02:07 PM
This just got posted:

All Spacetime Games are a labor of love for us. Just to keep expectations in line, it's worth mentioning that Spacetime Studios is a small, independent developer (we're around 35 fun loving gamers working hard for your business). The other thing to keep in mind is that Arcane Legends is our biggest hit yet. It launched in November and we're already narrowing in on 5 Million downloads in 5 months! It took Pocket Legends almost 2 years to pull in that number! Hopefully that helps you understand why we're putting more of our efforts into Arcane Legends to keep it growing! We're doing what we can for all games, as Pocket Legends, Dark Legends and Star Legends continue to see thousands of new players every day. Not to the same order of magnitude that Arcane has, but still significant.

I know that some might say we should have just stuck with Pocket Legends and only improved it, rather than exploring and making Star Legends, Dark Legends and Arcane Legends. Who knows, maybe that would have paid off. However, maybe doing that could have led to Spacetime Studios having to close up shop because we couldn't make it work? That's all hindsight. What is clear is that if we can manage to continue making new content and making hit games that gamers like the play, we'll be around for a long while to come.

Kinda explains everything. It is sad that STS turned into one of those studios that only care about their download and profit numbers, rather than about the community needs...

*sorry for the same post in 2 threads.

Someone give me the link to this thread? I wanna post this:

We understand you wanting to support arcane legends and everything else, we're just asking for maybe 18% of your attention?? It's not that much to ask for is it? I mean the game is literally glitching out it's (butt). And why it's growing more is because you are more well known now and people wanna be there if there is a "founders helm" in any games (that's why I made an account). Many people are quitting your baby (pl) because of the neglect. Just one quick patch would make us all happy!

03-14-2013, 02:13 PM
EXACTLY how concerns should be expressed: Informative, thoughtful, constructive, and respectful. Excellent job, Will.

03-14-2013, 02:21 PM
They're more concerned about AL though :( but I strongly support this.

03-14-2013, 03:44 PM
Parth helped out with this too...

But thanks for the feedback guys. A truly awesome community right here, and I know we all want what's best for the game.

03-14-2013, 04:17 PM
EXACTLY how concerns should be expressed: Informative, thoughtful, constructive, and respectful. Excellent job, Will.

Do you mean to say that nonconstructive, disrespectful rants are not the way to express your concern?

03-14-2013, 04:38 PM
Do you mean to say that nonconstructive, disrespectful rants are not the way to express your concern?

Only for ages 10 and below. Seems we have a lot of those round har.

03-14-2013, 05:17 PM
Excellent job, Will! :)

03-14-2013, 08:49 PM
Excellent job, Will! :)

Thanks :)

03-14-2013, 09:39 PM
I think I'm gonna volunteer to work at sts for free. I'll fix the game! And you don't have to pay me! Win-win!

A little more on topic- I did read the post all the way through and I love it. Very good post, Ghost! (Post ghost xD) Thank you for sharing. :)

03-14-2013, 09:48 PM

03-14-2013, 09:49 PM
Please sts, work on Pl, Al is new, but that doesnt mean you can neglect the other games ppl love..

03-14-2013, 11:08 PM
I think I'm gonna volunteer to work at sts for free. I'll fix the game! And you don't have to pay me! Win-win!

A little more on topic- I did read the post all the way through and I love it. Very good post, Ghost! (Post ghost xD) Thank you for sharing. :)

Hahah, I see what ya did there... and thanks :)

03-15-2013, 09:26 AM
Hahah, I see what ya did there... and thanks :)

You see what I did there. xD

Haha no problem!

03-15-2013, 10:02 PM
You see what I did there. xD

Haha no problem!

Imma use that next time, ahah.

03-16-2013, 12:52 AM
I've seen a bird with the Phoenix bow that had a 555 dps and 150 hit %. Craziness lol

03-17-2013, 01:49 PM
I've seen a bird with the Phoenix bow that had a 555 dps and 150 hit %. Craziness lol

Which is why this thread needs to be seen. Haha

03-17-2013, 01:51 PM
Which is why this thread needs to be seen. Haha

In which, it is being seen, but I understand that the devs do not want to get involved atm. No matter how compelling a dev's argument may be, there's always some other intelligent player that can match that compelling argument. No dev wants to have a continuous argument with their community.

03-17-2013, 02:06 PM
They just make birds to powefull especially with there dodge skill

03-17-2013, 10:21 PM
Someone give me the link to this thread? I wanna post this:

We understand you wanting to support arcane legends and everything else, we're just asking for maybe 18% of your attention?? It's not that much to ask for is it? I mean the game is literally glitching out it's (butt). And why it's growing more is because you are more well known now and people wanna be there if there is a "founders helm" in any games (that's why I made an account). Many people are quitting your baby (pl) because of the neglect. Just one quick patch would make us all happy!
I don't recall their being "Founder Helms" in SL or DL... Or am I wrong?
Anyways, nice job Will, I haven't really been playing PL, let alone pvp so I can't relate to this, but I do hope pvp gets fixed because I don't want to think I'm pro on my bird just because of overpowered stats.

03-17-2013, 11:09 PM
Someone give me the link to this thread? I wanna post this:

We understand you wanting to support arcane legends and everything else, we're just asking for maybe 18% of your attention?? It's not that much to ask for is it? I mean the game is literally glitching out it's (butt). And why it's growing more is because you are more well known now and people wanna be there if there is a "founders helm" in any games (that's why I made an account). Many people are quitting your baby (pl) because of the neglect. Just one quick patch would make us all happy!
I don't recall their being "Founder Helms" in SL or DL... Or am I wrong?
Anyways, nice job Will, I haven't really been playing PL, let alone pvp so I can't relate to this, but I do hope pvp gets fixed because I don't want to think I'm pro on my bird just because of overpowered stats.

Thanks bro :)

03-29-2013, 06:48 PM
Wahhh wahhh u don't have to play

03-29-2013, 08:08 PM
wahhh wahhh u don't have to play


03-29-2013, 08:29 PM
Wahhh wahhh u don't have to play

Really? I never knew that! I just figured since we all love the game so much it would be a great idea to point the flaws and try and get it fixed. Nah, that's a terrible idea...forget it...