View Full Version : CTF suggestion to stop Spawn Killers

03-14-2013, 10:41 AM
Everyone that plays ctf probably know about people who just wait at the opponents spawning point and when the opposite team gets up, they die without knowing how and the killer is just there probably laughing because they can farm kills easily,

So my idea is that when you respawn or get revived and get up, you get 5seconds of invincibility.

What do you think of my idea?
Any suggesions?
Comment below

03-14-2013, 03:06 PM
Infinite number of people have said this. Devs don't care, nothing changes.

03-14-2013, 03:09 PM
Infinite number of people have said this. Devs don't care, nothing changes.

Oh come on now.

It is in the list, but only so many hours in the day, ya know? I'll bring it back up with the team.

03-14-2013, 03:13 PM
Oh come on now.

It is in the list, but only so many hours in the day, ya know? I'll bring it back up with the team.

I was just saying 'cause I've seen it so many times and nothing happens and now especially with this boosting fest. But thx for taking into consideration:smile:

03-14-2013, 04:52 PM
Infinite number of people have said this. Devs don't care, nothing changes.

Oh come on now.

It is in the list, but only so many hours in the day, ya know? I'll bring it back up with the team.
Thanks sam,
I think what chickenwinu2 means is that because of AL, it seems like pl, sl, and dl are getting less and less updates so the players in pl, sl, and dl feel a bit forgotten..
Is that what you meant chickenwinu2?

03-15-2013, 08:42 AM
Infinite number of people have said this. Devs don't care, nothing changes.

Oh come on now.

It is in the list, but only so many hours in the day, ya know? I'll bring it back up with the team.

He says this cause there are 200+ suggestions in the forums and you guys haven't even commented with a simple "Oh, good idea! We may implement this eventually" or "No sorry, this isn't possible"

Just that would make it like 10x better, but for all we know you don't even read them.

03-15-2013, 08:44 AM
I thinks Swede has something cooking on this issue. I also hear that the long sought after bug that was getting players with out of whack levels together in PvP

03-15-2013, 09:03 AM
I thinks Swede has something cooking on this issue. I also hear that the long sought after bug that was getting players with out of whack levels together in PvP
Thats actually great news! :)

03-15-2013, 04:13 PM
I thinks Swede has something cooking on this issue. I also hear that the long sought after bug that was getting players with out of whack levels together in PvP

Yay finally a dev commenting and caring about stuff in suggestions and bugs!! Tytyty

03-15-2013, 07:58 PM
I thinks Swede has something cooking on this issue. I also hear that the long sought after bug that was getting players with out of whack levels together in PvP

Sounds Great

03-16-2013, 09:55 AM
does this mean we will finally see something happen with pl?

03-16-2013, 11:53 AM
Awful idea if other team had flag and I just died I could respawn go up to them and kill them easily with this 5 second invincibility. As much as I hate spawn killing this is a bad idea.

03-16-2013, 02:07 PM
Awful idea if other team had flag and I just died I could respawn go up to them and kill them easily with this 5 second invincibility. As much as I hate spawn killing this is a bad idea.

That is very true.

Spawning has always been a problem. Just deal with like it has always been dealt with. Hunt those noob spawners till they cry :biggrin:

03-16-2013, 02:18 PM
Yall need to realize spawn killing gives players an advantage and shouldn't be allowed. There are players that break the their team into two and all they do is spawn kill all the time.

It makes it difficult to leave the arena because we can't use the menu options. The respawn button stay in the front of everything on the app so players are forced to respawn a lot to try and use the menu screen > map > select map > go.... Hell by the time you hit map you're dead again.

03-16-2013, 04:00 PM
Oh come on now.

It is in the list, but only so many hours in the day, ya know? I'll bring it back up with the team.

Can't really blame us Sam, we're used to being ignored when it comes to updates.

03-16-2013, 04:27 PM
Exactly it feels like you have done a lot but without us you wouldn't have the other games such as al but now because it makes more money you leave us behind of course there's gonna be some bad feelings

03-16-2013, 06:02 PM
their business model will end up like this:
create new game->put ALL time and effort into new game, updating VERY often while updating old games very rarely.->Repeat when new game becomes old/people stop paying.

03-16-2013, 06:48 PM
This thread is getting off topic...
Just saying..

03-16-2013, 11:27 PM
Oh come on now.

It is in the list, but only so many hours in the day, ya know? I'll bring it back up with the team.

Can't really blame us Sam, we're used to being ignored when it comes to updates.

Exactly it feels like you have done a lot but without us you wouldn't have the other games such as al but now because it makes more money you leave us behind of course there's gonna be some bad feelings

Nailed it...

And if I may add:

We understand you wanting to support arcane legends and everything else, we're just asking for maybe 18% of your attention?? It's not that much to ask for is it? I mean the game is literally glitching out it's (butt). And why it's growing more is because you are more well known now (as oposed to when you just made PL and barely anyone had an iphone and you couldnt play on droids) and people wanna be there if there is a "founders helm" in any games (that's why I made an account). Many people are quitting your baby (pl) because of the neglect. Just one quick patch would make us all happy!

03-17-2013, 09:31 AM


Hello everyone!

Since some days, I'm getting really angry in PvP and ctf because of some rushers..
Some of them only rush.. It's boring, but supportable.. However, some rushers go farther than others :

In ctf map, they wait for you in your own spawning place, and kill u before you could do anything.
This is REALLY boring and lame, and it makes me mad each time.. Something NEEDS to be done about that...

So I though.. I wondered for days of a way that would stop spawning, avoiding farming kills, and many argues about that. ..

Here is a list of solution which could be done to STOP it :

1ST SOLUTION : The Invisible Wall.

Make like an invisible wall, in front of each spawning place, which would compel the other team's player yo
enter into your room.
This invisible wall would stop any guys who have flags, to avoid the flag holder to hide into his own spawning place..

2ND SOLUTION : The Spawning Immunity (Patsoe Idea)

It shouldn't be hard to be made since it already exists in pve for plats..

When you spawn, you would get 3-4 Seconds of immunity which would avoid you to die spawned.

3RD SOLUTION : The Immunity Room

You would be invincible into your spawning room, but once you have left the room, you cannot be invincible anymore until you spawn again into your room.

Please devs, MAKE IT BE REAL, or find an alternative to COMPEL spawners to do that bad and awful thing which kills all the fun of ctf, and indirectly PvP..

Thanks for all you keep doing, and I hope something will be done about that.

Cya !:banana:


Those are my thoughts :)

03-18-2013, 04:53 PM


Hello everyone!

Since some days, I'm getting really angry in PvP and ctf because of some rushers..
Some of them only rush.. It's boring, but supportable.. However, some rushers go farther than others :

In ctf map, they wait for you in your own spawning place, and kill u before you could do anything.
This is REALLY boring and lame, and it makes me mad each time.. Something NEEDS to be done about that...

So I though.. I wondered for days of a way that would stop spawning, avoiding farming kills, and many argues about that. ..

Here is a list of solution which could be done to STOP it :

1ST SOLUTION : The Invisible Wall.

Make like an invisible wall, in front of each spawning place, which would compel the other team's player yo
enter into your room.
This invisible wall would stop any guys who have flags, to avoid the flag holder to hide into his own spawning place..

2ND SOLUTION : The Spawning Immunity (Patsoe Idea)

It shouldn't be hard to be made since it already exists in pve for plats..

When you spawn, you would get 3-4 Seconds of immunity which would avoid you to die spawned.

3RD SOLUTION : The Immunity Room

You would be invincible into your spawning room, but once you have left the room, you cannot be invincible anymore until you spawn again into your room.

Please devs, MAKE IT BE REAL, or find an alternative to COMPEL spawners to do that bad and awful thing which kills all the fun of ctf, and indirectly PvP..

Thanks for all you keep doing, and I hope something will be done about that.

Cya !:banana:


Those are my thoughts :)
+1, 000, 000 votes on those 3ideas

03-19-2013, 05:24 AM
^ agree

03-20-2013, 01:10 PM
+1, 000, 000 votes on those 3ideas

:D.. ^^.. Thx extreme n ruizhe :p..

Too bad devs didn't do anything about that :(